Hey everyone.


Aug 20, 2011
Hi all. Quick topic to say hello and Introduce myself. I am a 30yo Australian, spent some time in the US. Been involved politically in my own country for a while and been on another US based political forum online for a few years on and off. Thought I would check you guys out and broaden my horizons a little bit.

Your forum seems pretty interesting to me, though I am having a hard time telling overall political bias if any. What do you think, you have more liberals here, conservatives?

Anyway politically I am socially progressive, left leaning on economic issues but with a fair number of economic views that contradict that (pro free trade for example).

Happy to be here, hope to speak to you all more soon.
Hi all. Quick topic to say hello and Introduce myself. I am a 30yo Australian, spent some time in the US. Been involved politically in my own country for a while and been on another US based political forum online for a few years on and off. Thought I would check you guys out and broaden my horizons a little bit.

Your forum seems pretty interesting to me, though I am having a hard time telling overall political bias if any. What do you think, you have more liberals here, conservatives?

Anyway politically I am socially progressive, left leaning on economic issues but with a fair number of economic views that contradict that (pro free trade for example).

Happy to be here, hope to speak to you all more soon.

We're eclectic....... :D

Welcome and Enjoy !

We have lefties, righties and moderates here.
What is the best thing about this board is we all are family here and no matter what your views are, if you are having problems or are hurting we all gather around you for support.
Visit the coffee shop sometime for some fun. Rule- nor political or bickering allowed. Just neutral fun.
Hay' How are you. Well my self Devid. I am 30 year doing job. Well i am new here and i feel really nice because here are really nice topic. Thanks

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