Hillarious argument at the gym


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
From what I have read, the teenager in the video doing deadlifts is videotaping himself because a competitive powerlifter has been coaching him on his form and he sends the videos to the guy. A guy at the gym, not a staff member, gets really upset. He kicks the bar out of his hands mid-deadlift, starts screaming at him, and slams him against the wall. The gym has banned the guy who got upset.

I have a few words to say about the individual who kicked the bar. He is an impulsive hot head. He lacks caution, social inhibition, as well as foresight and gets over-emotional and over-aggressive. He should be court ordered to attend Assholes Anonymous meetings for the rest of his life. He should be green lit by society, forced to wear a green star, and should have to live every moment of the rest of his life with frayed nerves always on edge that some piece of shit is going to emotionally overreact and spaz out on him whether he is at the grocery store, hospital, a family member's funeral, doesn't matter. Posters should go up when he moves into a neighborhood that include the URL of that video. Once a month he should have to perform deadlifts while some douchebag kicks the bar out of his hands mid-lift at random intervals, berates him in public, and shoves him around. If all of these conditions were fulfilled, perhaps then could justice have finally been served in at least one instance in this miserable world.

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