Hey libs where do you think all this money is coming from


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
I hear you guys bitching and whining about the roads, and healthcare , and free college and help with house payments. Where do you think that money comes from? From the people who actually pay taxes and since over 50 percent of the people pay NO federal taxes where do you want the money to come from. Of course you will say the rich. You guys wont be happy until their tax code is at 99 percent so you guys can have your entitlements :eusa_whistle:
If the liberals confiscated all the wealth in the country, it would probably run the government and their programs for a week. Then what?

In GB, the liberals are getting upset because many people live in houses bigger than they need. It's a matter of time before they force people out of their large homes and give them to bigger families.

Sometimes I think the liberals would be happiest if all the houses were destroyed, save for the elite liberals' mansions, and we could all live in communes where we'd share the work, raising children and those who were assigned a job by government would take the monorail to and from work everyday.

Liberals don't even see the people as their equals. That is why they do one thing and say another. Obamacare and all the other oppressive laws they create are good enough for us sheeple, but not the elite in Washington. They are royalty and we are peasants. They see themselves as smarter than all and, therefore, feel that they are best suited to tell us how to live our lives. It's not the same as they live theirs, but we are too stupid to to see the difference.

Al Gore probably has a bigger footprint than most, but it's okay for him to live in a large mansion and jet around the world telling us to buy electric cars and conserving energy. Little does he know that we already do, simply because the average person cannot afford to waste the way he does.

Do as I say, not as I do. That should be Obama's campaign slogan this year.
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