Hillary Clinton Says Obama Took On Wall Street. The Facts Don’t Back Her Up.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Hillary Clinton Says Obama Took On Wall Street. The Facts Don’t Back Her Up.
Hillary Clinton Says Obama Took On Wall Street. The Facts Don’t Back Her Up.

by Aaron Rupar Feb 11, 2016 11:58 pm


CREDIT: AP Photo/Morry Gash

Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton makes a point as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt, reacts during a Democratic presidential primary debate at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, in Milwaukee.
During Thursday night’s Democratic debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cited President Obama’s example to make the case that despite having the support of a super PAC, she wouldn’t be beholden to wealthy special interests if elected president.

In response to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders again hammering home the point that he’s the only candidate out of the two Democratic contenders to not have a super PAC working on his behalf, Clinton said Obama “was the recipient of the largest number of donations ever, [but] when he mattered, he stood up and took on Wall Street.”

But Clinton’s claim about Obama “taking on Wall Street” isn’t borne out by the numbers, which indicate prosecutions of financial and other professionalized crimes in the United States are at their lowest level in 20 years.

Sadly Bernie is 100% right!
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Hillary Clinton Says Obama Took On Wall Street. The Facts Don’t Back Her Up.
Hillary Clinton Says Obama Took On Wall Street. The Facts Don’t Back Her Up.

by Aaron Rupar Feb 11, 2016 11:58 pm


CREDIT: AP Photo/Morry Gash

Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton makes a point as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt, reacts during a Democratic presidential primary debate at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016, in Milwaukee.
During Thursday night’s Democratic debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cited President Obama’s example to make the case that despite having the support of a super PAC, she wouldn’t be beholden to wealthy special interests if elected president.

In response to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders again hammering home the point that he’s the only candidate out of the two Democratic contenders to not have a super PAC working on his behalf, Clinton said Obama “was the recipient of the largest number of donations ever, [but] when he mattered, he stood up and took on Wall Street.”

But Clinton’s claim about Obama “taking on Wall Street” isn’t borne out by the numbers, which indicate prosecutions of financial and other professionalized crimes in the United States are at their lowest level in 20 years.

Sadly Bernie is 100% right!

Wow Mathew, looks like you may be on the road to balanced and critical thought..
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Just confirms that Trump is the man.
Well the Wall St lobbyists have their GOP shills campaigning for president ALL saying they would REPEAL Dodd Frank, and ALL means Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Bush, etc., EVERY single one of them. Now you might argue that Dodd Frank does not go far enough, and I would agree, but you can't say Obama didn't take on Wall St to the limit he could get past the GOP.

Entire GOP Field Would Repeal Dodd-Frank, Return Power To Wall Street

Entire GOP Field Would Repeal Dodd-Frank, Return Power To Wall Street

If handing Wall Street trillions of dollars in bail out so the CEO's and other top management could get hundreds of millions in pay raises then yes Obama did take on Wall Street as Hillary believes.


Actually, there is a PAC for Bernie Sanders, so he was not completely truthful...on this...
Gawd, political rhetoric constantly reduces the most complicated issues to shallow, simplistic, bumper sticker slogans.

"Taking on Wall Street" can be done in a zillion ways, and it doesn't have to mean punitive measures.

And it would have to begin with a clear and precise definition of "Wall Street".
Well, no he didn't, because if the Democrats did they would lose most of their DONATIONS to their party. but you still buy into their lies so.

and Hillary took them on by accepting HUGE speaking fees for them. anyone think they were paying her to get up and CHASTISE them to their face? these Democrat politicians are jokes, why anyone takes them at their lies beats me. :dunno:
Since the Civil War, the banking sector has tended to be chummy with the Democratic Party. It is what it is.

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