Herman Cain is the Anti-Christ!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
It's all here folks. Cain was the first murderer, his plan is 9-9-9 turned upside down = 6-6-6. His name means .....

“The name ‘Herman’ is from Hari-Mann translated from the old Germanic ‘Army Man’ or ‘Leader of the Army’. … In Greek and Jewish translations, ‘Cain’ refers to the Son of Satan. … Herman Cain’s full name means Leader of the Army of Satan. … Cain’s speaking ability is touted by many to have a ‘miraculous’ capability to turn people to his way of thinking,” ...
Internet Conspiracy Theorists Think Herman Cain is the Antichrist | PolitickerNY

But wait!! There's more!!

The signs are all around. You just have to know where to look. Wars, rumors of war, Chaz Bono on Dancing With the Stars. It helps if you've seen those Omen movies. (Don't bother watching Lars von Trier's Anti-Christ--it's just gross and not at all Scriptural.)

First there's the name: Cain. As in Cain and Abel. As in the guy who invented murder. You don't have to be Dan Brown to figure that one out.

Second, there's his "999" tax program. Flip over the number and what have you got? That's right--666! The Number of the Beast! "As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer," as I'm sure it says somewhere in the Bible.

Third, he won the Florida straw poll, beating out that nice white Christian Rick Perry. For those of us who have always suspected Florida is the gateway to Hell--swamps, alligators, elderly Jews--this was confirmation.

Fourth, he says he would have died from his stage four colon and liver cancer under Obamacare. That means he's risen from the grave--like Blacula! Supernatural powers!

Fifth, he wears a black cowboy hat. No further explanation necessary.

Finally, he's black. Remember when we thought Obama was the anti-Christ because he was black? Clearly this was just foolish superstition--I don't care what that heckler yelled out at Obama's LinkedIn fundraiser. Obama is the anti-John the Baptist, the dark one who heralds the arrival of the true anti-Christ. Obama getting elected just makes it that much easier for a real black devil to get into the White House
Herman Cain Is The Anti-Christ - Robert Brenner - Open Salon

Run for your lives!!! He's the black devil!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
It's all here folks. Cain was the first murderer, his plan is 9-9-9 turned upside down = 6-6-6. His name means .....

“The name ‘Herman’ is from Hari-Mann translated from the old Germanic ‘Army Man’ or ‘Leader of the Army’. … In Greek and Jewish translations, ‘Cain’ refers to the Son of Satan. … Herman Cain’s full name means Leader of the Army of Satan. … Cain’s speaking ability is touted by many to have a ‘miraculous’ capability to turn people to his way of thinking,” ...
Internet Conspiracy Theorists Think Herman Cain is the Antichrist | PolitickerNY

But wait!! There's more!!

The signs are all around. You just have to know where to look. Wars, rumors of war, Chaz Bono on Dancing With the Stars. It helps if you've seen those Omen movies. (Don't bother watching Lars von Trier's Anti-Christ--it's just gross and not at all Scriptural.)

First there's the name: Cain. As in Cain and Abel. As in the guy who invented murder. You don't have to be Dan Brown to figure that one out.

Second, there's his "999" tax program. Flip over the number and what have you got? That's right--666! The Number of the Beast! "As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer," as I'm sure it says somewhere in the Bible.

Third, he won the Florida straw poll, beating out that nice white Christian Rick Perry. For those of us who have always suspected Florida is the gateway to Hell--swamps, alligators, elderly Jews--this was confirmation.

Fourth, he says he would have died from his stage four colon and liver cancer under Obamacare. That means he's risen from the grave--like Blacula! Supernatural powers!

Fifth, he wears a black cowboy hat. No further explanation necessary.

Finally, he's black. Remember when we thought Obama was the anti-Christ because he was black? Clearly this was just foolish superstition--I don't care what that heckler yelled out at Obama's LinkedIn fundraiser. Obama is the anti-John the Baptist, the dark one who heralds the arrival of the true anti-Christ. Obama getting elected just makes it that much easier for a real black devil to get into the White House
Herman Cain Is The Anti-Christ - Robert Brenner - Open Salon

Run for your lives!!! He's the black devil!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Is this like Imainajihad (Ahmadinejad), trying to expedite the arrival of the 12th Imam?
Sadly, there are more than a couple people out there somewhere who will see stuff like this and believe it, and let that belief influence the way they will vote.
I've been waiting for weeks to see how long it would take for someone to play on this. Next, someone will dig down deep in the memory banks and start incorrectly calling him "Citizen Cain".
I thought Cain was just a pimp.
Cain is a successful conservative who happens to be black. The only thing he is pimping are conservative values and self reliance.

These people are the pimps in this country..race hustling, poverty pimps.

Head Poverty Pimp -

Poverty Pimp #2 -

Poverty Pimp #3 -

Just remember folks-
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I thought Cain was just a pimp.
Cain is a successful conservative who happens to be black. The only thing he is pimping are conservative values and self reliance.

These people are the pimps in this country..race hustling, poverty pimps.

Head Poverty Pimp -

Poverty Pimp #2 -

Poverty Pimp #3 -

Just remember folks-
Dead nuts ON. :clap2:
Cain is THE Anti-Christ?

Holy cwap!

I had no idea!

This changes EVERYTHING!



It was just a tweak for the lefties' benefit?

Ah. Well. That's good.

Now the left can get back to the important business of maligning his character with an anonymous smear campaign!
The next woman is in line- she will be number 6.....as in 6-6-6!!! The number of the beast!! BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

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