Hezbollah will seek national unity government

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
BEIRUT – The leader of Hezbollah says the Shiite militant group and its allies want to form a national unity government for Lebanon, rather than seeking to govern alone.

Sheik Hassan Nasrallah spoke Sunday, a day before talks begin to pick a new prime minister.

Nasrallah appeared to be trying to calm tensions in Lebanon, where a rift between his group and a Western-backed bloc led by the caretaker prime minister, Saad Hariri, is deepening.

Sunday's announcement came two days after a potential kingmaker in Lebanese politics threw his support behind Hezbollah, giving the militant group a major boost. Walid Jumblatt, the influential leader of the Druse sect, refused to say exactly how many lawmakers are with him.

Hezbollah will seek national unity government - Yahoo! News

Never lose a chance to lose a chance.
Hezbollah pledges Lebanese unity, says it won't be pressured - CNN.com

Ironically, the instability in Lebanon reminds me very much of the instability in Germany before the Nazi's finally established their dictatorship. Hezbollah has their army and the Nazi's had their brown shirted thugs who were goose stepping all over the city streets terrorizing anything that was not pro Nazi.

Walid Jumblatt leader of the Druze is seeking an alliance with the devil Hezbollah in an effort to keep the country "peaceful." In Germany the same accord was attempted. Only the names were changed to protect the insolent. There is a lot of goose stepping in Lebanon now.

Once they have consolidated their power, Hezbollah will attack Israel again. Israel needs to deliver as much destruction as possible to Lebanon and all of its infrastructure to teach the populace that attacking Israel is a damn stupid thing to do.
What the fuck ever, Hezbollah is seeking a government under their terms, they are going to turn Lebanon into an Islamic republic. It is what it is but I just wish they would be honest about it.

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