Hillary BOOed at Debate For Madeleine Albright’s ‘Special Place in Hell’ Comment


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Clinton Booed at Debate for Madeleine Albright's 'Special Place in Hell' - Breitbart

Scattered boos erupted in the crowd at Thursday night’s Democratic debate in Milwaukee when the moderators brought up Clinton ally Madeleine Albright’s controversial “special place in Hell” quote that sent the Clinton campaign into a tailspin in New Hampshire.

Poor Hillary, she just can't catch a break.

Her attempt to pull out the gender card and the attempt to guilt women into supporting her by dusting off and dragging out Madeleine Albright and having her declare 'there is a special place in Hell for women who do not help other women' just blew up in her face!

Women aren't buying it! There is a lot more to picking a candidate than just the fact that they have a vagina and more important issues in the country to consider than worry about than just picking a woman.

Hillary has been trying to brand herself as a 'champion of women'; however, she spent approx. half of her political and public career demonizing, bullying, threatening, and silencing the victims her husband sexually harassed, assaulted, raped, and with whom he committed adultery. She has been caught paying her female aides / staffers less than their male counterparts. In the midst of this investigation, as well, the country will probably get to watch Hillary throw Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills under the proverbial bus to save her own ass.

Hillary is NOT winning the female support, as they are instead flocking to Bernie.

But in the debate last night, Hillary got an earful from the crowd as they BOOed her pathetic madeleine Albright 'Guilt Trip' attempt...

Hillary Clinton Booed at Debate for Madeleine Albright's 'Special Place in Hell' - Breitbart

Scattered boos erupted in the crowd at Thursday night’s Democratic debate in Milwaukee when the moderators brought up Clinton ally Madeleine Albright’s controversial “special place in Hell” quote that sent the Clinton campaign into a tailspin in New Hampshire.

Poor Hillary, she just can't catch a break.

Her attempt to pull out the gender card and the attempt to guilt women into supporting her by dusting off and dragging out Madeleine Albright and having her declare 'there is a special place in Hell for women who do not help other women' just blew up in her face!

Women aren't buying it! There is a lot more to picking a candidate than just the fact that they have a vagina and more important issues in the country to consider than worry about than just picking a woman.

Hillary has been trying to brand herself as a 'champion of women'; however, she spent approx. half of her political and public career demonizing, bullying, threatening, and silencing the victims her husband sexually harassed, assaulted, raped, and with whom he committed adultery. She has been caught paying her female aides / staffers less than their male counterparts. In the midst of this investigation, as well, the country will probably get to watch Hillary throw Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills under the proverbial bus to save her own ass.

Hillary is NOT winning the female support, as they are instead flocking to Bernie.

But in the debate last night, Hillary got an earful from the crowd as they BOOed her pathetic madeleine Albright 'Guilt Trip' attempt...

Her "low blow" in the debate showed how desperate she is. There is no difference between her and Frump, as far as being slimy and scuzzy. They both make me want to puke.
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable
Hillary Clinton Booed at Debate for Madeleine Albright's 'Special Place in Hell' - Breitbart

Scattered boos erupted in the crowd at Thursday night’s Democratic debate in Milwaukee when the moderators brought up Clinton ally Madeleine Albright’s controversial “special place in Hell” quote that sent the Clinton campaign into a tailspin in New Hampshire.

Poor Hillary, she just can't catch a break.

Her attempt to pull out the gender card and the attempt to guilt women into supporting her by dusting off and dragging out Madeleine Albright and having her declare 'there is a special place in Hell for women who do not help other women' just blew up in her face!

Women aren't buying it! There is a lot more to picking a candidate than just the fact that they have a vagina and more important issues in the country to consider than worry about than just picking a woman.

Hillary has been trying to brand herself as a 'champion of women'; however, she spent approx. half of her political and public career demonizing, bullying, threatening, and silencing the victims her husband sexually harassed, assaulted, raped, and with whom he committed adultery. She has been caught paying her female aides / staffers less than their male counterparts. In the midst of this investigation, as well, the country will probably get to watch Hillary throw Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills under the proverbial bus to save her own ass.

Hillary is NOT winning the female support, as they are instead flocking to Bernie.

But in the debate last night, Hillary got an earful from the crowd as they BOOed her pathetic madeleine Albright 'Guilt Trip' attempt...


I watched the PBS debate 2/11/2016, and I swear there were several times--that Sanders looked like he was going to pass out, or have a heart attack. He's older than dirt. He's really not in that good shape for being 75 years old. John McCain running against Obama at 81 years old was really in much better shape and he survived 7 years of torture. Bernie Sanders looks like a 100 miles of bad road.

Anyway Hillary Clinton buried the old fart tonight. I learned tonight that Sanders is just another canned speech politician. When he was asked specific questions about foreign policy--he would revert back to his canned speech. Free college tuition, Wall Street, etc. etc. etc.

When Hillary was responding to a question his long arms were flying all over the place--those fingers were going a 100 miles an hour. His blood pressure must have gone to 300--he would get real red faced--coughing--wheezing--and once he caught his breath it was time to give another memorized canned speech.

WTF-- how could anyone take this guy serious enough to be our next POTUS. Really!!!! She nailed him on several things, his prior voting record, and the final nail in his coffin, when she brought up that Sanders had called for Obama to be challenged for the DNC nomination in 2012. Man did face go beserk then. He tried to say that he was "friends" with Obama--but no friend would do that--LOL

Of course, Sanders was never a Democrat, he was the "Liberty Party" aka Socialist Party--then switched to Independent, and recently changed to Democrat to run for the Presidency.

Hillary Clinton will be the nominee of this party.


If this guy wants to participate in any more debates they need paramedics and life saving equipment on the stage with him
Oreo, great summary....however:

There is a question as to whether Hillary won in Iowa. Her Ex-Employee that runs the DNC in Iowa refuses to release the raw election data proving Hillary won. She got her ass kicked in NH, losing every demographic except for the '64+yo' group and ONLY walked out of there with delegates because of the super delegate nonsense. Polls show she is still the least trusted candidate in the entire race.

I hear ya and agree regarding Sanders...but Hillary is still in trouble.
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable
Notice how the Progressives jumped on the Cruz eligibility issue because 'it might become a problem later' but do not take the same stance regarding Hillary's investigation?

The Cruz problem isn't as much as a problem, as the GOP has 3-4 others to fall back on. With the DNC, Bernie is all they have to fall back on.
no, she handled the question perfectly and she was roundly applauded throughout the night.

true story. :thup:
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable

let me know when she sent an email that was marked secret when she sent it and not reclassified after she RECEIVED it.

but then again, the right thinks trump isn't an fascist bigoted pig.

go figure.
WOODRUFF: Secretary Clinton, your campaign -- you and your campaign have made a clear appeal to women voters. You have talked repeatedly about the fact, we know you would be, if elected, the first woman president.

But in New Hampshire 55 percent of the women voters supported and voted for Senator Sanders. What are women missing about you?

CLINTON: Well, first, Judy, I have spent my entire adult life working toward making sure that women are empowered to make their own choices, even if that choice is not to vote for me. I believe that it's most important that we unleash the full potential of women and girls in our society.

And I feel very strongly that I have an agenda, I have a record that really does respond to a lot of the specific needs that the women in our country face. So I'm going to keep making that case. I'm going to keep making sure that everything I've done, everything that I stand for is going to be well known.

But I have no argument with anyone making up her mind about who to support. I just hope that by the end of this campaign there will be a lot more supporting me. That's what I'm working towards.


WOODRUFF: As you know, just quickly, as you know, your strong supporter, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, said the other day that there's a special place in Hell for women who don't support other women. Do you agree with what she said?

CLINTON: Well, look, I think that she's been saying that for as long as I've known her, which is about 25 years. But it doesn't change my view that we need to empower everyone, women and men, to make the best decisions in their minds that they can make. That's what I've always stood for.

And when it comes to the issues that are really on the front lines as to whether we're going to have equal pay, paid family leave, some opportunity for, you know, women to go as far as their hard work and talent take them, I think that we still have some barriers to knock down, which is why that's at the core of my campaign.

I would note, just for a historic aside, somebody told me earlier today we've had like 200 presidential primary debates, and this is the first time there have been a majority of women on the stage. So, you know, we'll take our progress wherever we can find it.


Transcript: The Democratic debate in Milwaukee, annotated
Hillary Clinton Booed at Debate for Madeleine Albright's 'Special Place in Hell' - Breitbart

Scattered boos erupted in the crowd at Thursday night’s Democratic debate in Milwaukee when the moderators brought up Clinton ally Madeleine Albright’s controversial “special place in Hell” quote that sent the Clinton campaign into a tailspin in New Hampshire.

Poor Hillary, she just can't catch a break.

Her attempt to pull out the gender card and the attempt to guilt women into supporting her by dusting off and dragging out Madeleine Albright and having her declare 'there is a special place in Hell for women who do not help other women' just blew up in her face!

Women aren't buying it! There is a lot more to picking a candidate than just the fact that they have a vagina and more important issues in the country to consider than worry about than just picking a woman.

Hillary has been trying to brand herself as a 'champion of women'; however, she spent approx. half of her political and public career demonizing, bullying, threatening, and silencing the victims her husband sexually harassed, assaulted, raped, and with whom he committed adultery. She has been caught paying her female aides / staffers less than their male counterparts. In the midst of this investigation, as well, the country will probably get to watch Hillary throw Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills under the proverbial bus to save her own ass.

Hillary is NOT winning the female support, as they are instead flocking to Bernie.

But in the debate last night, Hillary got an earful from the crowd as they BOOed her pathetic madeleine Albright 'Guilt Trip' attempt...


I watched the PBS debate 2/11/2016, and I swear there were several times--that Sanders looked like he was going to pass out, or have a heart attack. He's older than dirt. He's really not in that good shape for being 75 years old. John McCain running against Obama at 81 years old was really in much better shape and he survived 7 years of torture. Bernie Sanders looks like a 100 miles of bad road.

Anyway Hillary Clinton buried the old fart tonight. I learned tonight that Sanders is just another canned speech politician. When he was asked specific questions about foreign policy--he would revert back to his canned speech. Free college tuition, Wall Street, etc. etc. etc.

When Hillary was responding to a question his long arms were flying all over the place--those fingers were going a 100 miles an hour. His blood pressure must have gone to 300--he would get real red faced--coughing--wheezing--and once he caught his breath it was time to give another memorized canned speech.

WTF-- how could anyone take this guy serious enough to be our next POTUS. Really!!!! She nailed him on several things, his prior voting record, and the final nail in his coffin, when she brought up that Sanders had called for Obama to be challenged for the DNC nomination in 2012. Man did face go beserk then. He tried to say that he was "friends" with Obama--but no friend would do that--LOL

Of course, Sanders was never a Democrat, he was the "Liberty Party" aka Socialist Party--then switched to Independent, and recently changed to Democrat to run for the Presidency.

Hillary Clinton will be the nominee of this party.


If this guy wants to participate in any more debates they need paramedics and life saving equipment on the stage with him

Not according to HuffPo

Bernie Sanders Sweeps Online Polls After Dominating Sixth Democratic Debate
Clinton still got booed for that lame-ass attempted guilt trip by dinosaur Madeleine Albright. Did it help? Hell, No. She got handed her ass in NH, as women (well most of them, excluding some from this board) are proving that they are smarter than to buy that crap.

'I am a woman.'
'Vote me as the 1st woman President.'
'You'll go to Hell if you don't vote for me a woman.'

That's the strongest thing she has to run on...and it isn't working. Poor Hillary. :p
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable

let me know when she sent an email that was marked secret when she sent it and not reclassified after she RECEIVED it.

but then again, the right thinks trump isn't an fascist bigoted pig.

go figure.

Right, those vicious rightwingers at Obama's FBI are just stirring up trouble for St Hillary the Inevitable
Did anyone ask Hillary to explain her husband's friendship with Epstein and their frequent flier miles to Epstein's Lolita Sex Slave Island?
Oh yes, Mrs. Bosnia Clinton looked much better. Pasty white wearing a Spock wanna be outfit. Quite the choice the democrats are offering.

I don't know who does Mrs. Bosnia Clinton's make up, but according to Albright there is a special place in Hell for them.
What difference does it make?

She gets the superdelegates and the nomination.

hell she could be under investigation by the FBI and she'd still get the nomination. Progs are too sheepish and docile to do anything than accept St Hillary the Inevitable

let me know when she sent an email that was marked secret when she sent it and not reclassified after she RECEIVED it.

but then again, the right thinks trump isn't an fascist bigoted pig.

go figure.
Heck Hillary could have committed murder and she'd still have the DNC's nod for the nomination. The DNC knows she has the super delegates (they made that decision long ago and the delegates are toeing the party line) so they're not worried about the public groundswell for Bernie. The RNC on the other hand wishes desperately that Trump would just go away cause (it seems) the fix isn't already in for their choice, Jeb......... Funny, which organization is being more honest with their constituencies........? Letting the voters make the choice......... For now it appears to be the RNC though that may prove false when the actual nomination time comes. :dunno:
WOODRUFF: Secretary Clinton, your campaign -- you and your campaign have made a clear appeal to women voters. You have talked repeatedly about the fact, we know you would be, if elected, the first woman president.

But in New Hampshire 55 percent of the women voters supported and voted for Senator Sanders. What are women missing about you?

CLINTON: Well, first, Judy, I have spent my entire adult life working toward making sure that women are empowered to make their own choices, even if that choice is not to vote for me. I believe that it's most important that we unleash the full potential of women and girls in our society.

And I feel very strongly that I have an agenda, I have a record that really does respond to a lot of the specific needs that the women in our country face. So I'm going to keep making that case. I'm going to keep making sure that everything I've done, everything that I stand for is going to be well known.

But I have no argument with anyone making up her mind about who to support. I just hope that by the end of this campaign there will be a lot more supporting me. That's what I'm working towards.


WOODRUFF: As you know, just quickly, as you know, your strong supporter, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, said the other day that there's a special place in Hell for women who don't support other women. Do you agree with what she said?

CLINTON: Well, look, I think that she's been saying that for as long as I've known her, which is about 25 years. But it doesn't change my view that we need to empower everyone, women and men, to make the best decisions in their minds that they can make. That's what I've always stood for.

And when it comes to the issues that are really on the front lines as to whether we're going to have equal pay, paid family leave, some opportunity for, you know, women to go as far as their hard work and talent take them, I think that we still have some barriers to knock down, which is why that's at the core of my campaign.

I would note, just for a historic aside, somebody told me earlier today we've had like 200 presidential primary debates, and this is the first time there have been a majority of women on the stage. So, you know, we'll take our progress wherever we can find it.


Transcript: The Democratic debate in Milwaukee, annotated

You know the biggest problem with her answer? She feels that it is the governments job to empower people. Sad.
Her "low blow" in the debate showed how desperate she is. There is no difference between her and Frump, as far as being slimy and scuzzy. They both make me want to puke.

aww a low blow...? :lol:

yeah it really hit bernie in the gut when hillary told the truth about his record right last night..

so much more honorable for a candidate to hide behind the artful smear... :rolleyes:

no one has taken more low blows than hillary clinton has but you never see her whining about low blows.

Hillary Clinton to Sanders: 'If you have something to say, say it'
Hillary Clinton to Sanders: 'If you have something to say, say it' - CNNPolitics.com
I dislike Hillary and until last night I would not even have contemplated voting for her. But it is true Sanders looked very tired and very old last night, and Hillary was a different candidate last night. She definitely whooped his ass. I still think Hillary is a Dolores Umbridge, but for the first time, I considered giving her my vote. Very informed on the issues, definitely more so than any other candidate, Democrat or Republican.

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