Higher Rate of Autism for Those Who Don’t Vaccinate


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Sorry anti-vaxxers. Your kids have a better chance of getting autism if they don’t vaccinate than if they do.

After two studies reporting a possible link between vaccines and autism, researchers have set out to examine whether much larger studies could replicate the findings of the first studies.​

These much larger studies, covering thousands of times more children than the first studies, were much better designed and much more "powered" to detect any differences between vaccines and autism.​

The balance of evidence strongly indicate that there is no link between vaccines and autism. In fact, recent research has shown a trend towards a lower autism rate with vaccinations.​


Data on the MMR Vaccine & Autism | Visualized Health

science > ideology
science > conspiracy theories
Doubt it.

Never believe the establishment. They only care about the all mighty dollar.
Are anti-vaxxers even real or is it just a made up thing for smug people to complain about?
Are anti-vaxxers even real or is it just a made up thing for smug people to complain about?
The measles outbreaks we've had in areas with low vaccination rates are real enough. What do you mean?
Sorry anti-vaxxers. Your kids have a better chance of getting autism if they don’t vaccinate than if they do.

After two studies reporting a possible link between vaccines and autism, researchers have set out to examine whether much larger studies could replicate the findings of the first studies.​

These much larger studies, covering thousands of times more children than the first studies, were much better designed and much more "powered" to detect any differences between vaccines and autism.​

The balance of evidence strongly indicate that there is no link between vaccines and autism. In fact, recent research has shown a trend towards a lower autism rate with vaccinations.​

Data on the MMR Vaccine & Autism | Visualized Health

science > ideology
science > conspiracy theories

Don't confuse them with facts. Their minds are already made up.
Are anti-vaxxers even real or is it just a made up thing for smug people to complain about?
It is a way to silence any dissenting opinions, so that the drug pushers and the government make loads of cash.
Doubt it.

Never believe the establishment. They only care about the all mighty dollar.
If you're serious, you're an idiot. At least you'll never go to a doctor and won't be around very long.
LOL. You aren't very smart are you?

Do you know one of the leading causes of death in America is death by doctor? You have it exactly BACKWARDS.
FEED the idiots the lies so they keep gettingn that vaccine it's PROVEN your bs article is a lie they want you STUPID man and it's workingn..




Large Study Finds — Once Again — that Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

A study of macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) patients observed AANs inside MFs at the location of intramuscular vaccine injections. Muscle tissue samples were obtained by biopsy 3 months to 8 years after vaccine injection (average: 36 months). Presence of aluminum inside MFs was confirmed by 3 different methods. Aluminum was present in MFs only, and not in muscle fibers.

Paper (Gherardi et al): Macrophagic myofasciitis lesions assess long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide in muscle.


Above: Electron microscope (top) and nuclear microprobe (bottom) images of thin sections of muscle taken from macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) patients. This study showed that AANs remain inside macrophages (MFs) in muscle tissue for years after intramuscular injection. In one subject, Al adjuvant was still present 8 years after vaccination. Nuclear microprobe is also called proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE), and it can identify chemical el

Vaccine Aluminum Travels Into the Brain


157 Research Papers Supporting Vaccine/Autism CausationGinger Taylor, MS
Mainstream research has found that vaccines and their ingredients can cause the underlying medical conditions that committed physicians and researchers are commonly finding in children who have been given an autism diagnosis. These conditions include gastrointestinal damage, immune system impairment, chronic infections, mitochondrial disorders, autoimmune conditions, neurological regression, glial cell activation, interleukin-6 secretion dysregulation, brain inflammation, damage to the blood–brain barrier, seizures, synaptic dysfunction, dendritic cell dysfunction, mercury poisoning, aluminum toicity, gene activation and alteration, glutathione depletion, impaired methylation, oidative stress, impaired thioredoin regulation, mineral deficiencies, impairment of the opioid system, endocrine dysfunction, cellular apoptosis, and other disorders.!"# available

$ncreased risk of developmental neurologic impairment after high eposure to thimerosal-containing vaccine in first month of life. "ivision of %pidemiology and &urveillance, 'accine &afety and "evelopment (ranch, )ational $mmunization !rogram, *enters for "isease *ontrol and !revention. +. Thomas M. 'erstraeten, obert "avis, "avid u, #rank "e&tefano (ackground/ *oncern has risen on the presence of the ethylmercury containing preservative thimerosal in vaccines. 0e assessed the risk for neurologic and renal impairment associated with past eposure to thimerosal-containing vaccine using automated data from the 'accine &afety "ata link 1'&"2. '&" is a large linked database from four health maintenance organizations in 0ashington, 3regon and *alifornia, containing immunization, medical visit and demographic data on over 455,555 infants born between + and 7. Methods/ 0e categorized the cumulative ethylmercury eposure from Thimerosalcontaining vaccines after one month of life and assessed the subse8uent risk of degenerative and developmental neurologic disorders and renal disorders beforethe age of si. 0e applied proportional hazard models ad9usting for :M3, year of birth, and gender, ecluding premature babies.esults/ 0e identified ;<6 children with degenerative and =75; with developmental neurologic disorders, and =+5 with renal disorders. The relative risk 12 of developing a neurologic development disorder was +.< 1 >? confidence intervals @*$A B+.+-;.<2 when comparing the highest eposure group at + month of age 1cumulative doseC ;> ug2 to the uneposed group.
ithin thisgroup !e also "oun# an ele$ate# ris% "or the "ollo!ing #isor#ers& autism 'RR 7(), *5+ Cl  1(-.1(50
, non organic sleep disorders 1 >.5, >? *l B +.6-+>.D, and speech disorders 1 ;.+, >? 1+B+.+-4.52. #or the neurologic degenerative and renal disorders group we found no significantly increased risk or a decreased risk.


This analysis suggests that high eposure to ethyl mercury "rom thimerosal.containing $accines in the "irst month o" li"e increases the ris% o" su2se3uent #e$elopment o" neurologic #e$elopment impairment
, but not of neurologic degenerative or renal impairment. #urther confirmatory studies are needed.
!ilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to +;-

year old E.&. children

F Transl &ci =/ "3$/ +5.+>76+GFT&.+555+<6, Hpril ;4, ;5+7 Hnthony  Mawson, Hzad  (huiyan, (rian " ay, (inu Facob"epartment of %pidemiology and (iostatistics, &chool of !ublic :ealth, Fackson &tate Eniversity, Fackson, M& =;+=, E&H)ational :eek:me %ducation esearch $nstitute, !3 (o +==, &alem, 3 7=5, E&H Hbstract'accinations have prevented millions of infectious illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths among E.&. children, yet the long-term health outcomes of the vaccination schedule remain uncertain. &tudies have been recommended by the E.&. $nstitute of Medicine to address this 8uestion. This study aimed +2 to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children on a broad range of health outcomes, and ;2 to determine whether an association found between vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders 1)""2, if any, remained significant after ad9ustment for other measured factors. H cross-sectional study of mothers of children educated at home was carried out in collaboration with homeschool organizations in four E.&. states/ #lorida, Iouisiana, Mississippi and 3regon. Mothers were asked to complete an anonymous online 8uestionnaire ontheir 6- to +;-year-old biological children with respect to pregnancy-related factors, birth history, vaccinations, physician-diagnosed illnesses, medications used, and health services. )"", a derived diagnostic measure, was defined as having one or more of the following three closely-related diagnoses/ a learning disability, Httention "eficient :yperactivity "isorder, and Hutism &pectrum "isorder. H convenience sample of 666 children was obtained, of which ;6+ 1=?2 were unvaccinated. The vaccinated were less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpo and pertussis, but more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and )"". Hfter ad9ustment, vaccination, male gender, and preterm birth remained significantly associated with )"". :eek:wever, in a final ad9usted model with interaction, vaccination but not preterm birth remained associated with )"", while the interaction of preterm birth and vaccination was associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of )"" 1>? *$/ ;.<, +>.>2.
4n conclusion, $accinate# homeschool chil#ren !ere "oun# to ha$e a higher rate o" allergies an# 66than un$accinate# homeschool chil#ren(
0hile vaccination remained significantly associated with )"" after controlling for other factors, preterm birth coupled with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase inthe odds of )"". #urther research involving larger, independent samples and

stronger research designs is needed to verify and understand these unepected findings in order to optimize the impact of vaccines on childrenJs health.%erptsK
66, a #eri$e# #iagnostic measure, !as #e"ine# as ha$ing one or more o" the "ollo!ing three closely.relate# #iagnoses& a learning #isa2ility, Attention 6e"icient yperacti$ity 6isor#er, an# Autism Spectrum 6isor#er(
KK*hronic illness
Vaccinate# chil#ren !ere signi"icantly more li%ely than the un$accinate# to ha$e 2een #iagnose# !ith the "ollo!ing&
allergic rhinitis 1+5.4? vs. 5.4?, p L5.55+ 3 =5.+, >? *$/ 4.+, ;+.=2, other allergies 1;;.;? vs. 6.?, p L5.55+ 3 =., >? *$/ ;.=, 6.62, eczemaGatopic dermatitis 1.>? vs. =.6?, p B 5.5=> 3 ;., >? *$/ +.4, 6.+2, a learning disability 1>.7? vs. +.;?, p B 5.55= 3 >.;, >? *$/ +.6, +7.42, H":" 14.7? vs. +.5?, p B 5.5+= 3 4.;, >? *$/ +.;, +4.>2,
AS6 '8(7+ $s( 1(9+, p  9(91: ;R 8(<, *5+ C4& 1(<, 18(50
, any neurodevelopmental disorder 1i.e., learning disability, H":" or H&"2 1+5.>? vs. =.+?, p L5.55+ 3 =.7, >? *$/ +.7, 7.2 and any chronic illness 144.5? vs. ;>.5?, p L5.55+ 3 ;.4, >? *$/ +.7, =.=2.K
:epatitis ( vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, ):$& +7-

Hssociations of prenatal and early childhood mercury eposure with autistic

behaviors at > years of age/ The Mothers and *hildrens %nvironmental :ealth

1M3*%:2 study

&cience of The Total %nvironment'olumes 65>–656, +> "ecember ;5+7, !ages ;>+-;>7Fiayua. , %un-:ee:aa, (oong-)yunNimb, Mina:ac, OanghoNimd, :yesook!arke, Oun-*hul:eek:ngf, Nyoung-)amNim"epartment of 3ccupational and %nvironmental Medicine, &chool of Medicine, %wha 0omans Eniversity, &eoul, epublic of Norea"ivision of *hild P Hdolescent !sychiatry, "epartment of !sychiatry and $nstitute of :uman (ehavioral Medicine, *ollege of Medicine, &eoul )ational Eniversity, &eoul, epublic of Norea"epartment of !reventive Medicine, *ollege of Medicine, "ankook Eniversity, *heonan, epublic of Norea"epartment of 3ccupational and %nvironmental Medicine, Elsan Eniversity :eek:spital, Eniversity of Elsan *ollege of Medicine, Elsan, epublic of Norea"epartment of !reventive Medicine, &chool of Medicine, %wha 0omans Eniversity, &eoul, epublic of Norea"epartment of !reventive Medicine, &eoul )ational Eniversity *ollege of Medicine, &eoul, epublic of Norea$nstitute of !ublic :ealth and Medical &ervice, &eoul )ational Eniversity :eek:spital,&eoul, epublic of Noreaeceived ;6 Hpril ;5+7, evised ;4 Fune ;5+7, Hccepted ;6 Fune ;5+7, Hvailable online ;< Fune ;5+7. Hbstract(ackground Hlthough mercury is an established neurotoin, only few longitudinal studies haveinvestigated the association between prenatal and early childhood mercury eposure and autistic behaviors.Methods0e conducted a longitudinal cohort study using an ongoing prospective birth cohort initiated in ;556, wherein blood mercury levels were measured at early and late pregnancy in cord blood and at ; and = years of age. 0e analyzed 4><mother-child pairs. Hutistic behaviors were assessed using the &ocial esponsiveness &cale 1&&2 at > years of age. (oth continuous && T-scores and T-scores dichotomized by a score of Q 65 or L 65 were used as outcomes.

animals, vaccine ad9uvants, and autoimmunity

.$mmunol es. ;5+= Ful>61;-=2/=54-+6. &haw *H, Toml9enovic I. Hbstract0e have eamined the neurotoicity of aluminum in humans and animals under various conditions, following different routes of administration, and provide an overview of the various associated disease states. The literature demonstrates clearly negative impacts of aluminum on the nervous system across the age span. $n adults, aluminum eposure can lead to apparently age-related neurological deficits resembling Hlzheimers and has been linked to this disease and to the uamanian variant, HI&-!"*. &imilar outcomes have been found in animal models. $n addition, in9ection of aluminum ad9uvants in an attempt to model ulf 0ar syndrome and associated neurological deficits leads to an HI& phenotype in young male mice. $n young children, a highly significant correlation eists between the number of pediatric aluminum-ad9uvanted vaccines administered and the rate of autism spectrum disorders. Many of the features of aluminum-induced neurotoicity may arise, in part, from autoimmune reactions, as part of the H&$H syndrome.
Transcriptomic Hnalyses of )eurotoic %ffects in Mouse (rain Hfter

$ntermittent )eonatal Hdministration of Thimerosal.Toicol &ci. ;5+4 Hpr 4.Ii ]+, u #, ]ie 0, 0ang #, Iiu :, &ong &, *hen T, Vhang O, Vhu &, 0ang O, uo *, Tang T&. HbstractThimerosal is a vaccine antimicrobial preservative which has long been suspected an iatrogenic factor possibly contributing to neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. The association between infant vaccine thimerosal eposure and autism remains an open 8uestion. Hlthough thimerosal has been removed from mandatory childhood vaccines in the Enited &tates, thimerosal-preserved vaccines are still widely used outside of the Enited &tates especially indeveloping countries. )otably, thimerosal-containing vaccines are being given to the newborns within the first +;-;4 h after birth in some countries. To eamine

the possible neurotoic effects of early neonatal eposure to a higher level of thimerosal, #'( mice were subcutaneously in9ected with thimerosal-mercury at adose which is ;5 higher than that used for regular *hinese infant immunization during the first 4 months of life. Thimerosal-treated mice ehibited neural development delay, social interaction deficiency, and inclination of depression. Hpparent neuropathological changes were also observed in adult mice neonatallytreated with thimerosal. :igh-throughput )H se8uencing of autistic-behaved mice brains revealed the alternation of a number of canonical pathways involvingneuronal development, neuronal synaptic function, and the dysregulation of endocrine system. $ntriguingly, the elevation of anterior pituitary secreting hormones occurred eclusively in male but not in female thimerosal-treated mice,demonstrating for the first time the gender bias of thimerosal-mercury toicity with regard to endocrine system. 3ur results indicate that higher dose of neonatal thimerosal-mercury 1;5 higher than that used in human2 is capable of inducing long-lasting substantial dysregulation of neurodevelopment, synaptic function, and endocrine system, which could be the causal involvements of autistic-like behavior in mice.
&elf-organized criticality theory of autoimmunity

.!Io& 3ne. ;55 "ec =+41+;2/e<=<;. doi/ +5.+=7+G9ournal.pone.555<=<;.Tsumiyama N+, Miyazaki O, &hiozawa &."epartment of (iophysics, Nobe Eniversity raduate &chool of :ealth &cience, Nobe, Fapan. Hbstract(H*N3E)"/The cause of autoimmunity, which is unknown, is investigated from a different angle, i.e., the defect in immune system, to eplain the cause of autoimmunity.M%T:3"3I3OG!$)*$!HI #$)"$)&/epeated immunization with antigen causes systemic autoimmunity in mice otherwise not prone to spontaneous autoimmune diseases. 3verstimulation of *"41_2 T cells led to the development of autoantibody-inducing *"41_2 T 1ai*"41_2 T2 cell which had undergone T cell receptor 1T*2 revision and was capable of inducing autoantibodies. The ai*"41_2 T cell was induced by de novo T* revision but not by cross-reaction, and subse8uently overstimulated *"<1_2 T cells, driving them to become antigen-specific cytotoic T lymphocytes 1*TI2. These *TIs could be further matured by antigen cross-presentation, after which they caused autoimmune tissue in9ury akin to systemic lupus erythematosus 1&I%2.*3)*IE&$3)&G&$)$#$*H)*%/
Systemic autoimmunity appears to 2e the ine$ita2le conse3uence o" o$er.stimulating the hostDs immune DsystemD 2y repeate# immuniation !ith

thimerosal 1ii2 this type of autism represents an unrecognized mercurial syndrome and 1iii2 genetic and non-genetic factors establish a predisposition whereby thimerosalJs adverse effects occur only in some children.
Hutistic disturbances of affective contact. )ervous *hild ;, ;+7-;>5 1+4=2Nanner I.Fohns :eek:pkins EniversityZ*ase =. ichard M. was referred to the Fohns :eek:pkins :eek:spital on #ebruary >, +4+, at = years, = months of age, with the complaint of deafness because he didnot talk and did not respond to 8uestions.[ Z
?ollo!ing smallpo $accination at 1< months, he ha# an attac% o" #iarrhea an# "e$er, "rom !hich he reco$ere# in some!hat less than a !ee%
.[Z$n &eptember, +45, the mother, in commenting on ichards failure to talk, remarked in her notes/ $ cant be sure 9ust when he stopped the imitation of wordssounds. $t seems that he has gone backward mentally gradually for the last two years.[ichard M/)ovember +=7 – (orn)ovember +=< – 'accinated with &mallpo vaccine &eptember +45 – Mother reports developmental regression beginning approimately two years previously#ebruary +4+ – eferred to :eek:pkins for evaluation+4= – (ecomes the third child to be described as autistic by Ieo Nanner in his disorder defining paper, the first paper published on autism.

Last edited:
Are anti-vaxxers even real or is it just a made up thing for smug people to complain about?
The measles outbreaks we've had in areas with low vaccination rates are real enough. What do you mean?

I just don't see a lot of militant anti-vaxxers around.

Complaining about the elusive anti-vaxxer on social media is like every insufferably smug political centrist's favorite pastime.
Doubt it.

Never believe the establishment. They only care about the all mighty dollar.
If you're serious, you're an idiot. At least you'll never go to a doctor and won't be around very long.
LOL. You aren't very smart are you?

Do you know one of the leading causes of death in America is death by doctor? You have it exactly BACKWARDS.
Smart enough to know the difference between causation and correlation. Healthy people generally don't go to a doctor. I'd provide a study to prove you wrong but you wouldn't take your tin-foil hat off long enough to read it.
Are anti-vaxxers even real or is it just a made up thing for smug people to complain about?
The measles outbreaks we've had in areas with low vaccination rates are real enough. What do you mean?

I just don't see a lot of militant anti-vaxxers around.

Complaining about the elusive anti-vaxxer on social media is like every insufferably smug political centrist's favorite pastime.
They are real and they appear to be growing. In the county in Washington state where the measles outbreak was a month or two ago, less than 70% were immunized. Which, of course, is why there was an outbreak.
Are anti-vaxxers even real or is it just a made up thing for smug people to complain about?
The measles outbreaks we've had in areas with low vaccination rates are real enough. What do you mean?

I just don't see a lot of militant anti-vaxxers around.

Complaining about the elusive anti-vaxxer on social media is like every insufferably smug political centrist's favorite pastime.
They are real and they appear to be growing. In the county in Washington state where the measles outbreak was a month or two ago, less than 70% were immunized. Which, of course, is why there was an outbreak.

Do we know those people were "anti-vaxxers" or just lazy, maybe uninformed?

Possibly even migrants..
Doubt it.

Never believe the establishment. They only care about the all mighty dollar.
If you're serious, you're an idiot. At least you'll never go to a doctor and won't be around very long.
LOL. You aren't very smart are you?

Do you know one of the leading causes of death in America is death by doctor? You have it exactly BACKWARDS.
Smart enough to know the difference between causation and correlation. Healthy people generally don't go to a doctor. I'd provide a study to prove you wrong but you wouldn't take your tin-foil hat off long enough to read it.
LOL. So sick people go to the doctor and instead of getting cured, they get murdered...and you find this entirely acceptable. DAMN!
Sorry anti-vaxxers. Your kids have a better chance of getting autism if they don’t vaccinate than if they do.

After two studies reporting a possible link between vaccines and autism, researchers have set out to examine whether much larger studies could replicate the findings of the first studies.​

These much larger studies, covering thousands of times more children than the first studies, were much better designed and much more "powered" to detect any differences between vaccines and autism.​

The balance of evidence strongly indicate that there is no link between vaccines and autism. In fact, recent research has shown a trend towards a lower autism rate with vaccinations.​

Data on the MMR Vaccine & Autism | Visualized Health

science > ideology
science > conspiracy theories

I don't believe that for a second.
Sorry anti-vaxxers. Your kids have a better chance of getting autism if they don’t vaccinate than if they do.

After two studies reporting a possible link between vaccines and autism, researchers have set out to examine whether much larger studies could replicate the findings of the first studies.​

These much larger studies, covering thousands of times more children than the first studies, were much better designed and much more "powered" to detect any differences between vaccines and autism.​

The balance of evidence strongly indicate that there is no link between vaccines and autism. In fact, recent research has shown a trend towards a lower autism rate with vaccinations.​

Data on the MMR Vaccine & Autism | Visualized Health

science > ideology
science > conspiracy theories

I don't believe that for a second.

That’s nice.
Doubt it.

Never believe the establishment. They only care about the all mighty dollar.
If you're serious, you're an idiot. At least you'll never go to a doctor and won't be around very long.
LOL. You aren't very smart are you?

Do you know one of the leading causes of death in America is death by doctor? You have it exactly BACKWARDS.
Smart enough to know the difference between causation and correlation. Healthy people generally don't go to a doctor. I'd provide a study to prove you wrong but you wouldn't take your tin-foil hat off long enough to read it.
LOL. So sick people go to the doctor and instead of getting cured, they get murdered...and you find this entirely acceptable. DAMN!
I've been to the doctor many times and I have yet to be murdered. If I hadn't gone to doctors I'd probably be dead by now. Easy choice.

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