Hillary Clinton at it again

We all know that Liberals are ignorant about Economics, History, Climate Science, Biology, the Consitution and Ethics.

Hillary Clinton is reinforcing that stereotype by being a shithead on History once again. The stupid bitch can't keep her mouth shut, can she?

Just think of all the dumbasses that voted for her to be President. What the hell were those idiots thinking?

Hillary: Circumstances of Trump's America 'more dangerous' than Hitler's Germany (VIDEO)

Hillary: Circumstances of Trump's America 'more dangerous' than Hitler's Germany (VIDEO)

  • Hillary Clinton warned of fascism coming to America during an alumnae event at her alma mater, Wellesley College.
  • Clinton indirectly referenced President Donald Trump in her discussion of the “classic pattern” of a fascist takeover.

    The former presidential candidate joined former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, both alumnae of the school, on campus for a reunion event at the all-women’s college, according to The Hill. The two were interviewed on stage by Wellesley president Paula A. Johnson. During the interview, Clinton alluded to President Donald Trump as a proponent of a fascist America.
    "I think with the rapidity with which information can be conveyed today because of the internet, it is an even more dangerous set of circumstances..." Clinton said, seemingly comparing Trump's America to Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy.


Poor deluded sociopathic trumpkins

I didn't vote for Trump but I bet ten dollars you voted for that piece of shit Crooked Hillary. How could you be that stupid?
Give the tard a break.
The clinical psychopath Hillary "what difference does it make?" Clinton is the only living creature that could make me feel sorry for Bill. No wonder he cuckolded her so many times, can you imagine the horror of fucking that....that xenomorph female-like thing?

As sleazy and slimy as Bill Clinton was, you do have to give him credit for having a naturally more affable personality than that creature he married. As full of shit as Bill Clinton's long-winded speeches were, at least they were positive, feel-good bullshit that sounded nice to listen to. As opposed to Hillary/Obama constantly calling the American public every name in the book. From Bill, I never detected that deep-seated, resentful, vindictive loathing of the average American that Hillary/Obama were all about 24/7/365.
Hillary is helping to set up the media to ignore evidence Barr and the IG uncover.

No doubt they'll attempt to cast themselves as victims, and Barr as evil.

That's exactly it. It's why many on the left are comparing Republicans to Nazi's or Hitler.

They know they left a trail behind their criminal activities. Barr is not only dedicated, he's very good at what he does, and they know it.

So if and when indictments come down, especially on Hillary, the left will jump up and down calling us Nazi's, only reinforcing what they've been saying the last couple of months. It will make it much harder for authorities to lead Hillary or Comey away in handcuffs with the cameras on.

Afterwards the media will try to stir up protests in the street, perhaps leading to riots. Such pressure might lead to Barr and the Republicans backing down, depending on how violent the riots will be and if there are any fatalities.

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