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But some school systems already get parents to sign a release before student information is made public. Others think it might be a good idea to get rid of the honor roll altogether, as Principal Steven Baum did at Julia Green Elementary in Nashville.
''The rationale was, if there are some children that always make it and others that always don't make it, there is a very subtle message that was sent,'' he said. ''I also understand right to privacy is the legal issue for the new century.''
Baum thinks spelling bees and other publicly graded events are leftovers from the days of ranking and sorting students.
''I discourage competitive games at school,'' he said. ''They just don't fit my world view of what a school should be.''

Thank goodness this jackass isn't in my school district. School is supposed to prepare you for the real world and give you a foundation for success into the future. If he thinks competition isn't part of the real world, he's sadly mistaken. Not everyone in his school will be a teacher and therefore part of union where the inferior can't lose their jobs.
In my experience, professors who don't like handing out grades do so because they have no business teaching at all.
This is perfectly in line with our current culture. The lowest are the greatest, the truly excellent shall hang their heads in shame. The truly unlucky are those who excel, for they shall be called to task by the jealous. Lowest common denominator, that's the new America. Civilizations die when their clowns become gods. Where are we?
appearently people are running out of things to piss and moan about. they have been hangin kids work out for how many decades? and its just <i><b>now</i></b> people are getting embarassed about it?
thats right, i forgot how bad it was to be a teen now days. "what do you mean im grounded? you mean i have to go to my room, with cable tv, dvd, vcr, and video games? what a bummer"
Can we change that to "..and the stupid shall inherit the Earth"...cause that's the way it's going folks.

We mustn't make the copraphagenic offspring of society's sycophantic mutants feel bad because they are not "A" students; I am sure they do the best they can given their busy schedule of having to watch so much TV or hanging with the crowd.

Besides, the "govment" prefers ignorant subjects, I mean citizens!!!!!!
As someone who has a degree in education and has worked in the school system, I chose not to pursue it as a career after becoming disgusted with some of the things I experienced. Now some of you might be thinking I should have stayed and tried to make a difference, but that's next to impossible. I find that to be a teacher in today's school system is to be tightly controlled and monitored, so that you are teaching exactly the ideas that those in power (from local authorities on up to the NEA) want you to teach. I had looked forward to being a teacher because I had thought it would be a "creative" profession, but nothing could be further from the truth. I wanted to teach children to think for themselves, but that is not the aim of the public school system. First, the aim of the school system is to indoctrinate children early, so they will grow up fearing those in power (government). Second, the purpose of the public school system it is to supply a cheap and just educated enough workforce for big companies like Wal Mart (not intending to just pick on Wal Mart). This is the goal for the majority of students who go through school, though a select few will be groomed to take on higher positions in society. I can't tell you how many times I heard teachers saying that grades aren't important! Yet time after time, I noticed these same teachers made sure their own children got top grades, so that later on they could send them to Harvard or some other Ivy league school. What these teachers were really saying was that YOUR children, and whatever grades they received, aren't important. In their minds, your children are not really destined for anything special, not like their own children, anyway.
Good thing we've got those new reforms that force national testing standards on the level of education being given. Without it we'd never be able to prove that the teacher's union advocates the dumbing down of our youth. They can remove honor roll but they can't take away federal requirements.
I thought this was stupid too. Maybe if they don't want hurt feelings they should get better grades. There are always going to be people who do some things better than others and people shouldn't get their feelings hurt because of it if they want to make it in the world.

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