Hi from Scandinavia, Finland

An outsider

Aug 18, 2009
I have been reading this forun for guite some time now. Guite interesting and it is very educational to read opinions of different kinds of people. My special interest are racial topics. Round of applause to every race on earth!!!:clap2:
Scandinavia, Finland? Is this near Phonelandia?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob4M1yCn4AY]YouTube - Phonelandia - Radio Shack Commercial[/ame]

Welcome to the USMB. It's guite a nice message board, guite diverse in its membership, topics and ideas expressed, and guite moderately moderated.

You can get into some guite heated arguments regarding race and politics however, but you can also have guite alot of fun with the folks here.

It's guite simply, the best little message board on all the innertubes!

I think you'll guite enjoy it here!
Welcome to the USMB. It's guite a nice message board, guite diverse in its membership, topics and ideas expressed, and guite moderately moderated.

You can get into some guite heated arguments regarding race and politics however, but you can also have guite alot of fun with the folks here.

It's guite simply, the best little message board on all the innertubes!

I think you'll guite enjoy it here!

Way to kiss the brown star...LOL

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