hey dems which socialist are you going to vote for ??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Warren or Sanders ?? if Biden does not get the nomination [and i doubt that he will ] which socialist are you going to vote for as head of the new democratic socialist party ?
It must be a difficult choice...

The one who favors free health care for illegals, or the one who doesn't?

Oh wait, they all favor it. Not so difficult choice after all.
saying venezuela represents all socialism is like saying nickelback represents all music!
Not the one who unilaterally commands companies not to trade with countries he is having a spat with. That's for f~ck sure.
from Mother Jones:

"Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are leading the way among Democratic presidential candidates with their proposals to reform the criminal justice system.⁠

Both Sen. Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.) have recently proposed banning private prisons and ending policies like mandatory minimum sentences, cash bail, solitary confinement, and the death penalty.⁠

While other Democratic candidates have recommended similar changes, Warren's and Sanders' plans stand out in the extent to which they rethink what it takes to keep people safe. Their plans say real public safety can be achieved only through less focus on law enforcement and more on tackling underlying drivers of crime like underfunded schools, inadequate housing, and poor mental health care, especially for communities of color.⁠

“These [plans] are leaps and bounds beyond anything I’ve seen proposed at the federal level, by Obama or anyone,” says Kevin Ring, president of an organization called FAMM that represents families with incarcerated loved ones. He says other candidates have touched on these ideas, but with less detail.⁠"
Meanwhile the corporate media is very busily ignoring Julian Castro. I guess because if they gave him any attention, he would be among the front-runners. Simply on the fact that he isn't wacky-sounding or gaffe prone.
Considering Michael Bennet now that John Hickenlooper is not an option. Will not support a far left progressive like Warren or Sanders.
When asked at a campaign event Thursday how he would practice what he preaches about climate change, Sen. Bernie Sanders answered that he would still burn fossil fuels and fly across the country in a jet. “I’m not gonna tell you I’m not gonna get on a plane. That would not be true.”
Warren or Sanders ?? if Biden does not get the nomination [and i doubt that he will ] which socialist are you going to vote for as head of the new democratic socialist party ?
Well we know you are voting for socialist Trump. Champion of corporate socialism and government controlled trade.
Warren or Sanders ?? if Biden does not get the nomination [and i doubt that he will ] which socialist are you going to vote for as head of the new democratic socialist party ?

Why don’t you define socialism.

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