Hillary threatens to poison Trump according to her campaign strategy


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Got you to read this didn't I?
Well it is true, but it has to do with her recent award appearance comments and choice of book passage reading.
Anyone remember this claim by her:
Hillary Clinton: Trump hinting at assassination is a 'casual inciting of violence'
It was her campaign strategy that had her claiming Trump was threatening to assassinate her, Hillary set her standard and now must adhere to that same assumption and reasoning.
So when Hillary talked about poisoning Trump in her past standard, it is a threatening gesture. Is she threatening him not to pursue reopening her investigation along with new burried criminal activities?
According to Hillary herself, she just threatened the life of a sitting president, and now the secret service must treat it the same way they treated Madonna's threats, except this time we have an admission by Hillary that indeed the threat is real.
Then they can open the 38+ mysterious whistleblower's deaths.
Got you to read this didn't I?
Well it is true, but it has to do with her recent award appearance comments and choice of book passage reading.
Anyone remember this claim by her:
Hillary Clinton: Trump hinting at assassination is a 'casual inciting of violence'
It was her campaign strategy that had her claiming Trump was threatening to assassinate her, Hillary set her standard and now must adhere to that same assumption and reasoning.
So when Hillary talked about poisoning Trump in her past standard, it is a threatening gesture. Is she threatening him not to pursue reopening her investigation along with new burried criminal activities?
According to Hillary herself, she just threatened the life of a sitting president, and now the secret service must treat it the same way they treated Madonna's threats, except this time we have an admission by Hillary that indeed the threat is real.
Then they can open the 38+ mysterious whistleblower's deaths.
be the best thing to happen to america since bill clinton hoping for hills success
What are you talking about ?
Recent Grammy Awards Hillary Clinton with surprise cameo reads a passage
from fire and fury discussing Trumps fear of being poisoned is in similarity to her campaign complaint that Trump hinted at violence towards her. She set her standard of reasoning during her campaign tactic tjat just bit her from behind, because it assumes she threatened Trump with assassination.
Not my words, but her own words.
Got you to read this didn't I?
Well it is true, but it has to do with her recent award appearance comments and choice of book passage reading.
Anyone remember this claim by her:
Hillary Clinton: Trump hinting at assassination is a 'casual inciting of violence'
It was her campaign strategy that had her claiming Trump was threatening to assassinate her, Hillary set her standard and now must adhere to that same assumption and reasoning.
So when Hillary talked about poisoning Trump in her past standard, it is a threatening gesture. Is she threatening him not to pursue reopening her investigation along with new burried criminal activities?
According to Hillary herself, she just threatened the life of a sitting president, and now the secret service must treat it the same way they treated Madonna's threats, except this time we have an admission by Hillary that indeed the threat is real.
Then they can open the 38+ mysterious whistleblower's deaths.

She can be fed Antabuse (Disulfiram). She can't stop guzzling alcohol and it will cause her to heave up guts and blood.

Got you to read this didn't I?
Well it is true, but it has to do with her recent award appearance comments and choice of book passage reading.
Anyone remember this claim by her:
Hillary Clinton: Trump hinting at assassination is a 'casual inciting of violence'
It was her campaign strategy that had her claiming Trump was threatening to assassinate her, Hillary set her standard and now must adhere to that same assumption and reasoning.
So when Hillary talked about poisoning Trump in her past standard, it is a threatening gesture. Is she threatening him not to pursue reopening her investigation along with new burried criminal activities?
According to Hillary herself, she just threatened the life of a sitting president, and now the secret service must treat it the same way they treated Madonna's threats, except this time we have an admission by Hillary that indeed the threat is real.
Then they can open the 38+ mysterious whistleblower's deaths.

She can be fed Antabuse (Disulfiram). She can't stop guzzling alcohol and it will cause her to heave up guts and blood.


I like your style man, but my recommendation would be more along the line of beating her with cane poles until the devil comes out of her.

If that didn't work, throw her in the pond. If she floats, she's obviously a witch. :biggrin:
The worst thing you could do to the hag is let her live. What a truly despicable pos.
I would never wish harm on anyone, just justice, because this life of lawlessness Dems covet only leads to anarchy. If we do nothing about these scandals then people will continue to abuse their power thinking they can buy and threaten their way into any whim including mass subversion.
I would never wish harm on anyone, just justice, because this life of lawlessness Dems covet only leads to anarchy. If we do nothing about these scandals then people will continue to abuse their power thinking they can buy and threaten their way into any whim including mass subversion.
this is like watergate and mccarthyism combined All republicans should be removed ,,,,,hopefully in the 18 election,,,,,,, they are scum trying to bring our gov't down while kissing the ass of the pervert in chief
I would never wish harm on anyone, just justice, because this life of lawlessness Dems covet only leads to anarchy. If we do nothing about these scandals then people will continue to abuse their power thinking they can buy and threaten their way into any whim including mass subversion.
this is like watergate and mccarthyism combined All republicans should be removed ,,,,,hopefully in the 18 election,,,,,,, they are scum trying to bring our gov't down while kissing the ass of the pervert in chief
That was one of the worst deflections I've seen yet. The resemblance to watergate is Obama gate spying on his party's opposition during an election. I was the one who pointed out the similarities before anyone even realized what the whole collusion charade was REALLY ALL ABOUT.
After using the term
"worse then Watergate" in reference to Dems abuse of power, others in the media coined the most obvious phrase too but Hillary and the Dems decided to deflect and PARROT that analogy, but did so out of no resemblances to Watergate (missuse of analogy).
In other words Hillary did a Pee Wee Herman imitation liken to a childish "I know you are but what am I". This is not the first time they stole an argument and tried to reverse it, displacing blame and deflecting their guilt.
The whole Russian collusion accusation in itself is a deflection of what the Dems did before reversing blame. =Pathetic.
Considering the amount of bodies that turn up around the Clinton family if I was Trump I would consider this a real threat even if it is tongue in cheek....At least if Trump doesn’t like someone he Fires them giving them a chance to redeem themselves elsewhere... Hillaries method is like Saddam Hussein’s where he takes the person into the next room and disposes of them and then comes back in to finish his business leaving the survivors cowed and without argument...The Democrats remind me of Baghdad Bob and his propaganda which everyone found laughable outside of Iraq as we all knew it was Bull but the liberals and Democrats actually believe their propaganda is true that is the sad part and it explains why they just can’t accept that they were wrong and their version of things is tainted...That is why they keep trying to hammer their version down everyone’s throats after the fact... If insanity by definition is trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result then Hillary and her cohorts are by definition truly insane ....

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