Hillary: 'I'm Like Paul Revere On This Russia Stuff, You Know'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The woman who took an extremely large donation from the lead Russian in the Russian deal to purchase 20% of the US' uranium stock, the woman whose campaign manager failed to report receiving thousands of shares of Russian stock while 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who have direct connections to the Kremlin and President Putin, the woman whose husband was working for Russian ex-KGB during her election campaign claimed on TV that she was / is 'The Paul Revere on this Russian Stuff', warning America how Russia had injected itself into US Politics.

More like a combination of Pinocchio and Benedict Arnold.

Hillary Clinton: I'm Like Paul Revere On This Russia Stuff, You Know

Yeah, if Hillary had not warned America about Russia being a threat we would have been taken by complete surprise.....well, except for one little thing:

"Yeah, it’s not like we never knew that Russia was a rival to the U.S, or anything. Oh, and it’s not like Mitt Romney didn’t warn us about Russia, which the Left laughed off as a Cold War anachronism. Then, Hillary lost in 2016, and people needed to be blamed because she was just the perfect candidate. Of course, I’m being sarcastic.

Now, with the Democratic Party in ruins, the Left has gone from ambivalence towards Russia to borderline Russophobia after Hillary’s defeat."

Russophobia !?

I like that! That's what the left have, Russophobia.

Good contribution to those who would be PC easy ! LOL
Russophobia !?

I like that! That's what the left have, Russophobia.

Good contribution to those who would be PC easy ! LOL
'PC'? No - dementia, induced by denial.

The criminal candidate claiming her opponent was involved with the Russians was taking huge donations from Russians who benefitted from her 'influence' as Secretary of State while her husband was working for Ex-KGB friends of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Let that sink in for a minute.

If the Russians interfered it was because Barak Obama and the Democrats LET THEM. Romney warned Barry years ago, and Barry laughed it off, preferring to go for a 'sound-byte' victory instead of taking an extremely accurate warning seriously.

Obama also knew of Russia's possible interference in the election well before the election...and did nothing...because he did not want to anger Putin while he attempted to negotiate with Putin to allow the US to Un-Constitutionally butt-in / invade Syria. (And not to be outdone, Barry and his DHS attempted to hack into State election systems more than 1200 times while he tried to convince states that it was in their best interest to hand over control of state election systems / processes to his administration.)

Hillary had no problem being 'in bed' with Russia...until she lost the election and needed a scapegoat.
- And those DNC-damaging hacked/released DNC e-mails? The day Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was finally fired - after having hired/protected her Pakistani spies, to whom she had given access the DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords - Hillary IMMEDIATELY hired her to join her campaign team. Makes no sense why she would hire the woman probably solely to blame for those damaging e-mails being leaked to the public...

And yes, Democrats have become obsessed with 'Russiaphobia'. Anthony Weiner is claiming the Russians made him sext the under-aged girl, for Pete's sake. If that doesn't prove Liberals have gone bat-shit 'Russia' crazy, nothing will.
this is insane. we now kick out kaspersky from our retail stores and government offices because hey - RUSSIA! and our hate for trump.

we're making up enemies to fight the americans we hate.

so damn fucked up it's beyond insane.
his is insane. we now kick out kaspersky from our retail stores and government offices because hey - RUSSIA! and our hate for trump.

we're making up enemies to fight the americans we hate.

so damn fucked up it's beyond insane.
Not 'WE', kemosabe...that would be the 2-time loser, the party that rigged their primaries to give her the nomination, and the snowflakes who defend her failed criminal ass.
his is insane. we now kick out kaspersky from our retail stores and government offices because hey - RUSSIA! and our hate for trump.

we're making up enemies to fight the americans we hate.

so damn fucked up it's beyond insane.
Not 'WE', kemosabe...that would be the 2-time loser, the party that rigged their primaries to give her the nomination, and the snowflakes who defend her failed criminal ass.
in this singular incident, yes. i agree. it's "them".

but i see a lot of people hating on mexico today saying they are the enemy so we don't have to go help people under a gov they don't like.

it's "we", just pointed in different directions.
i see a lot of people hating on mexico today saying they are the enemy. this so we don't have to go help people under a gov they don't like. it's "we".

I beg to differ - it is not 'we'. I and many people I know are part of 'WE', and IT AIN'T 'WE'.

Mexico has done some 'shady crap', aided and abetted illegals enter the US, protected and escorted drug cartels cross the border to execute drug deals, etc.... They are still our neighbor, our governments are still working together, continuing to work together is in our national interest, and a healthy, prosperous Mexico is in our best interest.

Besides, as history has shown, in times of disaster or not, the US is one of if not THE most generous nation in the world.
i see a lot of people hating on mexico today saying they are the enemy. this so we don't have to go help people under a gov they don't like. it's "we".

I beg to differ - it is not 'we'. I and many people I know are part of 'WE', and IT AIN'T 'WE'.

Mexico has done some 'shady crap', aided and abetted illegals enter the US, protected and escorted drug cartels cross the border to execute drug deals, etc.... They are still our neighbor, our governments are still working together, continuing to work together is in our national interest, and a healthy, prosperous Mexico is in our best interest.

Besides, as history has shown, in times of disaster or not, the US is one of if not THE most generous nation in the world.
again - in this most recent time i do see the left going nuts. i do agree there. i just don't think that trait, or *any* trait, is limited to a singular side.

i'm just amazed at the hate i saw in here in that thread blaming innocent people for their government. if the building i work in fell and we were trapped, i would hate to think anyone coming to help would first start questioning my politics.

there's a time and place for everything and party affiliation during a rescue or humanitarian aid is bullshit to me.

that's all.

is mexico the enemy? different thread.
The colonist thanked Paul Revere for his midnight ride on his horse....Americans today are instead telling Hillary, "...and the horse you rode in on!" :p
She is an awful human being...just awful.

She blames Bernie for not campaigning hard enough for her.

I love it. She is a narcissist and I can't wait until she is no longer a public figure. She is bad for the country. She is the epitome of a corrupt politician.

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