Hillary Clinton won the debate (FOX News)

Now you libs can post 10000000000000000000000000 threads on Clinton winning. But you have a real problem with reality.

Despite Candy Holt's efforts, Hillary did not come out the winner.
"The debate, taken in its entirety, demonstrates how much preparation really matters. She was ready for all of his quips with a litany of detail that may have bored the viewer at points, but showed why she is winning on qualifications, experience and temperament in every poll."

"It’s possible that she blunted some of his momentum, but I doubt that Clinton changed many minds this evening. That said, she did lay the ground work for the rest of the campaign to effectively use Trump’s own words against him. And, she proved that if Americans are going to vote on the basis of temperament and experience, they’re going to be voting blue on November 8th."

The rally with the Mexican peso says she won. Trump proved he did not have the temperament or the knowledge to become President. He rambled and interrupted all night. He fed his cult, but he did not add any voters.
“Hillary Clinton won. In the first and potentially most consequential presidential debate of 2016, the Democratic nominee presented as composed and commanding, ticking through her policy prescriptions while landing a series of devastating blows on Donald Trump’s record and readiness. A fidgety Trump meanwhile tried repeatedly to ruffle her with interruptions while riffing his way through his own answers, but struggled on both counts.”

That Trump has no business being president is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.
Clinton did exactly what she needed to do. She set Comrade Trump up. He lied continuously last night. It was amazing to watch him lie about his birfer movement, the Iraq war, and about his taxes. She played him like a violin.

I think maybe....his energy level was down.
Hillary set the bar pretty low so that just standing for 90 minutes without coughing or fainting made her look good.
I just want to know how I can get back the time I wasted watching this crap. I almost never bother watching debates, I now remember why.
Not according to all the snap polls.
like what? a breitbart poll? every poll ive seen says Clinton won the debate

I guess you've not been looking in the right places. I just put up a thread on these snap polls.



Most snap polls show Trump winning the debate by a landslide

Even they are tightening up. Not that they especially mean anything. But it’s good to blow your lame ass out of the water yet again.

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