Hey Mods!


Active Member
May 22, 2004
Federal Way WA, USA
Can't a category be created labeled BIGOTRY/RACISM so that certain posters on this Board can put their (ahem) posts in there so the rest of us do not waste our time opening a thread only to see that it is a hateful thread? :rolleyes:

Thanks for your consideration!
Originally posted by HGROKIT
Can't a category be created labeled BIGOTRY/RACISM so that certain posters on this Board can put their (ahem) posts in there so the rest of us do not waste our time opening a thread only to see that it is a hateful thread? :rolleyes:

Thanks for your consideration!
I think you just started a hateful thread right here.

Show some tolerance, hater.
Originally posted by Big D
I think you just started a hateful thread right here.

Show some tolerance, hater.

If the foo shits, wear it.

I have no hatred, but I do have intolerance for bigots and racists. My original post was non-personal and directed at no one in particular. Since you have responded in such a personal way, I will assume I have hit a nerve.

I don't think you want to go down this road with me. Something tells me you do not have the stamina nor the intelligence.
Originally posted by HGROKIT
If the foo shits, wear it.

I have no hatred, but I do have intolerance for bigots and racists. My original post was non-personal and directed at no one in particular. Since you have responded in such a personal way, I will assume I have hit a nerve.

I don't think you want to go down this road with me. Somthing tells me you do not have the stamina nor the intelligence.
You are clearly a intolerant nazi, I don't want to go down ANY road with you.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
He doesn't want to read one of your threads and you brand him a Nazi?
No he did not say he did not want to read them, he says he want to segregate them and label them BIGOTRY/RACISM and HATEFUL, that the way a nazi thinks.
Originally posted by Big D
No he did not say he did not want to read them, he says he want to segregate them and label them BIGOTRY/RACISM and HATEFUL, that the way a nazi thinks.

Everything else on this board is segregated by forum; Bigotry and Racism might as well have their own place in the "sun" as long as people are going to post such trash.

BTW - I guess, by your logic, that when Religion/Ethics was created, that was by Nazi's too?

Hey boys, getting the idea that people don't buy your filthy brand of ideology and bigotry? I think this forum idea is excellent, let them sit in there and jack each other off.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
gop_jeff is absolutely right! Just add the member who you do not wish to read post from to your ignore list!

thanks you all and I probably will, just wanted to make a point, and the bait was taken hook, line and sinker. Notice no one was initially mentioned, just a concept; amazing what self-conviction will do eh?

Kinda like when you go to the zoo and there are signs posted everywhere to NOT feed the animals but you just can't resist. Know what I mean?

Ya, lets seperate each and every one of us so we can have our own forums, without talking to each other.

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