Hidden Tapes & Secret Emails: Right Wing Now Throwing Kitchen Sink At Obama On Libya


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Hayes Brown

In the closing days of the election, Republicans are throwing everything they can think of at President Obama to rattle his position on national security. Though a CBS poll taken immediately after the final Presidential debate had 64 percent of undecided voters believing Obama would be better on national security than Mitt Romney, the right remains convinced that Libya will be Obama’s undoing.

Despite former Bush administration Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice imploring that attacks be held off until an investigation is complete, more partisan Republicans refuse to heed her advice.

As varying and disparate as they are, these right-wing claims all focus more on attacking the Obama administration than any desire to seek the truth on Benghazi. For the last month and a half, after Ambassador Susan Rice’s Sept. 16 appearance on several news shows, the right has taken every opportunity to try to politicize the attacks. So far all of their attempts and claims have gone down in flames.

In comparison, the State Department’s investigation is set to be completed in the coming weeks, which will lay out in full any security failures. Likewise, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will be convening hearings after the election to determine what intelligence failures actually happened on Sept. 11.

More: Hidden Tapes & Secret Emails: Right Wing Now Throwing Kitchen Sink At Obama On Libya | ThinkProgress
The situation room in cluding obumer watch the live feed.
You have no case so shut the hell up with your slant ignorance.
They can try to make hay with that issue, but the only people who are paying attention are right wing tools.
Loads are paying attention.

Barry and his advisors thought the situation was to "risky" so they let those men die. I'm sure those three men appreciated Barrys grasp of the situation.

Glad I'm not in the military and I'm glad all my relatives are out of the military. I sure wouldn't want to be serving with that fuck as my CIC. Good God.

Yes, tossing the kitchen sink at "the other guys" is what both embarrassing political parties do when they sense weakness, when they determine there is political advantage in doing so. No matter how shameless.

Par for the course. What amazes me is that both parties whine and moan when it happens to them.

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poor Lakhota, people are trying to hold this administration responsible for their reprehensible actions that just happened to get people KILLED..

but hey, the hell with them Obama can do no wrong
Just like Fast and Furious folks, Now this..

vote this administration out
By Hayes Brown

In the closing days of the election, Republicans are throwing everything they can think of at President Obama to rattle his position on national security. Though a CBS poll taken immediately after the final Presidential debate had 64 percent of undecided voters believing Obama would be better on national security than Mitt Romney, the right remains convinced that Libya will be Obama’s undoing.

Despite former Bush administration Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice imploring that attacks be held off until an investigation is complete, more partisan Republicans refuse to heed her advice.

As varying and disparate as they are, these right-wing claims all focus more on attacking the Obama administration than any desire to seek the truth on Benghazi. For the last month and a half, after Ambassador Susan Rice’s Sept. 16 appearance on several news shows, the right has taken every opportunity to try to politicize the attacks. So far all of their attempts and claims have gone down in flames.

In comparison, the State Department’s investigation is set to be completed in the coming weeks, which will lay out in full any security failures. Likewise, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will be convening hearings after the election to determine what intelligence failures actually happened on Sept. 11.

More: Hidden Tapes & Secret Emails: Right Wing Now Throwing Kitchen Sink At Obama On Libya | ThinkProgress

LOL....while spending a trillion dollars and losing 4500 young Americans all kinds of shit gets thrown:

By Hayes Brown

In the closing days of the election, Republicans are throwing everything they can think of at President Obama to rattle his position on national security. Though a CBS poll taken immediately after the final Presidential debate had 64 percent of undecided voters believing Obama would be better on national security than Mitt Romney, the right remains convinced that Libya will be Obama’s undoing.

Despite former Bush administration Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice imploring that attacks be held off until an investigation is complete, more partisan Republicans refuse to heed her advice.

As varying and disparate as they are, these right-wing claims all focus more on attacking the Obama administration than any desire to seek the truth on Benghazi. For the last month and a half, after Ambassador Susan Rice’s Sept. 16 appearance on several news shows, the right has taken every opportunity to try to politicize the attacks. So far all of their attempts and claims have gone down in flames.

In comparison, the State Department’s investigation is set to be completed in the coming weeks, which will lay out in full any security failures. Likewise, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will be convening hearings after the election to determine what intelligence failures actually happened on Sept. 11.

More: Hidden Tapes & Secret Emails: Right Wing Now Throwing Kitchen Sink At Obama On Libya | ThinkProgress

LOL....while spending a trillion dollars and losing 4500 young Americans all kinds of shit gets thrown:


real cute..everything come back to Bush for you people to EXCUSE Obama's actions
I'd say thinkprogess is the one that is desperate, that article looked like it was written by some hysterical high school child...and we are so lucky to have it posted here..:rolleyes:
The MSM has their force-field around him.

This does two things....gets the story out and De-legitimizes the main-streamers.

I think this will cause MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and ABC to lose much of their audience....because it's obvious they're protecting Obama and acting as cheerleaders. :udaman:
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12:01 a.m., Oct. 31, 2012
Updated 5:14 p.m. , Oct. 30, 2012

What did President Barack Obama know and when did he know it? Why has the Obama administration kept changing its story about how Ambassador Chris Stevens, security officials Tyrone Woods of Imperial Beach and Glen Doherty of Encinitas, and information officer Sean Smith, who grew up in San Diego, died on Sept. 11 in Benghazi, Libya? Why won’t the mainstream media treat the incontrovertible evidence of the White House’s dishonesty and incompetence like the ugly scandal it obviously is?

These are all questions that demand to be answered after revelations that demolished the tidy narrative the president has been offering about Benghazi.

Until last week, the White House had taken a moderate hit over the fact that for two weeks after it happened, officials had fostered the impression that the four Americans were killed Sept. 11 in a spontaneous protest triggered by a blasphemous anti-Islam video posted on YouTube – not by a coordinated terrorist attack on the 11th anniversary of 9/11. But administration officials pushed back by saying the “fog of war” had left them uncertain about events, and that when White House press secretary Jay Carney and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice had cited the video, they were only repeating the best available information they had. The president’s repeated comments conveyed the impression that he wasn’t aware of the attacks as they were unfolding, saying only that the next day, he ordered increased security for embassies in the area.

But after a torrent of leaks of official emails and communiqués – likely coming from CIA officials who refuse to participate in a cover-up and/or who won’t accept the role of scapegoat – the “fog of war” narrative looks like damage control: a determined attempt to keep the facts from the public until after the Nov. 6 election. After the leaks, the president suddenly changed his story to say he was aware of the attacks as they unfolded and had quickly issued an order to “make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to.”

all of it here

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