Here’s How Obama’s Clean Power Plan Will Actually Affect The Economy


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Republican presidential candidates have complained that Obama’s new emissions plan will lead to economic losses and higher electricity prices. The plan’s supporters contend it will boost jobs. But economists say that both camps are lying.

One comment buried in the article that caught my attention had to do with this – as the price of electricity climbs, people tend to turn to other power sources. And, with natural gas prices taking a steep drive, that may be the alternative.

It reminds me of what I'm seeing here in Las Vegas, more and more city, county, and state vehicles are turning to natural gas instead of gasoline or diesel.

Read more @ Here s How Obama s Clean Power Plan Will Actually Affect The Economy - BuzzFeed News
Obomb's clean power solution was to let the highest bidder pollute the most. And folks, our coal is still being used. In China. So they get a break on their energy bills while we get strangled, and then we get to spend billions cleaning their air to pass it along to Europe. Stupid Americans at their finest.

A lot of our natural gas will also be going to China. They are buying up the companies that are here fracking for oil and gas. Our clean water is going to Switzerland instead of us.
We need to start taking care of ourselves first instead of the globe at our expense.
We need to wise up.
We need to wise up.

what do you propose?

I propose that precipitrons work to greatly reduce pollutants. Allow us to continue to use them at fossil fuel plants.

Stop selling our natural resources to foreign countries for pennies, while they sell it back to us for dollars. Including our water. Our water to Americans. Let Switzerland sell it's own water.

Go full throttle on desalination plants to combat drought. Built and run by Americans, for America.

I would ease taxes on the oil and gas industry for their commitment to give the communities they are fracking in a percentage of what they gain from that county. Companies tout their "civic mindedness". They like their names on stadiums, and buildings, and are more prone to pay out if they get recognition. And small businesses prosper in all kinds of areas when serving the needs of the industry.
I would also have them set up a credit fund for lower income families who struggle to heat their homes.

I would encourage continued coal cleaning advancements and figure out how to use it even more efficiently.

I would congruently use wind and solar technology, manufactured in the United States, to further ease any disadvantages fossil fuels may generate. I would not shut one industry down unless or before another cleaner more viable industry was ready to go online.

I would tax any American natural resources going to any foreign country to be paid by that country, to offset any tax breaks for those doing business here.

And if you crown me Queen, I'll put a Maserati in every garage, and a chicken in every pot. ;)
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I would encourage continued coal cleaning advancements

All 100% stupid and liberal of course. We are capitalist!!! Coal is cheap and if you can figure out a way to burn it cleanly you will become the richest, most famous, and most saintly human being on earth. We don't need scummy liberals mucking up, slowing down, and "encouraging" the process.
We have made huge advancements in coal technology. Giving away a valuable resources is a liberal mindset and a very bad one, and an unnecessary one. We CAN clean it. It is available and cheap. It keeps Americans warm.
Here is one leap forward thanks to Ohio State:

Researchers at Ohio State University have developed a technology to make coal a cleaner energy resource. The technology has been tested at a pre-pilot scale, but will soon be taken to a larger-scale pilot plant with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Carbon Capture Center in Wilsonville, Ala. In September 2012, the research-scale clean coal combustion system produced heat from coal while capturing 99 percent of carbon dioxide emissions for 203 continuous hours (nine days - See more at: Ohio State Universitiy clean coal technology advances - Iowa Energy Center
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if it can hurt us Obama the ONE who hates us and our country is ALL for it.

Republicans better get off their asses and put a STOP to this tyrants plans
if it can hurt us Obama the ONE who hates us and our country is ALL for it.

Republicans better get off their asses and put a STOP to this tyrants plans

I agree, as a communist he does hate America since it is not communist. A liberal will be weak on defense, for example, in part because he hates America and doesn't want it to succeed and in part because he wants the money for more and more crippling welfare payments.
Here is one leap forward thanks to Ohio State:

we have made 1000 leaps so far toward clean coal and none have panned out! Sorry!!

That is simply not true. Technologists in the coal using industries have made great strides, but for the sake of argument, do you think China burning our coal and not giving a shit about rules or regulations, somehow lessens the effect on the climate?
[ China burning our coal and not giving a shit about rules or regulations, somehow lessens the effect on the climate?

dear, it helps the climate since hurricanes have gone down as co2 has gone up, and cheap coal energy in China helps prevents another 60 million in China from slowly starving to death. Starving to death is bad. Right??
We have already reduced our CO2 emissions by 30%

Every ton of coal we don't burn get's exported to other countries where they burn it into the atmosphere. That will harm our economy & atmosphere.
We have already reduced our CO2 emissions by 30%

Every ton of coal we don't burn get's exported to other countries where they burn it into the atmosphere. That will harm our economy & atmosphere.

world Co2 has gone up and hurricanes have gone down so there might be big advantage to coal
We have already reduced our CO2 emissions by 30%

Every ton of coal we don't burn get's exported to other countries where they burn it into the atmosphere. That will harm our economy & atmosphere.

world Co2 has gone up and hurricanes have gone down so there might be big advantage to coal
CO2 levels are increasing due to China & India rising output, not the declining USA output. CO2 levels appear to follow temperature change, not cause temp change. We had ~40 years of cooling from 1940 to 1980. We could be in another cooling period started after 1998.

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