Here You Go, GunnyL


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007

Page won't let me copy any text, but I'll type the headline and first paragraph:

Specter Wants Mitchell-like Investigation

Sen. Arlen Specter wants an independent investigation of the Patriots' taping of opposing coaches' signals, similar to the Mitchell Report on performance enhancing drugs in baseball.


Boy, this shit isn't off limits for EITHER party. It's amazing to me, or perhaps not, that a senior Republican would actually endorse such waste, not to mention unauthorized use of the US Congress.
good grief.

Next thing you know, Congress will be giving a subpoena to Vince McMahon and demanding to know if it's real blood and stage props.

good grief.

Next thing you know, Congress will be giving a subpoena to Vince McMahon and demanding to know if it's real blood and stage props.


They already did that in the 90s. McMahon was accused of providing steroids to his "athletes." McMahon responded by "exposing" what everyone else already knew -- that wrestling was entertainment, not a sport. He used that as the basis of his argument that he had no reason to provide steroids to the "entertainers."

Hulk Hogan was one of the main witnesses against him. Superstar Billy Graham another. Kind of fell apart when both had to admit they were using steroids long before McMahon and that he in fact did not provide them.

McMahon walked.

Page won't let me copy any text, but I'll type the headline and first paragraph:


Boy, this shit isn't off limits for EITHER party. It's amazing to me, or perhaps not, that a senior Republican would actually endorse such waste, not to mention unauthorized use of the US Congress.

Doesn't surprise me. Spectre is the one first making noise about it, IIRC. I mean think about it ...

They first stick their nose into the law enforcement arm of the judiciary's job investigating steroids in baseball -- steroids are illegal for sports enhancement. So now they want to stick their noses into the NFL Rules Committee's balliwick as well.

Because we aren't fighting a two-front war, gas isn't almost $4.00 a gallon and people aren't being put out of their homes because of that and unsrupulous lending practices. :rolleyes:
Doesn't surprise me. Spectre is the one first making noise about it, IIRC. I mean think about it ...

They first stick their nose into the law enforcement arm of the judiciary's job investigating steroids in baseball -- steroids are illegal for sports enhancement. So now they want to stick their noses into the NFL Rules Committee's balliwick as well.

Because we aren't fighting a two-front war, gas isn't almost $4.00 a gallon and people aren't being put out of their homes because of that and unsrupulous lending practices. :rolleyes:

As long as the citizens have their bread and circuses, all those things ultimately don't even matter.

Remember the Romans in 411 AD, when the city was surrounded by barbarians, and the Roman government continued to provide the citizens with their gladiator matches, which the citizens of course CONTINUED to eat up like hot cakes.

Most people, at the end of the day, don't give two shits about what's going on. That ANYONE would enjoy seeing Congress step in and "regulate" sports, especially in TODAY'S world, is pretty damn sad.

I love my sports, don't get me wrong, but at least I still know what's most important.
As long as the citizens have their bread and circuses, all those things ultimately don't even matter.

Remember the Romans in 411 AD, when the city was surrounded by barbarians, and the Roman government continued to provide the citizens with their gladiator matches, which the citizens of course CONTINUED to eat up like hot cakes.

Most people, at the end of the day, don't give two shits about what's going on. That ANYONE would enjoy seeing Congress step in and "regulate" sports, especially in TODAY'S world, is pretty damn sad.

I love my sports, don't get me wrong, but at least I still know what's most important.

Paying attention to what's going on causes personal discomfort and makes people think. The bureaucracy -- Republicans and Democrats alike -- keep us fighting amongst ourselves over issues neither will actually do anything about because that would require actually taking a stance, while they investigate private enterprise.

But don't tell anyone. Hell they might wake up and ask WTF?:rolleyes:
The bureaucracy -- Republicans and Democrats alike -- keep us fighting amongst ourselves over issues neither will actually do anything about because that would require actually taking a stance, while they investigate private enterprise.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that sounds a bit like a conspiracy!
If I didn't know any better, I'd say that sounds a bit like a conspiracy!

Nah. There's no conscious effort being made. That would require some actual thought on their parts. If there was a conspiracy, it was lost long ago in the mindless good old boy network. When you get to DC, you either do as the party tells you or you're gone. Look wht happened to Liebernam for bucking the deck too many times.

Congress, no matter which party is in control, is as useless as tits on a boar. The only thing they ever seem to accomplish is jacking our taxes and usurping the states' rights.

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