Hillary Clinton frustrated with Obama's lack of will; Could she run in 2012?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010

Hillary is 10X more qualified to be president than Obama. In the campaign, she was right. She is ready to handle far more than Obama is, especially at the global level. Clinton is trying to hold this ship together while Obama vacations in Rio, golfs, parties, picks basketball games.

I think she and Bill may seriously consider her running in 2012. Watch her talk. You can almost see the literal effort she is putting forward to not say "WHAT THE F**K IS THIS GUY DOING???"

It raised a question in my mind.

Who has bigger gonads, Hillary or Obama?

She is acting more presidential right now than he is. Hell, considering the Chain of Command being Obama, Biden, Boehner..................I'd say right now SHE is doing more to keep this nation stable in the global political world than anyone above her!!!

God help me I never thought I'd compliment Hillary Clinton like this. But I'll say this, that bi**h ain't playing around. She's ruthless, but in a good way.

In a 2012 debate, I can just see her running and debating Obama saying "Mr. President, in 2011 during the Libyan, Egyptian, Japanese tri-crisis, you were way over your head, failed to respond, and basically were held above water by myself and others in your administration while you took a vacation to Rio. Mr. President, the Oval Office does not allow one to vote "present". I spent 4 years making the tough decisions that you should have made, but were afraid to make."

What an embarrassment our president is becoming.
Granny says, "You go, girl!...
Hillary Clinton now most popular figure in Obama administration
April 2, 2011 - As war rages on several fronts and much of the Middle East and northern Africa is in turmoil, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton enjoys a favorable rating higher than President Obama, Vice President Biden, or Secretary of Defense Gates.
As war rages on several fronts and much of the Middle East and northern Africa is in turmoil, the most popular figure in the Obama administration is Hillary Clinton – an activist Secretary of State who seems to be all over the world, participating in if not directing every aspect of US foreign and military policy. Secretary Clinton has been a chief spokesman for President Obama’s position on Egypt and Libya as well as a behind-the-scenes force in getting the United States to lead a coalition of nations providing the bombs and missiles necessary to keep the Libyan rebels from being overwhelmed by the forces of Muammar Qaddafi. Apparently, most Americans approve.

Gallup reported this week that Clinton's favorable rating is now 66 percent, up from 61 percent last July and her highest rating to date while serving in the Obama administration. She’s rated more positively than Obama (54 percent), Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (52 percent), and Vice President Joe Biden (46 percent). “Clinton's popularity may be partly due to the nature of the secretary of state position, which is somewhat above the fray of partisan politics and focused on defending US interests globally,” writes Lydia Saad of the Gallup polling organization. But Ms. Saad also notes that Clinton “is seen in a favorable light by 45 percent of those who separately say they disapprove of the job Obama is doing as president.”

Free from the need to deal with domestic issues or the rough-and-tumble of economic and budgetary matters, Clinton is not tethered to Washington. “Two years into her tenure as America’s 67th secretary of state, she has out-traveled every one of her predecessors, with 465,000 air miles and 79 countries already behind her,” reports Newsweek in a recent lengthy piece headlined “The Hillary Doctrine.” “Her Boeing 757’s cabin, stocked with a roll-out bed, newspapers, and a corner humidifier, now serves as another home as she flies between diplomatic hot spots, tackling the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, tensions with Iran and North Korea, the Arab-Israeli peace process, and, now, the serial Middle East upheavals.”

If there is a “Hillary Doctrine,” it’s the betterment of conditions for girls and women around the world. In part, that may explain the gender gap in her approval rating. Seventy-two percent of women view her favorably, compared with 59 percent of men. This is especially true of her own cohort; 77 percent of women 50 and older hold a positive view. Clinton has been a polarizing figure – particularly early in the presidency of her husband, Bill Clinton. Conspiracy theories swirled about her involvement in the death of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster (which had been ruled a suicide), her legal work on behalf of a failed savings and loan institution, and her appointment as head of the Task Force on National Health Care Reform early in her husband’s first term. Her favorability rating those days was down in the mid-40s.


Obama will go down in United States history as the biggest political disater of our nations history. What....a fucking....joke.
No she will not run. This is still all about the Hopey Changey One. She'll have to wait till 2016. She will not be a part of his Administration if he is re-elected though. She'll try it in 2016.
Yea, she looks real frustrated...


... looks more like she's surprised they're using real bullets.
Hillary Clinton will not oppose Obama She like S.Palin is not electable. Though both ladys are powerful in their own right They both are so wrapped up in their own agendas they forget the American people have their own agenda and are tired of being told what to do by the politicians who serve only for their own gain .
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Obama decision to hit Bin Laden in Pakistan took guts. If that raid had ended in disaster so would his presidency, just like Jimmy Carter. It would have been a major international incident with Pakistan. Republicans would have fried him. As it turned out, it's a major victory for the US and I for one am damn glad he had guts to say yes.
Obama decision to hit Bin Laden in Pakistan took guts. If that raid had ended in disaster so would his presidency, just like Jimmy Carter. It would have been a major international incident with Pakistan. Republicans would have fried him. As it turned out, it's a major victory for the US and I for one am damn glad he had guts to say yes.

I just got home, and was all ready to post a congrats to Obama for the same thing, then I heard that "in order to preserve his Islamic rights we already buried Osama at sea"

I mean WTF, first off why does a mass murdering asshole deserve that kind of Respect, but more importantly WHY THE FUCK did we just dump his body so fast. Was Obama trying to create another undying conspiracy theory? I am dumbfounded.

Not to mention that Obama's stated intention of showing respect to the Muslim world by making sure Osama was buried with in 24 hours according to Muslim tradition is not going to be met. Because Burial at sea is the last option and is only suppose to be used if all other options are not possible. Muslims are already up in arms about it.

I just do not know what the fuck he was thinking pulling that shit.

So, good job getting him, but once again you seem to have managed to take a good thing and fuck it up some.

If I were Obama I would be careful about being seen to try and take much Credit for this though. I mean credit him for having the balls to send commandos in and not just level the place, but I mean cmon people. It is likely that some of the Intel that led to this event came from Gitmo, and if Obama had had his way Gitmo would not even be open.

I give the lions share of Credit to the US military, and Intelligence personnel that worked tirelessly for nearly 10 Years to get that SOB!
well, she won't be able run that 3:00 am phone call ad anymore.

Sure she can, Do you really think this one act absolved Obama of all the other things he has appeared like a deer in the head lights about?

1 Good decision does not mean all of the sudden Obama is competent.

I mean cmon people this was a no brainier, We know where Osama is do you want to get him, or not. The only hard part was do you just blow his ass up or send troops in to get him.

Now as I said before Obama made the right call sending troops in so we could verify the remains, but then fucked that all up by approving his Burial at sea less than 24 hours after we got him.

The Conspiracy theories about Osama not really being dead will not live on forever.
I mean WTF, first off why does a mass murdering asshole deserve that kind of Respect, but more importantly WHY THE FUCK did we just dump his body so fast. Was Obama trying to create another undying conspiracy theory? I am dumbfounded.

Do you really want someone to answer or would you like time to research why for yourself?
Obama decision to hit Bin Laden in Pakistan took guts. If that raid had ended in disaster so would his presidency, just like Jimmy Carter. It would have been a major international incident with Pakistan. Republicans would have fried him. As it turned out, it's a major victory for the US and I for one am damn glad he had guts to say yes.

I just got home, and was all ready to post a congrats to Obama for the same thing, then I heard that "in order to preserve his Islamic rights we already buried Osama at sea"

I mean WTF, first off why does a mass murdering asshole deserve that kind of Respect, but more importantly WHY THE FUCK did we just dump his body so fast. Was Obama trying to create another undying conspiracy theory? I am dumbfounded.

Not to mention that Obama's stated intention of showing respect to the Muslim world by making sure Osama was buried with in 24 hours according to Muslim tradition is not going to be met. Because Burial at sea is the last option and is only suppose to be used if all other options are not possible. Muslims are already up in arms about it.

I just do not know what the fuck he was thinking pulling that shit.

So, good job getting him, but once again you seem to have managed to take a good thing and fuck it up some.

If I were Obama I would be careful about being seen to try and take much Credit for this though. I mean credit him for having the balls to send commandos in and not just level the place, but I mean cmon people. It is likely that some of the Intel that led to this event came from Gitmo, and if Obama had had his way Gitmo would not even be open.

I give the lions share of Credit to the US military, and Intelligence personnel that worked tirelessly for nearly 10 Years to get that SOB!
Would you have prefer a shrine on his grave site to inspire his followers, which is what would happen had they returned his body to his family? No, burial at sea was exactly the right call.

Regardless of what the administration did there will be conspiracy theories. The Taliban is already saying he is alive. It will be interesting see what the conspiracy theorist cook up this time.
How about this conspiracy: In the above photo, why is Obama the only black person in the room????????????

Obama will go down in United States history as the biggest political disater of our nations history. What....a fucking....joke.

No, he's the man who got Bin Laden. He's been planning and meeting and directing this operation. Bush and Cheney congratulated him, gave him credit. You need to buck up kid, the Seals walked in and took him under orders from the Commander in Chief.

The Seals said after he was killed, geronimo, geronimo, ekia (enemy killed in action). Let it be the coolest thing ever, don't be such a hater..

Obama will go down in United States history as the biggest political disater of our nations history. What....a fucking....joke.

You Bush/FAUX Noise/Porky Limbaugh fans, posing as Progressives, are tooooooooo amusing.


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