Herman Cain Defends 9-9-9 By Dropping One Of The 9s


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
No ego, compromise, considers his opposing viewpoints, acts decisively.

Lever pulled for him come Nov2012.
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The Cain Carnival is hilarious...

Well, at least he didn't do the Obama thing, like, when everybody tells you "don't loan Solyndra money", and then like, loan them the money.

Sounds like Cain possesses a quality that Obama lacks, rational thought.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4TW-A-j8z4]The Beatles - One After 909 (Live at the Rooftop Concert) [HiQ] - YouTube[/ame]
lol... Sooooo is this Cain now backpedaling AGAIN on his claims that most won't see a tax increase? More or less what you are seeing is our current tax code only our current tax code has done what Cain JUST did over years and years... This is why Cain's bullshit plan is horse shit, maybe he can tell us all why the taxes can't be raised later nor will he raise them when he already is changing the fundamentals of the plan.

For a guy with literally ONE SINGLE policy as his entire platform, this is pretty sad to see.

And for the record Cain would prolly lose in a landslide to Obama, really, wtf does Cain have other than he's not Obama at this point?
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This is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Herman Cain had no clue what was really in the Herman Cain plan,

hell, most of the liberals here were able to figure out what a mess it was about 15 minutes after he started talking it up.
mergedIf a family of four makes less than 22,000 a year, they don't have to pay the middle nine, or what's called "federal income tax".


of course,

is what they are paying now.

Cain's Plan: It's Now the "909" For the Poor

I predict it becomes the 000 plan after logic gets done with it.

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