Hey Man.. It's Cool

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Why should Americans be upset with the Democrats?

9.6 unemployment.. that's nothing, the real numbers are much worse

Explosion in earmarks...it's only money

Bribes to Congress members for legislation most Americans don't want...Hey, no problem, that's the way it's done

Government waste and abuse...Yah, so

Explosion of the national debt...we blame Bush, don't stop us, we can't help ourselves

Iran getting nukes...hey we're kissing their ass, trust us, it's working

Ethics investigations...sure, we're getting there, (wink,wink)

Government transparency...what, you took that seriously..

Lets be reasonable here.. Democrats are doing the best job they can...:eusa_angel:
Right now my wife is pissed at them because Biden and his entourage have shut down the highway and all she wants to do is get home...

What.. is he bar hopping or looking in backyards for Obama?
Why should Americans be upset with the Democrats?

9.6 unemployment.. that's nothing, the real numbers are much worse

Explosion in earmarks...it's only money

Bribes to Congress members for legislation most Americans don't want...Hey, no problem, that's the way it's done

Government waste and abuse...Yah, so

Explosion of the national debt...we blame Bush, don't stop us, we can't help ourselves

Iran getting nukes...hey we're kissing their ass, trust us, it's working

Ethics investigations...sure, we're getting there, (wink,wink)

Government transparency...what, you took that seriously..

Lets be reasonable here.. Democrats are doing the best job they can...:eusa_angel:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6v0l_KEayk]YouTube - Part 1: Julio Osegueda Praises Obama During Town Hall Meeting In Florida[/ame]
I just get the feeling that Obama's not feeling so good right now:

Not in My Backyard - WSJ.com

Not in My Backyard
Obama is wearing out his welcome.


The grass is always greener on the other side, and that's especially true when you live in a New York apartment and thus have no grass. But reading the news the past couple of days has given us a new appreciation of our chosen urban lifestyle, with doormen to screen guests and no backyard.

We refer, of course, to President Obama's latest travels. He's been surfing lawns and hectoring voters across America, presumably hoping to persuade citizens that he'll leave them alone if they vote for Democrats in November. Voters, having done just that in 2006 and '08, are understandably skeptical.

The Associated Press reports from Des Moines, Iowa, that he essentially accused one voter of lying:

A man who described himself as a small-business owner manufacturing promotional items such as T-shirts and lawn signs criticized Obama's plans for allowing tax cuts on income over $250,000 a year to expire.

"As the government gets more and more involved in business and more and more involved in taxes, what you're finding is you're strangling those job creation vehicles," he said.

The president disputed that, saying he's already signed eight pieces of legislation providing small business tax cuts.

Showing some frustration, Obama said: "Your taxes haven't gone up in this administration. Your taxes have gone down in this administration. There's a notion that, well, he's a Democrat so your taxes must have gone up. That's just not true."​

In truth, everyone's taxes are about to go up. At about the same time as Obama spoke, the Hill reports that Nancy Pelosi's House voted 210-209 to adjourn until after the election, which means that Congress will not repeal the tax increases scheduled to take effect as we ring in 2011. The Washington Post reports the president got "an earful" from frustrated voters on other matters as well:

Standing in the back yard of a resident, Obama stood patiently as one woman described, at length, her fears that the U.S. health-care system will soon resemble that of Great Britain. Next, a man spent several minutes describing the way his small business works--and his unhappiness with the prospects of a tax hike.

When the man veered off into his thoughts on Chinese currency, Obama interrupted.

"Okay, we're going way afield now," Obama said, jumping in to address part of the man's earlier observations.​

What's most telling about these encounters is the absence of fear on the part of the citizens challenging Obama. In October 2008, in his own Ohio neighborhood, "Joe the Plumber" confronted the future president and objected to his tax-hike plans. Obama revealingly replied that he was eager to "spread the wealth around," and the media pounced--on Joe. He's not really a plumber! Joe is his middle name! Who knows how history might have been changed if the media had been as aggressive in investigating Obama's background?...
Why should Americans be upset with the Democrats?

9.6 unemployment.. that's nothing, the real numbers are much worse

Explosion in earmarks...it's only money

Bribes to Congress members for legislation most Americans don't want...Hey, no problem, that's the way it's done

Government waste and abuse...Yah, so

Explosion of the national debt...we blame Bush, don't stop us, we can't help ourselves

Iran getting nukes...hey we're kissing their ass, trust us, it's working

Ethics investigations...sure, we're getting there, (wink,wink)

Government transparency...what, you took that seriously..

Lets be reasonable here.. Democrats are doing the best job they can...:eusa_angel:
Now, THAT'S "change" baby
Right now my wife is pissed at them because Biden and his entourage have shut down the highway and all she wants to do is get home...

What.. is he bar hopping or looking in backyards for Obama?

Oh my gosh, I about spit my Mountain Dew on the computer screen at that one! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Cut that out! I can't afford to buy a new screen in Obama's America!

Damn that was funny!

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You know what?

I had SO hoped that when we DID have a black prez,

he would be SUCH a shining example,

a light that would SHINE on racism, and Put Paid to that shit,

and it's like, WTF?

HOW does THIS shit let us know that we're all working in and FOR a commonality of spirit?

It fucking DOES NOT.

THIS made us have to think that black folks are like this BOZO, and they AREN'T!

It ISN'T US and THEM ~ It's ALL US!

And we all HAVE to care enough to call a Spade, a spade,

and bullshit, bullshit.
You know what?

I had SO hoped that when we DID have a black prez,

he would be SUCH a shining example,

a light that would SHINE on racism, and Put Paid to that shit,

and it's like, WTF?

HOW does THIS shit let us know that we're all working in and FOR a commonality of spirit?

It fucking DOES NOT.

THIS made us have to think that black folks are like this BOZO, and they AREN'T!

It ISN'T US and THEM ~ It's ALL US!

And we all HAVE to care enough to call a Spade, a spade,

and bullshit, bullshit.

Oh no he said spade, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :scared1:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sorry Fryenza I couldn't resist.

But seriously, there is part of me that is sad Obama is our first black president because he IS such a lousy president.

The next black guy to run for president, REGARDLESS OF HIS WORTH, is going to have a much harder time, because there will be people who will think, "Oh yeah, we trusted Obama!" And that's sad.

In the end, I think that's what's wrong with identity politics. We so wanted the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT (and no I did not vote for him) to be good, when it really doesn't matter if he's black, white, green, or blue. HE'S A HUMAN BEING!

Human beings aren't messiahs. They aren't racial identities or icons that can raise the seas.

Obama is a human being. Like all human beings, they are either fit for the office, like Ronald Reagan, or they will be utter failures like Jimmy Carter.

Obama is a failure, no doubt.
Right now my wife is pissed at them because Biden and his entourage have shut down the highway and all she wants to do is get home...

What.. is he bar hopping or looking in backyards for Obama?

Oh my gosh, I about spit my Mountain Dew on the computer screen at that one! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Cut that out! I can't afford to buy a new screen in Obama's America!

Damn that was funny!


I do what I can.. funny though.. most people hold their nose when reading my posts..:lol:
Why should Americans be upset with the Democrats?

9.6 unemployment.. that's nothing, the real numbers are much worse

Explosion in earmarks...it's only money

Bribes to Congress members for legislation most Americans don't want...Hey, no problem, that's the way it's done

Government waste and abuse...Yah, so

Explosion of the national debt...we blame Bush, don't stop us, we can't help ourselves

Iran getting nukes...hey we're kissing their ass, trust us, it's working

Ethics investigations...sure, we're getting there, (wink,wink)

Government transparency...what, you took that seriously..

Lets be reasonable here.. Democrats are doing the best job they can...:eusa_angel:

Hope and change baby, hope and change.
You know what?

I had SO hoped that when we DID have a black prez,

he would be SUCH a shining example,

a light that would SHINE on racism, and Put Paid to that shit,

and it's like, WTF?

HOW does THIS shit let us know that we're all working in and FOR a commonality of spirit?

It fucking DOES NOT.

THIS made us have to think that black folks are like this BOZO, and they AREN'T!

It ISN'T US and THEM ~ It's ALL US!

And we all HAVE to care enough to call a Spade, a spade,

and bullshit, bullshit.

Oh no he said spade, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :scared1:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sorry Fryenza I couldn't resist.

But seriously, there is part of me that is sad Obama is our first black president because he IS such a lousy president.

The next black guy to run for president, REGARDLESS OF HIS WORTH, is going to have a much harder time, because there will be people who will think, "Oh yeah, we trusted Obama!" And that's sad.

In the end, I think that's what's wrong with identity politics. We so wanted the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT (and no I did not vote for him) to be good, when it really doesn't matter if he's black, white, green, or blue. HE'S A HUMAN BEING!

Human beings aren't messiahs. They aren't racial identities or icons that can raise the seas.

Obama is a human being. Like all human beings, they are either fit for the office, like Ronald Reagan, or they will be utter failures like Jimmy Carter.

Obama is a failure, no doubt.

Sorry, i couldn't exactly figure out deleting. I'm fucking drunk and smoking the last of the herb i'll be allowed to enjoy, but ANYway:

I wanted our "statement" about us NOT being racist to Put Paid to that shit.

WE are US. i didn't think anyone would have to think for more than 3 seconds about it, you know?

WE ARE US, ALL of us are US.

I'm fucking EVERY color! I'm freckled with every color God could have chosen, and some, He wouldn't have!

For real! If I sunburn myself to a crisp?, which I accidentally DID? My frecks look PURPLE! THAT was a fucking TRIP, i can guaran=DAMN=tee you! :lol: Especially since i was sort of drunk and DEFINETLY high! :lol:

but check this out:

it's all US. It's ALL how WE feel and who WE are, and the ONLY way it Can become US

is if we UNITE ourselves, for a common goal.

We've lost that.

We fucking FIGHT each other, over WHAT? Interpretations of words? Or intentent?


For real.

What do you intend? For EVERYONE.

Would you try to RULE folks?

Would you let them do what they please? Feel what THEY feel; react the way THEY would react?

We don't WANT to do that. WE have a better idea, you know?

WE know better.

But guess what?

We don't...

And so

This depresses me. This is killing me, even more than any worldly disease could.
You know what?

I had SO hoped that when we DID have a black prez,

he would be SUCH a shining example,

a light that would SHINE on racism, and Put Paid to that shit,

and it's like, WTF?

HOW does THIS shit let us know that we're all working in and FOR a commonality of spirit?

It fucking DOES NOT.

THIS made us have to think that black folks are like this BOZO, and they AREN'T!

It ISN'T US and THEM ~ It's ALL US!

And we all HAVE to care enough to call a Spade, a spade,

and bullshit, bullshit.

Oh no he said spade, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :scared1:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sorry Fryenza I couldn't resist.

But seriously, there is part of me that is sad Obama is our first black president because he IS such a lousy president.

The next black guy to run for president, REGARDLESS OF HIS WORTH, is going to have a much harder time, because there will be people who will think, "Oh yeah, we trusted Obama!" And that's sad.

In the end, I think that's what's wrong with identity politics. We so wanted the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT (and no I did not vote for him) to be good, when it really doesn't matter if he's black, white, green, or blue. HE'S A HUMAN BEING!

Human beings aren't messiahs. They aren't racial identities or icons that can raise the seas.

Obama is a human being. Like all human beings, they are either fit for the office, like Ronald Reagan, or they will be utter failures like Jimmy Carter.

Obama is a failure, no doubt.

Sorry, i couldn't exactly figure out deleting. I'm fucking drunk and smoking the last of the herb i'll be allowed to enjoy, but ANYway:

I wanted our "statement" about us NOT being racist to Put Paid to that shit.

WE are US. i didn't think anyone would have to think for more than 3 seconds about it, you know?

WE ARE US, ALL of us are US.

I'm fucking EVERY color! I'm freckled with every color God could have chosen, and some, He wouldn't have!

For real! If I sunburn myself to a crisp?, which I accidentally DID? My frecks look PURPLE! THAT was a fucking TRIP, i can guaran=DAMN=tee you! :lol: Especially since i was sort of drunk and DEFINETLY high! :lol:

but check this out:

it's all US. It's ALL how WE feel and who WE are, and the ONLY way it Can become US

is if we UNITE ourselves, for a common goal.

We've lost that.

We fucking FIGHT each other, over WHAT? Interpretations of words? Or intentent?


For real.

What do you intend? For EVERYONE.

Would you try to RULE folks?

Would you let them do what they please? Feel what THEY feel; react the way THEY would react?

We don't WANT to do that. WE have a better idea, you know?

WE know better.

But guess what?

We don't...

And so

This depresses me. This is killing me, even more than any worldly disease could.

Hold up there... little Lady..

It's your Birthday, relax, enjoy, get laid...

Take a day off ... the problems will still be there tomorrow ...:lol:
Hold up there... little Lady..

It's your Birthday, relax, enjoy, get laid...

Take a day off ... the problems will still be there tomorrow ...:lol:

Well, If it's YOU offering to take my mind off this stuff...


You are TOO fucking COOL,

AND a lover.

Would your wife mind if you took another lover?

'Cuz i LOVE you!!! ;)
I'd like to SAY when I go, you know?

I want to GIVE IT UP, when it gets too much for me,

not just sit here, like some sort of genital wart,

hoping for the best.

I won't TAKE my life ~

it IS the gift I've been given. Getting to sort of know folks,

and getting to LOVE;

getting to SEE the Beauty of It All;

the glimpses i've been given into the Big Plan.

I cry and hurt over stupid shit ~ my pity parties with ME as the guest of dishonor, eh? :lol:

but when i get out here, amongst other folks?

we're all feeling these things,

and it either multiplies the shame/down that i feel,

or it lifts me above my own shitiness.

You do that, Lumpy,

and I thank my God for you, that you're here, that you say what you say, that you are how you are, and that you allow me in!

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