
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015

Hillary Calls for Justice for Laquan McDonald’s Death: ‘We Cannot Go On Like This’

Hillary Clinton stated *‘We Cannot Go On Like This’*

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at Mrs. Hillary Clinton's WILFULL ignorance regarding America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect*, *Poverty*, that for more than two generations has deprived untold numbers of American kids from experiencing and enjoying a fairly happy American kid childhood with **Safe Streets** to travel and play on.

**Child Abuse and Neglect** that is primarily responsible for populating our prisons with depressed, angry, frustrated, undisciplined, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults full of resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles.

**Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect** that often leads depressed, sometimes suicidal (NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers) children to develop into depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults lacking empathy and compassion for others, though needing to vent their pent up negative emotions, often causing emotional and physical harm to peaceful people...instead of venting their anger, resentment and pain on the immature single moms and/or dads who introduced them to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsibly building a family before acquiring the practical skills, **PATIENCE** and means to successfully raise and nurture a developing young child who matures into a fairly happy responsible teen and adult with mostly fond memories of their childhood.

*Mrs. Clinton's ideology of dependency on government programs has created the problems and issues many African Americans are today dealing with.*

*Mrs. Clinton remains silent as untold numbers of immature teen and young adult moms create poverty* by irresponsibly building families with too many mouths to feed...families that in order to survive are dependent on their responsible neighbors for financial support.

Many of these immature "living wild" (quoting 2015 Grammy winner Kendrick Lamar's description of his mom) moms fail to socialize their children, and when their depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal children mature into depressed angry frustrated, sometime suicidal teens and adults, they frequently engage in anti-social behaviors that emotionally or physically harm their responsible peaceful neighbors, resulting with police being called to deal with the human failures of immature moms who willfully ignore their children's well being.

I am NOT excusing or condoning police misconduct or police who use excessive force. The police take a sworn oath to be a cut-above the average citizenry.

However, I am writing about what I personally observed are some of the causes for police acting outside the scope of their employment or themselves venting their anger and frustrations at being charged with dealing with depressed teens and adults who as developing young children were irresponsibly raised and nurtured by "living wild" single mothers who deprived their children of growing up in households supervised by two loving, caring parents.

Frankly, I am severely disappointed that American people like Mrs. Hillary Clinton *REFUSE to recognize or acknowledge* that a small population or sub-culture of immature, irresponsible FEMALES have abdicated their responsibility to their children, their neighbors and communities.

The question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, what real, substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent abuse that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry teens and adults as a result of experiencing the **emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?**


Why Is Hillary Rodham Clinton Harming The American Composers and Performers She Once Loved?

When & Why Did Our Moms Become Less Than Human?

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; **End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect**; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

Hi, Mat. Happy Thanksgiving.

My friend, if you witnessed how many American newborns, toddlers, children and teens of African descent were/are being raised by emotionally stunted, irresponsible maternal caregivers you might better understand why many teens and adults lack empathy, compassion and respect, all key ingredients for avoiding a life of anti-social behaviors that harm individuals as well as peaceful people and communities.

Brooklyn's Boom-Box Mom; Sad Case of Child Abuse & Maltreatment

Brooklyn, NY Newborn Raised To Be A "Baddd Boy"

Matt, frankly I am not surprised that as poverty levels rise so does the rate of African American elementary school kids choosing to end their lives.

Sadly, the depressed kids who do not end their lives often mature into depressed teens and adults causing chaos for peaceful people and police responsible for trying to protect peaceful people from harm.

Telling a teen and adult who has been emotionally abused since early childhood to embrace empathy and respect for others is easier said than done.


OP is a rediculous attempt to tie hillary to child abuse. Fail, you should debate real issues about hillary not this crap.
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The solution is to hold cops to the same standards as you and I are held to. Plain and simple. No exceptions.

A cop that shoots someone as they lay dying on the street is animalistic, barbaric, and should be punished severely. How many shots were fired into the victim after he was already down? How many cops do this and claim the excuses "I feared for my life", or "I feared for my safety"? It makes headlines all the time, all across this once great nation. Use google and research it.

Hillary Calls for Justice for Laquan McDonald’s Death: ‘We Cannot Go On Like This’

Hillary Clinton stated *‘We Cannot Go On Like This’*

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at Mrs. Hillary Clinton's WILFULL ignorance regarding America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect*, *Poverty*, that for more than two generations has deprived untold numbers of American kids from experiencing and enjoying a fairly happy American kid childhood with **Safe Streets** to travel and play on.

**Child Abuse and Neglect** that is primarily responsible for populating our prisons with depressed, angry, frustrated, undisciplined, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults full of resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles.

**Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect** that often leads depressed, sometimes suicidal (NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers) children to develop into depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults lacking empathy and compassion for others, though needing to vent their pent up negative emotions, often causing emotional and physical harm to peaceful people...instead of venting their anger, resentment and pain on the immature single moms and/or dads who introduced them to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsibly building a family before acquiring the practical skills, **PATIENCE** and means to successfully raise and nurture a developing young child who matures into a fairly happy responsible teen and adult with mostly fond memories of their childhood.

*Mrs. Clinton's ideology of dependency on government programs has created the problems and issues many African Americans are today dealing with.*

*Mrs. Clinton remains silent as untold numbers of immature teen and young adult moms create poverty* by irresponsibly building families with too many mouths to feed...families that in order to survive are dependent on their responsible neighbors for financial support.

Many of these immature "living wild" (quoting 2015 Grammy winner Kendrick Lamar's description of his mom) moms fail to socialize their children, and when their depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal children mature into depressed angry frustrated, sometime suicidal teens and adults, they frequently engage in anti-social behaviors that emotionally or physically harm their responsible peaceful neighbors, resulting with police being called to deal with the human failures of immature moms who willfully ignore their children's well being.

I am NOT excusing or condoning police misconduct or police who use excessive force. The police take a sworn oath to be a cut-above the average citizenry.

However, I am writing about what I personally observed are some of the causes for police acting outside the scope of their employment or themselves venting their anger and frustrations at being charged with dealing with depressed teens and adults who as developing young children were irresponsibly raised and nurtured by "living wild" single mothers who deprived their children of growing up in households supervised by two loving, caring parents.

Frankly, I am severely disappointed that American people like Mrs. Hillary Clinton *REFUSE to recognize or acknowledge* that a small population or sub-culture of immature, irresponsible FEMALES have abdicated their responsibility to their children, their neighbors and communities.

The question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, what real, substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent abuse that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry teens and adults as a result of experiencing the **emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?**


Why Is Hillary Rodham Clinton Harming The American Composers and Performers She Once Loved?

When & Why Did Our Moms Become Less Than Human?

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; **End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect**; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
Blame the victim is a silly, racist way of deflecting attention from the dominating fact that government is not the problem, government is the solution to the problem. Our nation was founded on racism and genocide. These were government programs directed at the exploitation of Africans and Native Americans and we live amid the rubble of their destruction today. Government made this mess and only government can fix it. The smaller the government, the more primitive and violent the society. Want small government? Go back to the days of Charlemagne.
oh shrillary. we all thought the same thing for Monica Lewinsky, but you instead stood by your accused Rapist while ruining her life in the process. you're such a lying hypocrite old hag who will USE anyone to further your own power in politics
I Always think of this from a wise man:

and the Democrat party is the best at it. how else are they going to keep them riled up enough to go vote for them? everyday it's poor poor poor them against the rest of us. It's like when are you going to try and MAKE SOMETHING OF YOURSELVES? we are all sick and tired of your whining poor poor pitiful me
I thought Hillary was talking about Obama continuing to supply arms to ISIS and Al Qaeda
oh shrillary. we all thought the same thing for Monica Lewinsky, but you instead stood by your accused Rapist while ruining her life in the process. you're such a lying hypocrite old hag who will USE anyone to further your own power in politics

Hi, Steph.

After figuratively being crapped-on by her husband in front of the entire world, I realized Mrs. Clinton was an American who did not value loyalty, personal or sworn oaths when in public Mrs. Clinton did not bat an eyelash at her hubby sharing his sperm with a woman other than herself, the woman WJC took an oath to be faithful to.

It appears Mrs. Clinton and her husband join countless numbers of Americans who no longer recognize the words, Shame, Humiliation and Embarrassment from their lives.

'We' can go on like this since only bad guys are getting killed.

This isn't a black vs non-black thing but a good guys vs bad guys thing.

I'm not sure what any of what Mrs. Clinton said has to do with the child abuse topic you've raised. Also, I don't see what the child abuse topic you've raised has to do with the extent of repulsive force the police officer used to subdue Laquan McDonald, which is the topic Mrs. Clinton addressed with her tweet.


That both child abuse and neglect, Mr. McDonald's death, and police officers' using excessive force are things that are ills that need to be reduced/eliminated is not in question, at least not for me.

Is it that you have latched onto her remark about "broader questions" and decided that one of them is the matter of child abuse and "babies having babies?" If so, okay, but if that's so, it's not entirely clear -- meaning we have to infer it as you didn't present it as the inspiration for or thesis of your post -- from your remarks. Certainly it is clear that the scope of what Mrs. Clinton wrote about, the aspect of the "broader questions" she sought to address, is how to effectively manage police forces.

You provided us with a somewhat lengthy post. In respect for your putting in that much effort, I would like to be sure of the full context of if.

[photo deleted]

Hillary Calls for Justice for Laquan McDonald’s Death: ‘We Cannot Go On Like This’

Hillary Clinton stated *We Cannot Go On Like This’*

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at Mrs. Hillary Clinton's WILFULL ignorance regarding America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect*, *Poverty*, that for more than two generations has deprived untold numbers of American kids from experiencing and enjoying a fairly happy American kid childhood with **Safe Streets** to travel and play on.

**Child Abuse and Neglect** that is primarily responsible for populating our prisons with depressed, angry, frustrated, undisciplined, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults full of resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles.

You're going to need to provide some sort of evidence that this claim is true. I'm certain that "child abuse and neglect" are the primary causes of something, and the behavioral traits you mention may be symptomatic of it, but I'm not at all convinced (on just your say so above) that they are the primary reasons we have prisons populated with "depressed, angry, frustrated, undisciplined, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults."

**Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect** that often leads depressed, sometimes suicidal (NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers) children to develop into depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults lacking empathy and compassion for others, though needing to vent their pent up negative emotions, often causing emotional and physical harm to peaceful people...instead of venting their anger, resentment and pain on the immature single moms and/or dads who introduced them to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsibly building a family before acquiring the practical skills, **PATIENCE** and means to successfully raise and nurture a developing young child who matures into a fairly happy responsible teen and adult with mostly fond memories of their childhood.

I read the content at the NYT and the study their article referenced. The study does not even remotely suggest that "early childhood abuse and neglect" have a damn thing to do with the rise in (or incidence of) black children's committing suicide. Instead, its authors write:
Our findings suggest questions about what factors might in-fluence increasing suicide rates among young black children.Black children may experience disproportionate exposure to violence and traumatic stress and aggressive school discipline. Black children are also more likely to experience an early onset of puberty, which increases the risk of suicide, most likely owing to the greater liability to depression and impulsive aggression. Black youth are also less likely to seek help for depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. Nevertheless, it remains unclear if any of these factors are related to increasing suicide rates.​
I'm not saying that it is implausible that the causal relationship you mention doesn't exist. I'm asking you to show us something other than anecdotal evidence that it does. That unprepared (economically and emotionally), immature parents cannot as likely provide as "fine" an upbringing as can more "ready" ones is no surprise. That such parents, however pitiful they are at parenting, often rear children who cause "emotional and physical harm to peaceful people" isn't an outcome I can imagine occurs as "often" as you suggest. I'm sure it happens occasionally, but then it happens occasionally among the kids of "prepared" parents too.

*Mrs. Clinton's ideology of dependency on government programs has created the problems and issues many African Americans are today dealing with.*

*Mrs. Clinton remains silent as untold numbers of immature teen and young adult moms create poverty* by irresponsibly building families with too many mouths to feed...families that in order to survive are dependent on their responsible neighbors for financial support.

Again, you'll need to do more than emptily place the blame on Mrs. Clinton. That her ideology is the cause of the things you cite is quite a lot to blame on her and her ideology.

That is not true at all. Mrs. Clinton's view on teen parents is not even new. If you were to have bothered investigating what Mrs. Clinton has done related to teen pregnancy/child rearing, you'd have discovered that she "helped launch the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, and...successfully achieved a one-third reduction by 2005."

You don't need to agree with Mrs. Clinton's views or be a fan of hers. I don't care what your views are about her. You do -- if you want your audience to take you seriously and accept you as credible -- need to fairly depict what she (or anyone else) has said and done.

I am NOT excusing or condoning police misconduct or police who use excessive force. The police take a sworn oath to be a cut-above the average citizenry.
Understood, and TY for making that clear.

However, I am writing about what I personally observed are some of the causes for police acting outside the scope of their employment or themselves venting their anger and frustrations at being charged with dealing with depressed teens and adults who as developing young children were irresponsibly raised and nurtured by "living wild" single mothers who deprived their children of growing up in households supervised by two loving, caring parents.

I want to make sure I follow you. Above you write that you are not absolving police for using excessive force and that police commit to being "a cut above." Then, in the very next paragraph, you exculpate them for their lack of restraint and for not living up to their oath.

I'm sorry, but there's just no two-way street on that. Each police officer either upholds their oath and exercises good judgment or they don't. It may be that most of the time they do, and that would be consistent with what is expected of most folks, but for cops, the expectation is that, at least while on duty, they always do. Yes, that's a very high bar to meet, but it's the standard to which they agreed to perform. When they don't meet the expectation set for them, the one they agreed to, they must be held accountable.

By saying that, do I mean that I don't understand why some cops may "snap" in a given instance? No. It means that if/when s/he "snaps," the officer needs to be reprimanded, perhaps incarcerated. It also means that something in their training was inadequate for helping them "not snap," and the government is the organization that has requirement to determine what was missing and provide it to the remaining and future officers to reduce the incidence of "snapping," and bring the force as a whole closer to the expectation of "never snapping" as they confront miscreants.

Frankly, I am severely disappointed that American people like Mrs. Hillary Clinton *REFUSE to recognize or acknowledge* that a small population or sub-culture of immature, irresponsible FEMALES have abdicated their responsibility to their children, their neighbors and communities.

And what responsibility does the sire have to children? Might it be that the kids would be better off if they had both parents, however poorly prepared they each be, actively involved in their lives? Why, in your mind, is the brunt of the irresponsibility and "abdicated onus," as it were, carried by the mothers?

The question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, what real, substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent abuse that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry teens and adults as a result of experiencing the **emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?**

I agree that we need a solution that can effect reductions in child abuse.

I think the problem you are getting at is caused by a number of things, and teens becoming parents is a symptom of them. In my mind, the 20th century's incidence of there being two "breadwinners" in the household is the primary cause of the problem.
I don't have any issue with both parents earning income. I think mothers and fathers have an equal capacity to provide good parenting. I have a real problem with no parent (or suitable surrogate, "suitable" being the operative word) being actively present for the majority of their children's waking hours when the kids are not in school. When I look back on my youth, I honestly cannot recall a single day when one of my parents, one of my friends' parents, a close relative or teacher was not supervising our activities. Sure we'd ride our bikes into the park and play unobserved for a while, but if we were gone for too long, we could count on at least one of our parents -- on a few occasions a pair or three did -- trekking into the woods and finding us.

I don't see that happening these days, and I don't see it can with so many kids' parents both coming home tired from work. And that's among kids raised in very economically stable environments. Add on to that the challenges associated with (near) poverty, and it's hard to image things being any better.

The question is how do we as a society overcome that phenomenon? In my mind, the answer is us as parents taking a clear stand and saying that it's more important to be present and active in our kids' lives and less important that we make a lot of money to provide "things" as surrogates for what our kids really need. People look at others and see the "things" they give their kids -- things they bestow merely because they can -- but what they don't see is that those things appear after the love and attention is made available to them. People compete to "love" their kids most by giving them more gizmos and gadgets rather than by giving them more attention and guidance. Sad.
320 Years of History, aka Tony
I'm not sure what any of what Mrs. Clinton said has to do with the child abuse topic you've raised.

Hi, Tony. I appreciate you taking the time to offer a cogent reply, one of the few I've encountered on this site.

It's my opinion, considering her intimate knowledge of child abuse through her early studies and research into child abuse, that for selfish political reasons Mrs. Clinton is *willfully ignoring* the population of Americans who create poverty by irresponsibly building families before they are emotionally and economically prepared to face the challenges of raising children who mature into fairly happy teen and adults.

Tony, it is my opinion that issues of police acting outside the scope of their employment and child abuse are intertwined.

Causes For Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations?

Also, I don't see what the child abuse topic you've raised has to do with the extent of repulsive force the police officer used to subdue Laquan McDonald, which is the topic Mrs. Clinton addressed with her tweet.

In the mid-80s the NYPD trained me that when a person armed with a knife comes with twehty feet of me, he or she presents a mortal danger to me.

The PD also trained me to seek cover when possible, and I should only use deadly physical force as a last resort to protecting myself or another person.

Did the police use poor tactics in approaching a person they should have suspected is intox or emotionally disturbed?

A moment-by-moment account of what the Laquan McDonald video shows

In this case I cannot answer that question. I can tell you I most likely would have sought cover while trying to develop a plan to contain and immobilize an armed, uncooperative suspect. Most likely I would have backed off and begged with the suspect not to force me to shoot him.

'Jay Z' Raps About Child Abuse, The Fear and Harm He Caused to Peaceful People

320 Years of History, aka Tony
That both child abuse and neglect, Mr. McDonald's death, and police officers' using excessive force are things that are ills that need to be reduced/eliminated is not in question, at least not for me.

I believe they are intertwined. Reduce child abuse and police fear will fade with it.
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320 Years of History, aka Tony
Is it that you have latched onto her remark about "broader questions" and decided that one of them is the matter of child abuse and "babies having babies?" If so, okay, but if that's so, it's not entirely clear -- meaning we have to infer it as you didn't present it as the inspiration for or thesis of your post -- from your remarks. Certainly it is clear that the scope of what Mrs. Clinton wrote about, the aspect of the "broader questions" she sought to address, is how to effectively manage police forces.

Tony, after spending twelve years providing police services to the Brooklyn community Shawn Jay Z Carter raps about using his semi-auto "Mack Milli' to dominate and cause fear to peaceful people for the purpose of protecting his gang's 24/7 drug operation, it was fear for my personal safety that finally drove me from a community that because I spent so much time there I considered my second home.

Sadly, Tony, I have few doubts that some Americans fail to perceive or willfully ignore the reasons for why at times, police are less than professional.

Not that I believe police acting outside the scope of their employment is acceptable, I just understand that witnessing on a daily basis - violence, people's lack of respect for each other as well as our laws, sadness, children doomed to a life of poverty - can have detrimental effects on many people born or imbued with a sense of sympathy, empathy and respect for others.

Some officers recognize they are burnt, they no longer feel a desire to serve a community that has diminished their faith in the goodness of human kind, a community that constantly has them in self-protection mode whenever they are working in the community, or even commuting to and from the community in their private cars.

These officers intelligently seek transfer to a more stable community, while others remain, mostly because of established friendships with colleagues, allowing and in some cases not realizing the pain they experience from witnessing human suffering on a daily basis is insidiously eating away at them, and at times affecting their professional conduct.

During the hiring process we subject police candidates to psychological exams to insure they are normal stable people. Then we place these normal, stable people into an environment they are totally unaccustomed to, often dangerous environments, and we expect them to remain normal people when they are constantly and justifiably told by their supervisors to be safe, and they read crime reports that indicate they are not safe.

Sure, these officers are not in a war or battle, yet the chances for stumbling upon a gunfight or being attacked for no reason are greater in a community with a general flavor for lawlessness.

I was at the scene of a shooting one sunny afternoon, surrounded by dozens of civilians and a dozen or more cops, when a second person was shot no more than one hundred yards away. Tell me that would not give you goosebumps. This anecdote is a tip of the iceberg.

One afternoon I'm on my way home stopped at a traffic light when gunfire erupts, three men carrying handguns run by me, enter a waiting town car. Risking my safety I follow in my pvt car attempting to learn more about the suspects as they unobtrusively leave the scene. They stop at a house about ten blocks away, me not being a hero willing to confront three armed men with a two-inch six shot revolver, spends several minutes trying to locate a working payphone to report my observations.

Heading back to the scene I learn the three people shot, their neighbors who at the time of the shooting were hanging on their front stoops, provided the police with NO information about the shooting or the shooters, I was the only witness to come forward, and it isn't even my community.

While at the scene, the same town car I observed picking up the shooters several minutes earlier, arrives back on the scene operated by a man we detained and soon learned was wnated for a totally unrelated shooting that occured a few weeks earlier.

Driving home that night I asked myself, "Why do I do this? Five, sometimes six days a week making this long drive, placing my safety at risk for people who either hate me, or people justifiably afraid and equally fearful of the people who hate me."

A few days later I went to my CO and requested a transfer, advising him, "Lou, I've had enough of the nonsense, it's time for me to go."

Within a week he hooked me up with a transfer to a more stable community, closer to home. A community where fewer people viewed me as the enemy, and many actually openly appreciated the police, sharing words of appreciation rigorously frowned upon by many in the Brooklyn community I was forced to abandon, due to my level of fear that gradually built up and intensified over a period of nearly twelve years.

Tony, I knew when I had enough of the emotional turmoil I experienced from witnessing mayhem and violence on a daily basis, I made the intelligent choice to protect my emotional well being by leaving the cause for my fear and anxiety.

Unfortunately some cops ignore the signs of stress and anxiety, indicating that it is time for a change of venue, instead choosing to remain in their second homes where they have built friendships and bonds.

I fear nothing will change until Americans honestly recognize that bringing children into our world without first acquiring the skills to properly love and nurture a child, or having the skills or means to independently provide for a child's upbringing, may result in a child growing up filled with anger and frustrations, needing to vent those emotions, sadly, not in a constructive manner.

This is a social/human behavioral problem I've witnessed happening for decades in some/many American communities.

Unfortunately for police, they are tasked with coping with the anger and frustrations of children brought into our world by people who had no socially accepted right making babies before they are prepared to.
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Avery wrote,
**Child Abuse and Neglect** that is primarily responsible for populating our prisons with depressed, angry, frustrated, undisciplined, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults full of resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles.

Tony replied,
"You're going to need to provide some sort of evidence that this claim is true."

I believe the answer to your question lies in the popular music many young and very young American kids are listening to.

Tony, I've posed this question to many people, none of whom offered a cogent response.

*When & Why Did Our Moms Become Less Than Human?*

I am puzzled by something, perhaps someone can help?

Who is responsible for *influencing or conditioning* many young Americans of African descent to characterize our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters and aunts as less than human creatures?

Growing up in the 60s, year after year I'd roll out of bed in the morning, crank up my 9v transistor radio listening to contemporary sounds, including a new genre of American music its artists, composers, lyricists and producers called Motown.

My Motown musician friends wrote and performed music that made me smile, wanting to dance, celebrate life and wanting to experience the love between a man and a woman they were constantly telling me about. Every hour of every day I could tune in my radio and listen to my talented Motown musician friends singing songs praising and loving women

Listening to these musicians celebrating life and loving women *conditioned me* to believe they are good, peaceful people deserving of respect, admiration and a large *"Thank you"* for sharing their musical talent with me, my friends and our world.

What I am trying to figure out is why today, many of my Motown friend's children and grandchildren are writing contemporary music performance lyrics that clearly are demeaning and HATING on each other, as well as writing lyrics demeaning women, our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters and aunts, characterizing women as *itches* and *hores*, essentially less than human not deserving of respect? Which is pretty much how greedy or genuinely ignorant early Euros characterized the African people they abducted and enslaved.

What happened? Why have females fallen out of favor with many young people who write rap hip hop performances?

*Another question.*

Today when *ten-year-old American kids* wake up, tune into their fav contemporary radio station, listening to lyrics describing anti-social activities and behaviors their parents, community and educators are telling them are harmful to them, their neighbors and community, what opinions, if any, will these 5th grade children form about the music performers writing music lyrics describing anti-social behaviors and activities that often emotionally traumatize and physically harm individual peaceful people and the neighborhoods they live or work in?

Dating back to the early-mid 80s when Brooklyn rappers were selling their CDs from car trunks, many music performers and artists of African descent were performing raps that characterized *the maternal half of our population*, as less than human *itches?

Who or what is responsible for influencing their hateful and demeaning rap lyrics?

*What subliminal messages are today's youngsters learning* when they hear mega-popular Americans of African descent characterizing women, aka our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters, aunts and nieces, as *hores, not worthy of respect?

Tony, do you have a theory for why females fell out of favor with many locally and nationally popular male and female African American music performers?
I am NOT excusing or condoning police misconduct or police who use excessive force. The police take a sworn oath to be a cut-above the average citizenry.

Tony, replied,
"Understood, and TY for making that clear. I want to make sure I follow you. Above you write that you are not absolving police for using excessive force and that police commit to being "a cut above." Then, in the very next paragraph, you exculpate them for their lack of restraint and for not living up to their oath."

Cops who acted outside the scope of their employment were an embarrassment for me. The Code of Silence prevented me from fully experiencing what it meant to be one of the good guys who protected my peaceful neighbors from harm.

Unprofessional cops also made my job as an investigator more difficult in that I often had to spend more time gaining complainant or witness trust before interviewing them.

Both the Blue Wall of Silence and the Community Wall of Silence are impediments to protecting peaceful people from their depressed neighbors embracing the Street Culture Baltimore Mom of The Year failed to protect her young teen son from.

Tony, you offered quite a bit for me to consume, frankly an overwhelming amount of info that respectfully I am not going to address. I'm here to focus on the child abuse and neglect I witnessed, sharing my opinions essentially supported by Americans of African descent who voice their opinions on YT.

Video Archive - American Men & Women Sharing Thoughts About Some African American Women & Moms

I have my opinions for why child abuse leads to children developing into depressed, angry, frustrated, resentful, sometimes suicidal teens and adults who often cause emotional and/or physical harm to their peaceful neighbors, resulting with the police becoming involved and having to deal with seriously emotionally damaged people.

When Mrs. Clinton begins honestly and compassionately, though loudly focusing on parents becoming better caretakers for their children I might regain some respect for her opinions.

I'd like to hear Mrs. Clinton address her sisters, "Sisters how much longer are we going to tolerate a significant number of teens and adults making $millions$ while rapping about us being less than human *itches and *hores unworthy of respect?"


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