Hezbollah - the fake resistance


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May 31, 2009
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Syrian artillery strikes north Lebanon, fi... JPost - Middle East

Syrian artillery strikes north Lebanon, five killed

LAST UPDATED: 07/07/2012 17:45

Assad's forces hit farm buildings in Wadi Khaled region while doing battle with rebels who cross over into Lebanese territory.

So where are the fake "resistance" fighters, defenders of Lebanon? They threaten to attack Israel over a few farm acres - but but but - when Lebanon comes under artillery assault, it is nowhere to be found.

This just confirms that they really are just an iranian-army proxy/iran imperialistic front pretending to be something else.

Same goes for AI, HRW, and the leftwing media; had Israel fired the shells it would have been front-page news all over the world...
Aw, poor Zionist shithead... still smarting from when Hezbollah humiliated the God Damned Jews the last time they invaded Lebanon.

Syria is no threat to Lebanon, there's no reason for Hezbollah to get involved, even with a few Syrian artillery shells aimed at Syrians in Lebanon.
Aw, poor Zionist shithead... still smarting from when Hezbollah humiliated the God Damned Jews the last time they invaded Lebanon.

Syria is no threat to Lebanon, there's no reason for Hezbollah to get involved, even with a few Syrian artillery shells aimed at Syrians in Lebanon.
Does that include the Syrian backed proxy Hezbollah being accused of trying to kill the Lebanese president?
Rafic Hariri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A UN backed tribunal issued four arrest warrants to members of the Hezbollah. Syria was initially accused of the assassination, which led to the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon following widespread protests.Following Hariri's death, there were several other bombings and assassinations against minor anti-Syrian figures. These included Samir Kassir, George Hawi, Gebran Tueni, Pierre Amine Gemayel, and Walid Eido. Assassination attempts were made on Elias Murr, May Chidiac, and Samir Shehade (who was investigating Hariri's death).[citation needed]

The United Nations special tribunal (see Special Tribunal for Lebanon) investigating the murder of Hariri is expected to issue draft indictments accusing Hezbollah of murdering Hariri.

After an altercation between male Tribunal staff and women at a gynecology clinic in October 2010, Hezbollah demanded that the Lebanese government stop all cooperation with the Special Tribunal, claiming the tribunal to be an infringement on Lebanese sovereignty by western governments. On 1 November 2010, a report was leaked by Al-Akhbar, a local secular, leftist newspaper, stating that Hezbollah has drafted plans for a quick takeover of the country in the case an indictment against its members is issued by the UN Special Tribunal.[20] The report states that Hezbollah conducted a simulation of the plan on October 28, immediately following a speech by its secretary general.[21]

On the other side, it has been revealed by leaked US embassy cables that Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate director Omar Suleiman reported that Syria "desperately" wanted to stop the investigation of the Tribunal.[22]

Hariri was considered as the principal actor in the widespread corruption that plagued Lebanon during the Syrian occupation
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Aw, poor Zionist shithead... still smarting from when Hezbollah humiliated the God Damned Jews the last time they invaded Lebanon.

Syria is no threat to Lebanon, there's no reason for Hezbollah to get involved, even with a few Syrian artillery shells aimed at Syrians in Lebanon.

Oh look, its a mentally ill scumbag too stupid to admit hez terrorists are frauds.

It must suck for fucking trash turds like you when exposed so badly, trying to defend the indefensible terrorist scum like hez. The same "freedom fighters" who never seem to fight for the lebanese rotting away in syrian prisons for decades, or against syria when it occupied lebanon for 20 years, or when it shells lebanon.

How come fuckface?

Why do they only attack jews, scumbag klan member? Along with the whore sherri, this filth sounds like another cracker in here to lick my asshole when I need to wipe.
Granny says, "Dat's right, hit `em where it counts - inna pocketbook...
US seizes $150m 'linked to Hezbollah money-laundering'
20 August 2012 - Hezbollah is classified by the US as a terrorist group
The US authorities say they have seized $150m (£95m) from a bank allegedly linked to a money-laundering scheme of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Last year, US officials accused the Lebanese Canadian Bank (LCB) of helping the group launder profits from drug trafficking and other crimes. The funds were allegedly used to ship cars from the US to West Africa, with the proceeds smuggled back to Lebanon.

The US classifies Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. "As we alleged last year, the Lebanese Canadian Bank played a key role in facilitating money laundering for Hezbollah-controlled organisations across the globe," the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Michele Leonhart, was quoted saying on Monday by the AFP news agency.

In December 2011, US prosecutors filed a lawsuit alleging that the LCB and two other firms used $300m (£193m) in drug-trafficking and criminal proceeds from Lebanon to buy used cars in the US and sell them in West Africa. Money from the sale of the cars, along with the proceeds of Colombian and Mexican cartels, was then funnelled to Lebanon through Hezbollah-controlled money-laundering channels, according to the US Attorney's Office.

At the time, Hezbollah dismissed the allegations as US propaganda. "Our relentless pursuit of global criminal networks showed that the US banking system was exploited to launder drug-trafficking funds through West Africa and into Lebanon," Ms Leonhart said. "DEA and our partners are attacking these groups and their financial infrastructure, while establishing clear links between drug trafficking proceeds and terrorist funding." Hezbollah, a Shia Islamist movement, was designated as a foreign terrorist organisation by the US government in 1997.

BBC News - US seizes $150m 'linked to Hezbollah money-laundering'
Let's see what Hezbollah does, if anything, to resist Syrian takeover in Lebanon...
Syria's civil war spills over into Lebanon
October 22. 2012 - Fighting raged in Lebanon as Syria sympathizers took on opponents in a sign that Syrian President Bashar Assad's slaughter of Sunnis is triggering violence outside his borders.
Gunmen and Lebanese security forces clashed Monday around many Beirut neighborhoods for the second night in a row as violence from the civil war in Syria appeared to spill over into its neighboring country. Lebanese soldiers in armored vehicles tried to break up civilian roadblocks and chase gunmen off the streets after the assassination of a prominent security chief who was an opponent of Syrian involvement in Lebanon.

Clashes killed at least five people. Heavy gunfire took place in neighborhoods until the Lebanese army restored calm Monday night. "Continuous gunbattles could spread to the rest of Lebanon," said Sunni Sheik Bilal Dokmak. "There is an increasing participation of [hard-line] Salafists in the Tripoli clashes. They have also taken to the streets in Beirut, but in very small numbers. However, the absence of the state is not helping."

Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hassan was killed by a car bomb Friday in Beirut, sparking violence between supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his opponents. Hassan's supporters, many of them Sunni Muslims, blamed Syria for the killing. Many Sunnis called for the resignation of the Hezbollah-dominated government, saying it is too friendly toward the Syrian regime.

As the head of the intelligence unit in the Internal Security Forces, Hassan led an investigation that implicated Syria and its Lebanese allies Hezbollah in the killing of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri in 2005. More recently, Hassan played a central role in the arrest in August of former Information minister Michel Samaha, who was charged with planning terrorist attacks in Lebanon at the behest of Syrians. The anti-Syria March 14 movement quickly accused Assad's regime of orchestrating the Hassan killing.

Herein lies the BIG PROBLEM in arming any of the elements in the CONFLICT IN SYRIA_-----they may be turned for use in LEBANON for some insane islamicist cause as per ---thus become an aid to Hezbollah and Assad or even some other sunni faction
Lebanon bombing may tip the scale of stability...
Instability feared in Lebanon after assassination
October 23, 2012 -- Several groups say Friday's car bombing was aimed to destabilize Lebanon; The bomb killed the country's intelligence chief; There are calls for the Lebanese Cabinet to step down; Authorities reveal that the bomb was placed inside a stolen Toyota
Last week's deadly car bombing in Beirut has exposed Lebanon's tenuous stability, as fears mount that the country could slip into chaos and be dragged into Syria's bloody civil war. European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Tuesday was the latest to express "concern about the stability of Lebanon," following a meeting with the country's prime minister, the state-run news outlet NNA reported. Friday's bombing killed the nation's intelligence chief, Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hassan, and triggered unrest. Sporadic fighting has erupted across Lebanon since.

Prime Minister Najib Mikati is now facing challenges to his leadership. On Tuesday, lawmaker Khaled Daher said he will call people to the streets if Mikati's Cabinet does not step down. "We demand this Cabinet step down because it has done nothing but shroud the country in chaos, at all levels, reaching economic bodies," Daher told Orient Radio. The Cabinet has become a huge burden that has served Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime the most, the lawmaker said.

Al-Assad's government holds significant influence in Lebanon, and many believe the Syrian leader wants to promote instability in Lebanon to divert attention from the civil war in his own country. Hezbollah, a powerful political faction in Lebanon backed by Iran and Syria, also released a statement Tuesday saying the assassination was an attempt to create instability. The bombing was meant to "incite internal strife," Hezbollah Deputy Secretary Gen. Sheikh Naim Qassem said on the group's website. After the announcement that an FBI team is headed to Lebanon to assist in the investigation, Qassem called the matter an "internal issue."

More Instability feared in Lebanon after assassination - CNN.com

See also:

Hezbollah rejects international probe in killing
23 Oct.`12 — Syria's powerful ally Hezbollah was accused Tuesday by Lebanese political opponents of playing a role in the assassination of a top intelligence officer who used his post to fight Syrian meddling in Lebanon.
The group, which dominates Lebanon's government, rejected calls to refer the investigation of the killing to the international tribunal that implicated Hezbollah figures in the truck bombing that killed former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri under similar circumstances. Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hassan was killed Oct. 19 in a car bomb that exploded next to his car in a residential Beirut neighborhood, shearing the balconies off apartment towers and killing al-Hassan, his bodyguard and a civilian. Scores more were injured. The killing has sent tremors along Lebanon's most tenuous political fault line, that separating allies of Syrian President Bashar Assad and those who oppose him.

Lebanon's two largest political coalitions have lined up on opposite sides of Syria's civil war. The Shiite group Hezbollah and its partners who dominate the government have stood by Assad's regime, while the Sunni-led opposition backs the rebels seeking to topple the government. Al-Hassan, a Sunni Muslim, was clearly in the latter camp, and his killing has led to sectarian violence in Lebanon, whose myriad sects have strong ties to their brethren across the border. At least 13 people have died in clashes between pro- and anti-Syria factions since the assassination — the deadliest violence in Beirut in four years.

Lebanese investigators have yet to cast blame in al-Hassan's killing, but details about the plot made public Tuesday suggest it was an inside job by someone who tracked al-Hassan's international travels and monitored the secret office he used to meet informants. Those details offered new ammunition to anti-Syria politicians who accuse the Assad regime and Hezbollah in the killing. "I said from the beginning, 'Who killed General Wissam al-Hassan and was behind the terrorist attack?' They are the Syrian and Iranian regimes through the hands of Hezbollah," parliament member Khaled Daher said on LBC TV.

Security officials say al-Hassan returned to Lebanon from Europe the night before he was killed but traveled under a false name and told almost no one he was in Beirut. Daher suggested that officials at the Beirut airport, a Hezbollah stronghold, tipped off the killers. "This airport is full of Hezbollah gangs who bring into Beirut whatever they want," he said.

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Hezbollah leading to Lebanon instability...
Hezbollah Upsets The Balance in Lebanon
June 14, 2013 — Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri says the nation’s militant Shia movement, Hezbollah, is risking the “fate of the nation” by taking on an expanded front-line role in neighboring Syria’s civil war.
The warning from Hariri comes a week after Hezbollah guerrillas from Lebanon, fighting beside Syrian government troops, led the attack on Qusair a strategic Syrian town on the main highway into Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. The government’s capture of Qusair is considered a major blow to the Syrian rebel movement, which has been trying to oust President Bashar al-Assad. Hezbollah, the militant arm of a Shia Muslim movement considered stronger than Lebanon’s own army, has been closely allied with Assad, whose Alawite religion is an offshoot of Shia Islam. Most Syrian rebels belong to the Sunni branch of Islam.

The United Nations estimated about 93,000 people have been killed in the Syrian civil war, which has been going on for more than two years. On Thursday, the Obama administration in Washington said it had concluded that Assad’s forces had been using chemical weapons in the fighting and that the United States would begin helping to arm the rebels. Hariri said on Thursday the Hezbollah leader, Sheikh Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, was engendering Lebanon by dragging it into the conflict next door. Nasrallah, He said, was acting as though he was Lebanon’s head of state by “allowing the borders to be opened for thousands of fighters to take part in the Syrian war.”

Upsetting the political and religious balance

The fear is that Hezbollah’s prominent role in Syria will upset the delicate political and religious balance in Lebanon, where Christians and Sunni and Shia Muslims have maintained a fragile truce since ending a bloody civil war of their own 23 years ago. Indeed, sectarian tensions already have been boiling over in Lebanon, which has seen episodic clashes in the north between Lebanese Sunnis who back the Syrian rebels and Shiites who back Assad. Foreign aid agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are reviewing their evacuation plans and, say relief workers, several are stocking up on body armor for their employees. “Security for our workers has become one of the biggest challenges we face in the Bekaa Valley,” says William Barakat of the U.N.’s World Food Program.

Hariri is the businessman son of the late Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, whose assassination in 2005 almost plunged Lebanon into civil war. Hariri said he couldn’t “hide the fact that my feelings of apprehension over the nation’s fate during this historic moment far surpass the feelings of concern we all lived through” after his father’s slaying. In recent weeks, Hezbollah has redoubled its military engagement in Syria and thousands of Lebanese Shia fighters were at the forefront of the Syrian government’s capture of Qusair last week after a three-week siege.

Fear of retaliation inside Lebanon

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