Here's how to file charges against Nadler, Pelosi & certain House members


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
This is the branch that oversights the House:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations:
1) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI abuses.
2) Nadler abused his position of power by threatening people, including doing so in asking people like Barr to break the law and even tried to get info and obstruct an on going investigation, a clear case of Obstruction by Nadler and Pelosi and others who are trying to take out Barr to delay and obstruct the source investigation.
3) The illegal false charges that lead to the sham investigation were done by the investigative branch, now the proper oversight should be who perpetrated the false charge, in which the house is being partisan to avoid and obstruct from happening. Being that the events fall into the serious category as a "coup", the use of the house as a weapon for this coup is an issue of treason.
The branch that abuses their power to commit an overturn of elected gov't thus thwarts democracy and
commits treason, has to be looked into by the branch that oversees their abuses of power.

Hence the submission to that oversight branch.

If you are a patriot that understands the House has way overstepped it's boundries and harassed numerous people with that abuse, and has violated the law then please get active and submit your complaint to this oversight of our House in congress. If you can find the statute numbers and law info then please share.
Please get active, please share on twitter and Facebook and anywhere you can get petitions to get this abuse taken care of like it's supposed to be without us having to ask.
Last edited:
This is the branch that oversights the House:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations:
1) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI abuses.
2) Nadler abused his position of power by threatening people, including doing so in asking people like Barr to break the law and even tried to get info and obstruct an on going investigation, a clear case of Obstruction by Nadler and Pelosi and others who are trying to take out Barr to delay and obstruct the source investigation.
3) The illegal false charges that lead to the sham investigation were done by the investigative branch, now the proper oversight should be who perpetrated the false charge, in which the house is being partisan to avoid and obstruct from happening. Being that the events fall into the serious category as a "coup", the use of the house as a weapon for this coup is an issue of treason.
The branch that abuses their power to commit an overturn of elected gov't thus thwarts democracy and
commits treason, has to be looked into by the branch that oversees their abuses of power.

Hence the submission to that oversight branch.

If you are a patriot that understands the House has way overstepped it's boundries and harassed numerous people with that abuse, and has violated the law then please get active and submit your complaint to this oversight of our House in congress. If you can find the statute numbers and law info then please share.
Please get active, please share on twitter and Facebook and anywhere you can get petitions to get this abuse taken care of like it's supposed to be without us having to ask.
How do we know we're not complaining to Nadler himself if we should complain? He has worked himself into the Hillary Trust of FBI information on troublemaking complainers. She gets even, and nobody ever stops her. Even when she uses illegal means. Anything come of her abusing her political opponent in the last Presidential election? See how she got even? She inserted her hate between Trump and his effort to calm down an enemy in North Korea. He is now forming an alliance with Vladimir Putin. Why can't we stop this endless revenge crap?
Can we have an honest investigation first? These pre determined witch hunts need to die.
This is the branch that oversights the House:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations:
1) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI abuses.
2) Nadler abused his position of power by threatening people, including doing so in asking people like Barr to break the law and even tried to get info and obstruct an on going investigation, a clear case of Obstruction by Nadler and Pelosi and others who are trying to take out Barr to delay and obstruct the source investigation.
3) The illegal false charges that lead to the sham investigation were done by the investigative branch, now the proper oversight should be who perpetrated the false charge, in which the house is being partisan to avoid and obstruct from happening. Being that the events fall into the serious category as a "coup", the use of the house as a weapon for this coup is an issue of treason.
The branch that abuses their power to commit an overturn of elected gov't thus thwarts democracy and
commits treason, has to be looked into by the branch that oversees their abuses of power.

Hence the submission to that oversight branch.

If you are a patriot that understands the House has way overstepped it's boundries and harassed numerous people with that abuse, and has violated the law then please get active and submit your complaint to this oversight of our House in congress. If you can find the statute numbers and law info then please share.
Please get active, please share on twitter and Facebook and anywhere you can get petitions to get this abuse taken care of like it's supposed to be without us having to ask.
Sure....go right ahead. :71:
This is the branch that oversights the House:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations:
1) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI abuses.
2) Nadler abused his position of power by threatening people, including doing so in asking people like Barr to break the law and even tried to get info and obstruct an on going investigation, a clear case of Obstruction by Nadler and Pelosi and others who are trying to take out Barr to delay and obstruct the source investigation.
3) The illegal false charges that lead to the sham investigation were done by the investigative branch, now the proper oversight should be who perpetrated the false charge, in which the house is being partisan to avoid and obstruct from happening. Being that the events fall into the serious category as a "coup", the use of the house as a weapon for this coup is an issue of treason.
The branch that abuses their power to commit an overturn of elected gov't thus thwarts democracy and
commits treason, has to be looked into by the branch that oversees their abuses of power.

Hence the submission to that oversight branch.

If you are a patriot that understands the House has way overstepped it's boundries and harassed numerous people with that abuse, and has violated the law then please get active and submit your complaint to this oversight of our House in congress. If you can find the statute numbers and law info then please share.
Please get active, please share on twitter and Facebook and anywhere you can get petitions to get this abuse taken care of like it's supposed to be without us having to ask.
How do we know we're not complaining to Nadler himself if we should complain? He has worked himself into the Hillary Trust of FBI information on troublemaking complainers. She gets even, and nobody ever stops her. Even when she uses illegal means. Anything come of her abusing her political opponent in the last Presidential election? See how she got even? She inserted her hate between Trump and his effort to calm down an enemy in North Korea. He is now forming an alliance with Vladimir Putin. Why can't we stop this endless revenge crap?
So you are noticing a pattern in how we do things that is not smart nor efficient and that goes deep into all fabrics of society whether political, investigative, judicial, police, business, financial firms oversight. It's all the same issue that friends should not be oversighting friends anymore then teachers should let students grade their own classmates tests.
IT REMINDS ME OF A TIME I had an issue with a bond dept at a broker and the policing was done in dept, so that you could never reach & tell the Broker firm what they(the bond dept)
were doing. That's so wrong in so many
levels, but we allow this phoney sense of policing the abuses when it doesn't work if the criminals are in charge of the policy and oversight.
Can we have an honest investigation first? These pre determined witch hunts need to die.

I agree. I'll wait for Durham's report. It should be a dandy. I sure hope we all get the read it.
Kinda odd to tell the dems they won't accept a report then turn around and plan prosecutions without even an investigation.
Can we have an honest investigation first? These pre determined witch hunts need to die.

I agree. I'll wait for Durham's report. It should be a dandy. I sure hope we all get the read it.
Kinda odd to tell the dems they won't accept a report then turn around and plan prosecutions without even an investigation.
Context of this OP is that Nadler and Pelosi on TV broadcast in front of millions of viewers openly and publically broadcasted the removal of
AG Barr after he disclosed he was investigating their side of the isle's hand in the false collusion charge (which is a crime to make false charges).
That is a public account of Nadler Pelosi and others trying to obstruct justice according to their own words similarly on national TV recorded as evidence. Their threat to Barr is just a cherry on top of this public displayed evidence. Intent was clear, they themselves say the investigation is not necessary, showing they oppose it. So that also proves partisanship abuse of their oversight. It's sort of a check mate, they prove themselves either obstructing or abusing their power if they deny it's obstruction. In other words they prosecuted themselves. Brilliant!
Can we have an honest investigation first? These pre determined witch hunts need to die.

I agree. I'll wait for Durham's report. It should be a dandy. I sure hope we all get the read it.
Kinda odd to tell the dems they won't accept a report then turn around and plan prosecutions without even an investigation.

Remember Ice, the Democrats were talking impeachment 2 to 3 weeks after Trump took office. No investigation, no nothing.

They now have had 4 investigations, and they all came to the same conclusion, and yet the Left continues on. Don't you think it is time they get some of their own medicine, or should we all just lay down because they are bedwetters?

I personally believe in the rule of law. And yet, the Democrats, AKA far Leftists, have discovered that THE LEGAL PROCESS, IS PUNISHMENT! They just harass, and harass, hoping that everyone throws their arms up in the air and gives up, and/or stops paying attention because it is an exercise in futility.

No, they need a dose of their own medicine if they are ever to stop. Personally, I am convinced the ONLY reason the GOP is not doing this also, is because they know they really have something to hang on the Democrats, so do not want to cry wolf.

The Conservatives deal in facts, the Left in EMOTION. In this instance, I am convinced the Conservatives are going to use FACTS, to bring out the emotions of the Left.

And what is that emotion?

Tears, and buckets of them!
I'm not using the tactics I hate on them while bitching they are using them.

If we do it what's the difference?
This is the branch that oversights the House:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations:
1) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI abuses.
2) Nadler abused his position of power by threatening people, including doing so in asking people like Barr to break the law and even tried to get info and obstruct an on going investigation, a clear case of Obstruction by Nadler and Pelosi and others who are trying to take out Barr to delay and obstruct the source investigation.
3) The illegal false charges that lead to the sham investigation were done by the investigative branch, now the proper oversight should be who perpetrated the false charge, in which the house is being partisan to avoid and obstruct from happening. Being that the events fall into the serious category as a "coup", the use of the house as a weapon for this coup is an issue of treason.
The branch that abuses their power to commit an overturn of elected gov't thus thwarts democracy and
commits treason, has to be looked into by the branch that oversees their abuses of power.

Hence the submission to that oversight branch.

If you are a patriot that understands the House has way overstepped it's boundries and harassed numerous people with that abuse, and has violated the law then please get active and submit your complaint to this oversight of our House in congress. If you can find the statute numbers and law info then please share.
Please get active, please share on twitter and Facebook and anywhere you can get petitions to get this abuse taken care of like it's supposed to be without us having to ask.

File a partisan complaint and it will be at best a tie as each party has a equal number of members on the Committee.
1. That is your opinion. Name a statute that overrides the Constitution. Let's talk about the partisan investigation of Benghazi which was a attempt5 t5o get Hillary Clinton.
2. The Congress has a right to see all material in the report including grand jury testimony. The Constitutional oversight powers of Congress override any lawe on grand juries. Go study the Constitution some time.
3. Go ahead and do that. That will get the biggest laughs arounds. It will take them 3 seconds to dispose of that complaint and file it where it belongs. In the trash can.
I'm not using the tactics I hate on them while bitching they are using them.

If we do it what's the difference?
You did faaaaar worse many times between 2009 and 2017. Don’t act like you’ve suddenly grown a sense of shame.
This is the branch that oversights the House:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations:
1) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI abuses.
2) Nadler abused his position of power by threatening people, including doing so in asking people like Barr to break the law and even tried to get info and obstruct an on going investigation, a clear case of Obstruction by Nadler and Pelosi and others who are trying to take out Barr to delay and obstruct the source investigation.
3) The illegal false charges that lead to the sham investigation were done by the investigative branch, now the proper oversight should be who perpetrated the false charge, in which the house is being partisan to avoid and obstruct from happening. Being that the events fall into the serious category as a "coup", the use of the house as a weapon for this coup is an issue of treason.
The branch that abuses their power to commit an overturn of elected gov't thus thwarts democracy and
commits treason, has to be looked into by the branch that oversees their abuses of power.

Hence the submission to that oversight branch.

If you are a patriot that understands the House has way overstepped it's boundries and harassed numerous people with that abuse, and has violated the law then please get active and submit your complaint to this oversight of our House in congress. If you can find the statute numbers and law info then please share.
Please get active, please share on twitter and Facebook and anywhere you can get petitions to get this abuse taken care of like it's supposed to be without us having to ask.

File a partisan complaint and it will be at best a tie as each party has a equal number of members on the Committee.
1. That is your opinion. Name a statute that overrides the Constitution. Let's talk about the partisan investigation of Benghazi which was a attempt5 t5o get Hillary Clinton.
2. The Congress has a right to see all material in the report including grand jury testimony. The Constitutional oversight powers of Congress override any lawe on grand juries. Go study the Constitution some time.
3. Go ahead and do that. That will get the biggest laughs arounds. It will take them 3 seconds to dispose of that complaint and file it where it belongs. In the trash can.
Not when one of the witnesses that show a tactical pattern is Their own Al Franken who was a victim of that same type of House abuse for his going after the corp owners(Comcast & Time Warner) of their much needed media source (MSNBC &CNN)who by chance are donors to those very same politicians campaigns and media coverage.

AG Barr also becomes a witness to the House Dems obstruction as did the whole TV viewership.
This is the branch that oversights the House:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations:
1) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI abuses.
2) Nadler abused his position of power by threatening people, including doing so in asking people like Barr to break the law and even tried to get info and obstruct an on going investigation, a clear case of Obstruction by Nadler and Pelosi and others who are trying to take out Barr to delay and obstruct the source investigation.
3) The illegal false charges that lead to the sham investigation were done by the investigative branch, now the proper oversight should be who perpetrated the false charge, in which the house is being partisan to avoid and obstruct from happening. Being that the events fall into the serious category as a "coup", the use of the house as a weapon for this coup is an issue of treason.
The branch that abuses their power to commit an overturn of elected gov't thus thwarts democracy and
commits treason, has to be looked into by the branch that oversees their abuses of power.

Hence the submission to that oversight branch.

If you are a patriot that understands the House has way overstepped it's boundries and harassed numerous people with that abuse, and has violated the law then please get active and submit your complaint to this oversight of our House in congress. If you can find the statute numbers and law info then please share.
Please get active, please share on twitter and Facebook and anywhere you can get petitions to get this abuse taken care of like it's supposed to be without us having to ask.

More dopey nonsense.

How can they be overreaching when they haven't even had a single witness testify, dope?
This is the branch that oversights the House:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations:
1) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI abuses.
2) Nadler abused his position of power by threatening people, including doing so in asking people like Barr to break the law and even tried to get info and obstruct an on going investigation, a clear case of Obstruction by Nadler and Pelosi and others who are trying to take out Barr to delay and obstruct the source investigation.
3) The illegal false charges that lead to the sham investigation were done by the investigative branch, now the proper oversight should be who perpetrated the false charge, in which the house is being partisan to avoid and obstruct from happening. Being that the events fall into the serious category as a "coup", the use of the house as a weapon for this coup is an issue of treason.
The branch that abuses their power to commit an overturn of elected gov't thus thwarts democracy and
commits treason, has to be looked into by the branch that oversees their abuses of power.

Hence the submission to that oversight branch.

If you are a patriot that understands the House has way overstepped it's boundries and harassed numerous people with that abuse, and has violated the law then please get active and submit your complaint to this oversight of our House in congress. If you can find the statute numbers and law info then please share.
Please get active, please share on twitter and Facebook and anywhere you can get petitions to get this abuse taken care of like it's supposed to be without us having to ask.

More dopey nonsense.

How can they be overreaching when they haven't even had a single witness testify, dope?
Maybe you haven't noticed but they've made law threats that were not legit which means they weaponize their law degree and position to harass and deceive people into thinking they had to testify when they did not. They are going after
financial records before his presidency and weaponizing their law degrees and position of gov't to *harass and threaten* accountant firms is also overeach and abuse of position (power).
(*Making them seem that they had to).
Fact is in the context: they have gone after everyone personally down the line and fact the real crimes on their side of the isle received no attention and in fact got a different standard based on their same claims making it an obvious partisan tactic to harass and threaten the opponent party. This is something Saddam, Chavez, and Meduro would do and you support such fascist behavior like it's normal.
They sank so low that we may never recover from this lawlessness.
This is the branch that oversights the House:
Make a Submission
Submit the following for review investigations:
1) The house oversight of the executive branch has gone beyond it's reach, is being weaponized for partisan means and abusing it's power to harass and use it's power as a threat and vengeance tool.
Proof of partisan can be found in targeting opposition only and not using it's power to oversight the FBI abuses.
2) Nadler abused his position of power by threatening people, including doing so in asking people like Barr to break the law and even tried to get info and obstruct an on going investigation, a clear case of Obstruction by Nadler and Pelosi and others who are trying to take out Barr to delay and obstruct the source investigation.
3) The illegal false charges that lead to the sham investigation were done by the investigative branch, now the proper oversight should be who perpetrated the false charge, in which the house is being partisan to avoid and obstruct from happening. Being that the events fall into the serious category as a "coup", the use of the house as a weapon for this coup is an issue of treason.
The branch that abuses their power to commit an overturn of elected gov't thus thwarts democracy and
commits treason, has to be looked into by the branch that oversees their abuses of power.

Hence the submission to that oversight branch.

If you are a patriot that understands the House has way overstepped it's boundries and harassed numerous people with that abuse, and has violated the law then please get active and submit your complaint to this oversight of our House in congress. If you can find the statute numbers and law info then please share.
Please get active, please share on twitter and Facebook and anywhere you can get petitions to get this abuse taken care of like it's supposed to be without us having to ask.

More dopey nonsense.

How can they be overreaching when they haven't even had a single witness testify, dope?
Maybe you haven't noticed but they've made law threats that were not legit which means they weaponize their law degree and position to harass and deceive people into thinking they had to testify when they did not. They are going after
financial records before his presidency and weaponizing their law degrees and position of gov't to *harass and threaten* accountant firms is also overeach and abuse of position (power).
(*Making them seem that they had to).
Fact is in the context: they have gone after everyone personally down the line and fact the real crimes on their side of the isle received no attention and in fact got a different standard based on their same claims making it an obvious partisan tactic to harass and threaten the opponent party. This is something Saddam, Chavez, and Meduro would do and you support such fascist behavior like it's normal.
They sank so low that we may never recover from this lawlessness.

they've made law threats


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