Hillary: AQ behind Libyan attack


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
SecState Clinton, arguably the smartest woman to ever serve in government is on record that the attack on the Libyan Consulate that killed 4 Americans including the Ambassador, was the work of Al Qaeda, a group supposedly devastated by Obama's drone attack and so marginalized that Obama took to skipping Intel briefings.

How did Obama miss this?

Why is he lying about the attack being caused by a movie?


"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton indicated for the first time on Wednesday that there was an explicit link between the Qaeda franchise in North Africa and the attack at the American diplomatic mission in Libya that killed four Americans, including the ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens."
SecState Clinton, arguably the smartest woman to ever serve in government is on record that the attack on the Libyan Consulate that killed 4 Americans including the Ambassador, was the work of Al Qaeda, a group supposedly devastated by Obama's drone attack and so marginalized that Obama took to skipping Intel briefings.

How did Obama miss this?

Why is he lying about the attack being caused by a movie?


"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton indicated for the first time on Wednesday that there was an explicit link between the Qaeda franchise in North Africa and the attack at the American diplomatic mission in Libya that killed four Americans, including the ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens."

Because he agreed through "arguably the smartest woman to ever serve in government " not to say thing that muslims might find offensive. Did you miss the thread on Clinton's agreement with the OIC?
SecState Clinton, arguably the smartest woman to ever serve in government is on record that the attack on the Libyan Consulate that killed 4 Americans including the Ambassador, was the work of Al Qaeda, a group supposedly devastated by Obama's drone attack and so marginalized that Obama took to skipping Intel briefings.

How did Obama miss this?

Why is he lying about the attack being caused by a movie?


"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton indicated for the first time on Wednesday that there was an explicit link between the Qaeda franchise in North Africa and the attack at the American diplomatic mission in Libya that killed four Americans, including the ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens."

Wait a second.....

Didn't this administration say that this was NOT an organized planned attack.
Didn't this administration say it was our fault...the fault of America because of a video?....:eusa_hand:

You have got to be freaking kidding me...
No shit, so I suppose Hillary is talking to the thinking people, why OBama is talking to the uneducated, dumb as fuck Obamabots
And you guys trust the Lyin' Libyan government with the facts? When the attack first happened, the administration and its reps said "based on the information we have so far".... Now they have more information. BTW, the Libyans wouldn't let our security forces into Libya and they won't allow our FBI there now for investigation of the crime scene.
And you guys trust the Lyin' Libyan government with the facts? When the attack first happened, the administration and its reps said "based on the information we have so far".... Now they have more information. BTW, the Libyans wouldn't let our security forces into Libya and they won't allow our FBI there now for investigation of the crime scene.

These are OBama's friends.....he loves the brotherhood. And yes, our media is a state media for this administration.....they wouldnt even challenge him on the video remark......that's disgusting
SecState Clinton, arguably the smartest woman to ever serve in government is on record that the attack on the Libyan Consulate that killed 4 Americans including the Ambassador, was the work of Al Qaeda, a group supposedly devastated by Obama's drone attack and so marginalized that Obama took to skipping Intel briefings.

How did Obama miss this?

Why is he lying about the attack being caused by a movie?


"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton indicated for the first time on Wednesday that there was an explicit link between the Qaeda franchise in North Africa and the attack at the American diplomatic mission in Libya that killed four Americans, including the ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens."

Spontaneously of course.


Most pathetic Bunch of Bumbling idiots I have ever seen running this Great Country.
And you guys trust the Lyin' Libyan government with the facts? When the attack first happened, the administration and its reps said "based on the information we have so far".... Now they have more information. BTW, the Libyans wouldn't let our security forces into Libya and they won't allow our FBI there now for investigation of the crime scene.

But yet they will allow CNN to investigate... C'mon, wake up my friend.

We are being lied to.

State Department, CNN dig in over diplomat's journal amid tense exchanges | Fox News
This is no surprise. Of course, Obama wouldn't admit that radical Muslim terrorists were pissed at something he did and retaliated for it. If he had attended briefings, maybe someone would have seen this coming, considering it happened on 9/11 of all days, and talked to Libya and other countries about increasing security for our embassies.

He dropped the ball and the media rushed to his aid with a fake story about a youtube video. What gets me is that he and others in his administration have been bad mouthing Americans and blaming our freedom of speech for the attack by terrorists.

I have heard more negative comments about anti-Muslim comments than about the cold-blooded killing of our ambassador and other people. It's clear what outrages the left, and it isn't the murder of innocents by radical Islamists. What outrages the left are people using free speech to speak out and insult radical Islamists.
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And you guys trust the Lyin' Libyan government with the facts? When the attack first happened, the administration and its reps said "based on the information we have so far".... Now they have more information. BTW, the Libyans wouldn't let our security forces into Libya and they won't allow our FBI there now for investigation of the crime scene.
Why do you trust our lyin' government?

Obama is desperate to distract attention away from his failures.

It's not working.
SecState Clinton, arguably the smartest woman to ever serve in government is on record that the attack on the Libyan Consulate that killed 4 Americans including the Ambassador, was the work of Al Qaeda, a group supposedly devastated by Obama's drone attack and so marginalized that Obama took to skipping Intel briefings.

How did Obama miss this?

Why is he lying about the attack being caused by a movie?


"Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton indicated for the first time on Wednesday that there was an explicit link between the Qaeda franchise in North Africa and the attack at the American diplomatic mission in Libya that killed four Americans, including the ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens."

Because lying lets him pretend that the world loves him, and he needs to have everyone love him.
And you guys trust the Lyin' Libyan government with the facts? When the attack first happened, the administration and its reps said "based on the information we have so far".... Now they have more information. BTW, the Libyans wouldn't let our security forces into Libya and they won't allow our FBI there now for investigation of the crime scene.

The government not only knew the attack was preplanned from the beginning, they actually used the knowledge that it was preplanned to target one of the planners withing 24 hours. Long after that point in time they sent Rice out to make the rounds of the pundit shows to lie about the attack, and even lied to Congress. Even the liberal Senator Snowe wasn't willing to let them lie to her face, and scoffed when the administration wanted her to believe that an unplanned spontaneous demonstration had people show up with heavy weapons.
Can you imagine if this were Bush? Can you imagine the coverage? The interviews with Chris Steven friends and family how betrayed they felt by the Administration that left him unprotected on 911 and got him killed then tried to blame a stupid move no one saw instead of AQ?
Can you imagine if this were Bush? Can you imagine the coverage? The interviews with Chris Steven friends and family how betrayed they felt by the Administration that left him unprotected on 911 and got him killed then tried to blame a stupid move no one saw instead of AQ?

They are still blaming Bush for Sept 11th 2001.... all along it was Clinton's ineptness that allowed AQ to get to us.

The next POTUS will reap the benefits of Obama's ineptness toward radical Islam....and the blame.

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