Highway robbery Green New Deal masquerading as progressive ideology will always take priority over

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Highway robbery Green New Deal masquerading as progressive ideology will always take priority over getting the vermin population under control.

A do not let this happen to your State or future with a green new deal ....

$1,973 LEDs and the Green New Deal

How many union workers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Feb. 15, 2019 6:46 p.m. ET


The publicly ridiculed Green New Deal gets a vote in the Senate.

The Green New Deal that Democrats unveiled last week has a grand ambition to eliminate fossil fuels in 10 years, retrofit every building in America, and guarantee high-paying jobs in the bargain. If you want to see how that works in the real world, consider the public housing projects near Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s New York office.

The New York City Housing Authority (Nycha) has a more modest goal of a 30% reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions by 2027. As part of its plan, Nycha is switching to LED lighting, which lasts longer than incandescent bulbs and consumes less energy. Sounds smart, until you see how many union workers it takes to screw in a light bulb.

One recent project focused on 23 housing developments, and changing the light bulbs and fixtures there cost $33.2 million. Supplies account for a fraction of that cost. Under Nycha’s Project Labor Agreement, electricians make $81 in base pay and $54 in fringe per hour, and overtime is usually time and a half. Add administrative and contracting expenses. All in, Nycha paid an average of $1,973 per apartment to install LEDs.

For Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, sky-high labor costs are part of the plan. Her Green New Deal resolution would create “high-quality union jobs that pay prevailing wages” and reinforce “the right of all workers to organize, unionize, and collectively bargain.” It also mandates upgrades for “all existing buildings in the United States” to “achieve maximal energy efficiency.” In this worker’s paradise, there’s a $1,973 LED in every socket.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal also states that a Green New Deal “must be developed through transparent and inclusive consultation, collaboration, and partnership” with both labor and low-income families. But if she visited the Nycha homes, she may find those mandates are at odds.

“I can buy LED myself,” said Barbara Jones, 69, who has lived in Cypress Hills since her 20s and is dismayed by the disrepair. Others we interviewed said they’d rather see money go first to getting rid of vermin, mold and lead paint, tidying filthy premises, or improving safety.

Nycha also updated the heat and hot water systems in addition to upgrading the lights at these 23 developments, and the total cost for the energy-efficiency overhaul was $68.7 million. A Consolidated Edison grant covered $8.25 million, but Nycha took out a loan to cover the rest. The housing authority has three similar projects in construction at other developments, and the total cost for all four is $271.8 million.

LED lights and other energy-efficiency upgrades may drive Nycha’s utility bills down, but those savings aren’t directly passed on to taxpayers for as long as 20 years. Under the federal Energy Performance Contracting Program, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development continues to reimburse Nycha for utilities at pre-LED levels. Public housing authorities must spend a minimum of 75% of their savings on servicing the loan and other project costs, but they have more discretion over the rest.

In the private economy, $1,973 could go a long way toward improving a dilapidated apartment. Only in the world of green government spending is replacing light bulbs for two grand a unit a cost-saving measure.
Appeared in the February 16, 2019, print edition.
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Are you under the impression that the Green New Deal resolution will somehow prevent people from buying their own light bulbs or making other improvements in their homes? If you or I chose to hire an electrician to do similar work in New York City we would pay similar prices. Fortunately, you and I and every other home owner and resident has the right to do their own work of that nature. The NYCHA, working on government-owned low income housing, is required by law to use those electricians. Work to change the law if you think it wrong. But be ready for some hefty lawsuits the first time some tenant electrocutes themselves or starts a fire or just falls off a ladder mucking around with their lights in a government-owned property.
hurt worker thats a triple jackpot if your a city employee on the job
and ya still get to sue ...ITll still cost the taxpayer more

but didn't ya follow along ? or are you just going to defend the ridiculous costs

OF course not

instead of trying to change the "climate" with 1000 dollar light bulbs err residence had much more pressing problems!
BUT why listen to them ? i thought thats what the left specialized in ? listening and caring for the poor masses ?

after administrative costs OF COURSE

feel the love of the nanny state
No Green Deal is coming whatsoever. Bozo pols just stirring the base by throwing a bone. For the past ten years, climate change legislation has been a radioactive topic on Capitol Hill. Not changing anytime soon....Dums in purple districts have no interest at all in focusing on legislation most voters dont give a fuck about. Only the radical fringe left gets ginned up with talk of green deal stuff. It's on nobody else's radar.:113:

The ONLY legislation out of Congress since 2006 has been light bulb legislation. That's what goofballs like Crick have to hang their hats on!!:2up::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
hurt worker thats a triple jackpot if your a city employee on the job
and ya still get to sue ...ITll still cost the taxpayer more

but didn't ya follow along ? or are you just going to defend the ridiculous costs

OF course not

instead of trying to change the "climate" with 1000 dollar light bulbs err residence had much more pressing problems!
BUT why listen to them ? i thought thats what the left specialized in ? listening and caring for the poor masses ?

after administrative costs OF COURSE

feel the love of the nanny state

What makes you think the ONLY thing caring folks might doing for such folks is getting them LED light bulbs? What you're doing - and a thousand dishonest fools before you - is called a making a false dichotomy. Believe it or don't, it's possible for more than one thing at a time to be done. One group can replace their light bulbs while another is training them for a higher paying job, or helping them get transportation to the job they've got or helping them with child care so they have to the time to go earn a buck or giving them affordable health care so they don't go bankrupt running to the ER for every medical need they get. False dichotomy works just fine if you're trying to rile up the troops that, like you, have already made up their minds based on the irrelevancies of racial and ethnic bias.

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