Hickenlooper Calls It Quits


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
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One of the only rational Democrat Socialist Party 2020 hopefuls could not hang with the loons. Hickenlooper had the temerity to tell a drooling crowd of bitter leftards that "socialism is not the answer." They booed.

What a sad state of affairs for the party of AOC & Tlaib. Very sad. :D
John Hickenlooper, Ending Presidential Bid, Will Give Senate ‘Serious Thought’

Shades of 2016. I remember when the DNC had four candidates then, one of the others besides Hillary or Sanders said something that I remember thinking: Gee, that is actually a very good idea for a democrat! Of course, he never stood a chance.

2020 Dem Hopefuls.jpg

Poor Schicklgruber, doomed to failure by assuming his audience had a brain.
One of the only rational Democrat Socialist Party 2020 hopefuls could not hang with the loons. Hickenlooper had the temerity to tell a drooling crowd of bitter leftards that "socialism is not the answer." They booed.

What a sad state of affairs for the party of AOC & Tlaib. Very sad. :D
John Hickenlooper, Ending Presidential Bid, Will Give Senate ‘Serious Thought’

Shades of 2016. I remember when the DNC had four candidates then, one of the others besides Hillary or Sanders said something that I remember thinking: Gee, that is actually a very good idea for a democrat! Of course, he never stood a chance.

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Poor Schicklgruber, doomed to failure by assuming his audience had a brain.
Messam and Moulton dropped out? SHAME!
If Seth moulton isn’t a front runner you democrats are screwed.. I can’t stand him
But he could have attracted retard rinos and moderates
Hick shouldn't have quit.

John Kerry in 2003 was behind Joe Lieberman, Al Sharpton, and Dick Gephardt in the polls. he even fired his campaign manager. NEVER QUIT!
Actually reaching people requires a more expanded conversation than just a conversation about externalities

The part of the brain that rationally analyzes an issue is not the part of the brain that decides who to vote for

We have an amoral economic mind-set that has corrupted our government and hijacked our value systems

While it is true that sometimes Americans are slow to wake up...once we do wake up, we slam it like nobody’s business!
One of the only rational Democrat Socialist Party 2020 hopefuls could not hang with the loons. Hickenlooper had the temerity to tell a drooling crowd of bitter leftards that "socialism is not the answer." They booed him.
The new slogan of the democrat party:"sane people need not apply"...I guess it's a sign of wokeness....I mean they can't discriminate on the grounds of skin color (even though white should be OK, but I bet they are so confused these days..), race, testicle size (which is a shame, cause small balls would disqualify nearly every male democrat) or fart behaviour (even though they just introduced "fart rape" as new crime)....hmm..so, I guess it had to be sanity...yeah, just do it like the Red Khmer in Cambodia, who shot people who wore glasses (cause glasses are a sign of intellectuality)...I am NOT kidding, they really did that...socialism, when you thought people couldn't get any more rabid...
Hickenlooper is a Far Left anti (legal) gun activist who thinks the STATE should "govern" and control you. He may not be quite as looney as the rest in his statements and does somewhat support Capitalism. However, he is by no means "reasonable".
Hickenlooper is a Far Left anti (legal) gun activist who thinks the STATE should "govern" and control you. He may not be quite as looney as the rest in his statements and does somewhat support Capitalism. However, he is by no means "reasonable".
I was comparatively speaking but yeah, there are no rational Dem 2020 hopefuls and precious few rational Dems at all.

Dear Democrats, Here’s How to Guarantee Trump’s Reelection

Centrist's Dead-End: Hickenlooper Quits White House Bid | RealClearPolitics
I liked Hickenlooper. He was one of the more centrist candidates. Too bad he didn’t gain more traction.
I liked Hickenlooper. He was one of the more centrist candidates. Too bad he didn’t gain more traction.
they don't want sane anymore...woke, woker wokest...the more rabid you are, the more appealing you are to the MSM...cause they will have to face the fact, that independants and moderates are fleeing in droves...the wake up call will be 2020 and 2024 when Trump is reelected and after him Graham or Cruze get in
He could flip a seat in Colorado if he runs for Senate. Time will tell...
He could flip a seat in Colorado if he runs for Senate. Time will tell...
The increasing likelihood of a 2020 Trump tsunami will make it that much more difficult for most Dems in state elections. I still see Lame Joe B as the only current Dem hopeful who would garner as much as 47% of the vote. The rest would get less … some far less.
He could flip a seat in Colorado if he runs for Senate. Time will tell...
The increasing likelihood of a 2020 Trump tsunami will make it that much more difficult for most Dems in state elections. I still see Lame Joe B as the only current Dem hopeful who would garner as much as 47% of the vote. The rest would get less … some far less.

I remember a tsunami that was supposed to take place in 2016 as well. It isn't prudent to count the chickens before the hatch b/c 14 months is forever in politics.

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