Hillary opens up

But, she adds, “I wasn’t just running against Donald Trump. I was up against the Russian intelligence apparatus, a misguided FBI director, and now the godforsaken Electoral College.”

Hillary Clinton: 'Maybe I missed a few chances' in campaign

Our form of government bothers her. Makes you wonder what she held in store for us. Glad we're not finding out.

Getting rid of the BrainChild of the Demented Slave Rapists Electoral College. I wish!
If you see the Founding Fathers of your country only as "Demented Slave Rapists" and their (part of) their legacy, the Electoral College as an anachronism, maybe you should consider to move to somewhere else more accommodating to your twisted and unpatriotic misguided views.
ot exactly the great place for a 72 years old fat guy.

And yet ...


... there he is.
You think it's a good thing for him to have a high BMI?

I don't think it's at all relevant to his job.


Running the country doesn't involve any actual running.

first, Teddy was pretty fit when he was president. (That picture is from when he was older and had left office) Taft, on the other hand, was really unhealthy.

Second, the Modern Presidency is actually pretty stressful. Not exactly the great place for a 72 years old fat guy.

Neither is it a place for a 69 year old woman who needs help on stairs and copious amounts of smelling salt nearby, just in case .....

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