Hey Cat People!


Oh yes it is too!
Aug 25, 2008
So there was a ferocious stank in our bedroom and took me all day to find it in the closet, the cat had used our closet as a litterbox (number 2).

Well, my Q is that I saw a smidge of blood in the disgusting (but otherwise normal looking) mess.

Bloody poo outisde her litter box, should I be worried?
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no its just a cat..

LOL but I have children and they will be inconsolable. I am not worried about the cat, but the headaches.

Should I be worried about the headaches?
So there was a ferocious stank in our bedroom and took me all day to find it in the closet, the cat had used our closet as a litterbox (number 2).

Well, my Q is that I saw a smidge of blood in the disgusting (but otherwise normal looking) mess.

Bloody poo outisde her litter box, should I be worried?

I have a cat but couldn't even begin to guess if there is a problem. If this is a regular house cat thought the fact that it was going in your closet instead of a litter box would indicate there is a problem. I would suggest you take your cat and it's poo to the vet. That way you'll know for sure.

Good luck...
LOL but I have children and they will be inconsolable. I am not worried about the cat, but the headaches.

Should I be worried about the headaches?

Butcher the cat, serve it for dinner, but wait until after the kids tell you what a great meal it was before you tell them.
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ah..the children this is why you should always purchase generic looking solid color cats that are easily replaced..but ok....check the beast stools for the next few days and see if it persist if it does not don't worry and don't waste money on a vet ..it could just be from constipation or a bone fragment ..if however it persist it needs vet attention
So there was a ferocious stank in our bedroom and took me all day to find it in the closet, the cat had used our closet as a litterbox (number 2).

Well, my Q is that I saw a smidge of blood in the disgusting (but otherwise normal looking) mess.

Bloody poo outisde her litter box, should I be worried?
Do you use a continious water feeder, if you do you should stop right away. It is worst thing to have when you have a cat because the bacteria and parasites that grow in the water. I would for sure take the cat to the vet especially if the their gums are white and there is brownish gunk around their eyes.
So there was a ferocious stank in our bedroom and took me all day to find it in the closet, the cat had used our closet as a litterbox (number 2).

Well, my Q is that I saw a smidge of blood in the disgusting (but otherwise normal looking) mess.

Bloody poo outisde her litter box, should I be worried?

Yes, take her to the vet. Take that stool sample, and try to get a fresher one.

If they're not using the litterbox, they're generally associating it with pain and problems. Could just be a simple deworming, or it could be something as bad as an infection...

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