Herman Cain endorses Newt Gingrich


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Atlanta businessman and former presidential candidate Herman Cain endorsed Newt Gingrich Saturday night at a West Palm Beach Country Republican gathering after two months of wavering on whether he would offer his support to a fellow candidate.

The endorsement comes just three days before the crucial Florida primary, by far the largest state to vote so far in the GOP sweepstakes, and could help Gingrich energize tea party support. Gingrich campaign has flagged since his upstart, double-digit victory over front-runner Mitt Romney in the South Carolina primary a week ago.

“I had it in my heart and mind a long time ago” to endorse Gingrich, Cain said in a surprise appearance at the dinner. “Speaker Gingrich is a patriot, Speaker Gingrich is not afraid of bold ideas, and I also know that Speaker Gingrich is ... going through this sausage grinder. I know what this sausage grinder is all about. I know that he’s going through this sausage grinder because he cares about the future of the United States of America.”

Herman Cain Endorses Newt Gingrich - Rebecca Kaplan and Lindsey Boerma - NationalJournal.com

Cains reference to the sausage grinder is the elite media--including many on FOX news--along with the good ol' boy network--aka the Republican establishment that have circled the wagons around Mitt Romney--to protect the Mr. money bags--campaign donor.

Mitt Romney has been running for President for the last 6 years and during that time he has made many endorsements and has contributed heavily to many of these republicans campaigns. He is calling in all favors now--in an all out assault on Newt Gingrich.

It's clear now that Newt Gingrich has become the tea party candidate--with Sarah Palin--Fred Thompson--Michael and Nancy Reagan--Rich Perry--and now Herman Cain--& others who don't OWE Romney or Romney Pac campaign funds anything.

Could it not be said, objectively, based only on the facts,

that it is a pretty sad state that the momentarily glorious and relevant Tea Party finds itself now having to get behind the likes of Newt Gingrich for president?

Is that really where any of you Tea Party stalwarts thought, over the last two years, your movement would end up?
Could it not be said, objectively, based only on the facts,

that it is a pretty sad state that the momentarily glorious and relevant Tea Party finds itself now having to get behind the likes of Newt Gingrich for president?

Is that really where any of you Tea Party stalwarts thought, over the last two years, your movement would end up?

Yeah--we're kind of tired of the status quo in Washington D.C. which is what Mitt Romney represents to us. Tea Party members are more on the Reagan side of conservatism which is what Newt Gingrich represents.

Nancy Pelosi even endorsed Mitt Romney-by attacking Gingrich- last week. LOL--They're mouths are salivating for a Romney win so they can tatoo his forehead with Wall street guy--top 1%-er with Swiss and Grand Cayman bank accounts.

So an idiot who only knew 999 as an answer for every single question endorsed an idiot that didn't even balance the budget when he was speaker of the house yet brags about it relentlessly? Who fucking cares, lol.

If Newt wins the nomination the Republican party will split, and I do mean split... Like Dems will prolly win for many elections to come. You will have libertarians on one side with 20% of the vote, and Republicans on the other bitching that the worthless minority libertarians left their progressive party.

Sounds good to me. GO NEWT!!!
So an idiot who only knew 999 as an answer for every single question endorsed an idiot that didn't even balance the budget when he was speaker of the house yet brags about it relentlessly? Who fucking cares, lol.

If Newt wins the nomination the Republican party will split, and I do mean split... Like Dems will prolly win for many elections to come. You will have libertarians on one side with 20% of the vote, and Republicans on the other bitching that the worthless minority libertarians left their progressive party.

Sounds good to me. GO NEWT!!!

Herman Cain is an "idiot"??--He's every bit the successful businessman that Mitt Romney is. Cain can name several companies he has turned around.

Furthermore, I am not voting for a MARRIAGE counselor--maybe you are? I believe we have much bigger fish to fry in this country--to save our kids and grandkids from going into a 70% tax bracket because of federal government spending. And I could care less right now--about what an x-wife from 14 years ago has to say.

Here again is Mitt Romney telling us he is a moderate with progressive ideas. Staring Mitt Romney---:lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMcjJEXt9To]Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive" - YouTube[/ame]

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Yeah--we're kind of tired of the status quo in Washington D.C. which is what Mitt Romney represents to us. Tea Party members are more on the Reagan side of conservatism which is what Newt Gingrich represents.

Nancy Pelosi even endorsed Mitt Romney-by attacking Gingrich- last week. LOL--They're mouths are salivating for a Romney win so they can tatoo his forehead with Wall street guy--top 1%-er with Swiss and Grand Cayman bank accounts.


You're tired of the status quo in Washington, so your solution is to vote against the one Washington outside in favor of the biggest Washington insider?

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Yeah--we're kind of tired of the status quo in Washington D.C. which is what Mitt Romney represents to us. Tea Party members are more on the Reagan side of conservatism which is what Newt Gingrich represents.

Nancy Pelosi even endorsed Mitt Romney-by attacking Gingrich- last week. LOL--They're mouths are salivating for a Romney win so they can tatoo his forehead with Wall street guy--top 1%-er with Swiss and Grand Cayman bank accounts.


You're tired of the status quo in Washington, so your solution is to vote against the one Washington outside in favor of the biggest Washington insider?

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Ha.Ha.---Com'on who is the Washington D.C. establishment supporting? Mitt Romney They aren't supporting him because he's not from Washington D.C.--they are supporting him because they know they can get a lot of money from Romney Pac funds to support their own reelections. And the other reason they're supporting him--is because he'll do what they want him too--IOW Romney is not going to rock the boat in D.C.

They know Newt Gingrich would--because he's done it before. You people who believe that you "have to have someone" outside of Washington D.C. are getting a little ridiculous and you're not using any common sense.

Who better to dismantle these overblown government agencies than one who knows them inside/out?
So an idiot who only knew 999 as an answer for every single question endorsed an idiot that didn't even balance the budget when he was speaker of the house yet brags about it relentlessly? Who fucking cares, lol.

If Newt wins the nomination the Republican party will split, and I do mean split... Like Dems will prolly win for many elections to come. You will have libertarians on one side with 20% of the vote, and Republicans on the other bitching that the worthless minority libertarians left their progressive party.

Sounds good to me. GO NEWT!!!

Herman Cain is an "idiot"??--He's every bit the successful businessman that Mitt Romney is. Cain can name several companies he has turned around.

Furthermore, I am not voting for a MARRIAGE counselor--maybe you are? I believe we have much bigger fish to fry in this country--to save our kids and grandkids from going into a 70% tax bracket because of federal government spending. And I could care less right now--about what an x-wife from 14 years ago has to say.

Here again is Mitt Romney telling us he is a moderate with progressive ideas. Staring Mitt Romney---:lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMcjJEXt9To]Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive" - YouTube[/ame]


Hey man, I'm a Ron Paul fan, not Mitt fan. I want the guy that actually knows wtf the constitution says and follows it. I want the guy that can or at least get close to balancing the budget while not one other person even takes a stab at how it can be done.

I don't like Newt not because he fucks everything that works for him that is desperate enough to sleep their way up to the top.

I don't like Newt because...

Newt supported:

The Obama stimulus
Libya war
Iraq war
War with fucking Cuba
The Mandate on HC
The patriot act
Cap and trade
Banning gay marriage at a FEDERAL LEVEL
F&F may


Lying relentlessly on stage just to get cheers
Fucking bitchs while married then impeaching Clinton for the same thing, LYING ABOUT HAVING AN AFAIR then going after the religious right
Lobbying F&F may for millions then pretending he was a “historian,” WTF IS THAT?
Wanting mirrors in space so nighttime driving is easier
Wanting to have Government and corporations mine the moon
Wanting to colonize the fucking moon by the end of his second term… WHY? FUCKING WHY????

And the list just goes on and on and on and on and on....
This thread is silly at best. You have 2 SELF DECLARED Progressives, Mitt and Newt arguing that the other one is the more progressive now that they are running for President... Sad things is they both have a progressive position on almost all issues, or more sad, at one point they had that position until it changed due to demands of running as a Republican.

Funny you posted this...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMcjJEXt9To]Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive" - YouTube[/ame]

Newt says...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnTcWRfLTY8]Gringrich the Progressive.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
I want us to mine the moon and asteroids for the same reason I want to drill and mine for our resources within the US. You people really do think that earth is the end all and be all for resources, but you're limiting this nation. Seriously, why? Like I said there are a trillion times more resources within our solar system alone then is on this planet. You really think our founding fathers didn't have vision?

This vision is what I like about newt. Somethings I don't like about him, but this isn't one of them.
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I didn't think I could ever say this but right now I just love Cain and Noot. They are the best things that have ever happened for the Democratic Party and progressives in general.
So two mental midgets, Palin and Cain endorse Newt.

Wow. He has no chance then.

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