Hillary Has A Problem- Women don't Like Her


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Imagine this. Women take issue with a woman who supports sexual deviant and pervert


CONCORD, N.H. — On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: She is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN-WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight percentage points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I'll shit myself if on election day 60% of the female electorate don't vote for her. They may not like her but they're emotionally driven to vote against a man and for a women.

Even a woman who wears clown suits? Sh'e as round as she is tall in those ugly things. Big ole buttons that look like charcoal eyes on Frosty.

I'll shit myself if on election day 60% of the female electorate don't vote for her. They may not like her but they're emotionally driven to vote against a man and for a women.
I suggest you stock up on baby wipes.
She'll easily win the women's vote, Hispanic vote, and Black vote (not to mention college educated men and women, Asians, GLBT, and working poor in the inner cities).

The thread is not correct
Imagine this. Women take issue with a woman who supports sexual deviant and pervert


CONCORD, N.H. — On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: She is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN-WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight percentage points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

That ain't it.
I'll shit myself if on election day 60% of the female electorate don't vote for her. They may not like her but they're emotionally driven to vote against a man and for a women.

Incredibly dumb statement.


For the OP-

Her language, her willingness to speak about killing more people we have no business killing, is reprehensible to us beyond forgiving. This is not a Republican telling you this. I believe Benghazi is a non-scandal if there ever was one. I believe Hillary's "emails" are essentially a non-issue. But for Bernie supporters, it's Clinton's promises of more war, more weapons, and more "strength" that sends shivers down our spine.

As for Hillary and her record on women's rights, which in the conversation of gender and sexism and having our first female president has been a major talking point for her campaign, I have one simple challenge: Find me a positive, progressive policy for women that Hillary Clinton has supported and Bernie Sanders hasn't.

I Despise Hillary Clinton, And It Has Nothing To Do With Her Gender
"There's a special place in Hell for women who don't help each other..." .... Madeleine Albright ..

In other words, vote for Hillary or go to hell. (psssst.. and .. forget the Clinton past..)

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LMAO. Hillary is not what America, or women need in general.

Hats off the them for seeing the Hillary incompetence and evil on display

There is a huge divide between liberals and alleged liberals.
War is one issue. Everybody understands that it may be necessary. It's a last resort.
How many Democrats said.......Venezuela is a National Security threat? Seriously? What are you people doing?
How many Democrats said....our ambassadors are being kicked out of places for attempting to overthrow the governments. What are they doing?
Oh, and the number of Democrats that actually used the terms justifying this under "freedom"? Like trying to get Cubans to overthrow their government? Then using some jacked up terms after the relations changed about how they were really happy because.......um freedom.
How many Democrats said.......why are we involved in overthrowing the government in Egypt? Or......what are we doing giving weapons to those lovely people in Syria?

Not too damn many. Party over people. We are either against this 100% of the time or we are against this just when a Republican is president.

Let's talk about that "free shit". Protecting American interests. Those interests aren't paying for a damn thing. Their children don't go to war. Clinton's children and grandchildren will never see war. Those corporations win the bodies and minds of our children, brothers, sisters and the government will spend years denying the physical and mental repercussions for as long as they can. You don't get a cut, folks.

But that is just one issue.
She'll easily win the women's vote, Hispanic vote, and Black vote (not to mention college educated men and women, Asians, GLBT, and working poor in the inner cities).

The thread is not correct

Eh, Democrats/Obama have screwed over minorities and women for the past 7 years and Hillary wants more of the same, I suspect they're pretty fed up as well.
I'll shit myself if on election day 60% of the female electorate don't vote for her. They may not like her but they're emotionally driven to vote against a man and for a women.

Incredibly dumb statement.
Is it?

Women are, generally speaking, more emotional than men.

Fact of life.

And, it's a HUGE emotional draw, that, for the first time, a woman stands a respectable chance of winning the Presidency.

Amongst "thinking" women, it seems likely that such women will make a more dispassionate and rational decision, regardless of gender.

Don't try pretending otherwise... nobody's buying the protestations... save your breath.

But - just like men - there is a large "Unthinking Class" amongst women - that act from emotion rather than intellect...

THAT is the 'sisterhood' which offers Hillary her best chance...

The question: Is that large "Unthinking Class" - who WILL fall for the Gender Gambit - enough to put her over the top?

Many believe that it is.

Such an observation is not "incredibly dumb".

Rather, such an observation is incredibly realistic.
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She'll easily win the women's vote, Hispanic vote, and Black vote (not to mention college educated men and women, Asians, GLBT, and working poor in the inner cities).

The thread is not correct

You are full of wishful thinking

Andrea Mitchell: ‘Stunning’ Hillary Has Lost The Base And The Woman Vote

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” reporter and commentator for NBC News and host of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Report,” Andrea Mitchell said it was “stunning” Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ” has lost the base,” and also that she’s lost women.

Mitchell said, “The party has moved. This is — it reminds me of 1972, actually. And she has lost the base. And she’s lost the women. And that is what is so stunning here in New Hampshire. And they are really — they can’t figure out how to combat that. So, to try to attract young women, who she lost by such extraordinary numbers in Iowa and in the polling so far.

Andrea Mitchell: 'Stunning' Hillary Has Lost The Base And The Woman Vote - Breitbart
I'll shit myself if on election day 60% of the female electorate don't vote for her. They may not like her but they're emotionally driven to vote against a man and for a women.

Incredibly dumb statement.
Is it?

Women are, generally speaking, more emotional than men.

Fact of life.

Amongst "thinking" women, it seems likely that such women will make a more dispassionate and rational decision, regardless of gender.

But - just like men - there is a large "Unthinking Class" amongst women - that act from emotion rather than intellect...

THAT is the 'sisterhood' which offers Hillary her best chance...

The question: Is that large "Unthinking Class" - who WILL fall for the Gender Angle - enough to put her over the top.

Many believe that it is.

The "unthinking class"....you mean Conservatives who are supporting Mr. Trump?

There is nothing in the universe that would have made me vote for Sharon Angle or Michelle Bachman. The women I know who are political active are values voters. Sure, we can all look at a specific issue and see who has the better policy in our narrow viewpoints but our Constitution virtually guarantees that the era of America being able to do "big things" is gone. We cannot build the Hoover Dam any longer. Liberals will talk about the scars on the land, Conservatives will talk about the prohibitive costs. Can you imagine trying to sell a moonshot in this day and age...that we'll be able to talk to people in China by phone as if you are talking to people across the street via the telephone. The first word out of a conservatives mouth would be "Why would we need to talk to China?" Liberals would probably talk about starving kids in Harlem needing funding before Astronauts.

Values are all that matters because it is something that a President can leave behind when she is to nominate a Supreme Court justice or recommend policies... Congress can oppose them but most often the President gets their way at the outset.

Women will support Secretary Clinton in large numbers; not because of anatomy but because the opposition is antithetical to their being prosperous.
She'll easily win the women's vote, Hispanic vote, and Black vote (not to mention college educated men and women, Asians, GLBT, and working poor in the inner cities).

The thread is not correct

You are full of wishful thinking

Andrea Mitchell: ‘Stunning’ Hillary Has Lost The Base And The Woman Vote

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” reporter and commentator for NBC News and host of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Report,” Andrea Mitchell said it was “stunning” Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ” has lost the base,” and also that she’s lost women.

Mitchell said, “The party has moved. This is — it reminds me of 1972, actually. And she has lost the base. And she’s lost the women. And that is what is so stunning here in New Hampshire. And they are really — they can’t figure out how to combat that. So, to try to attract young women, who she lost by such extraordinary numbers in Iowa and in the polling so far.

Andrea Mitchell: 'Stunning' Hillary Has Lost The Base And The Woman Vote - Breitbart

She'll easily win the women's vote, Hispanic vote, and Black vote (not to mention college educated men and women, Asians, GLBT, and working poor in the inner cities).

The thread is not correct

You are full of wishful thinking

Andrea Mitchell: ‘Stunning’ Hillary Has Lost The Base And The Woman Vote

Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” reporter and commentator for NBC News and host of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Report,” Andrea Mitchell said it was “stunning” Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ” has lost the base,” and also that she’s lost women.

Mitchell said, “The party has moved. This is — it reminds me of 1972, actually. And she has lost the base. And she’s lost the women. And that is what is so stunning here in New Hampshire. And they are really — they can’t figure out how to combat that. So, to try to attract young women, who she lost by such extraordinary numbers in Iowa and in the polling so far.

Andrea Mitchell: 'Stunning' Hillary Has Lost The Base And The Woman Vote - Breitbart


Give it up, nobody is going to learn a damn thing from you. Your nose is so far up Hillary you can't breathe.
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Hillary represents the war between the modern feminists and the men/family haters of the past...


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