Here we go again: Another Democrat is not seeking office in 2010.

Jan 17, 2010
More good news as more democratic liberals are seeing the writing on the wall with Obama's failed presidency. All this could have been avoided if the dems would have not been so partisan towards the republicans who tried to work relentless with them to no avail. Obama's socialist agenda has failed and this is the result and there will be more to drop out or be voted out if the Health Care is enacted upon us.

Rep. Delahunt Is Latest Dem to Bow Out

Newser) – Joining 16 of his fellow House Democrats, Massachusetts Rep. William Delahunt says he will not seek re-election this fall. “It’s got nothing to do with politics,” Delahunt, 68, tells the Boston Globe. “It’s time.”

You bet its time.

Massachusetts Congressman William Delahunt Is Latest, and 17th, Democrat to Decide Against Running for Re-Election in November
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I suspect that those Ds who are retiring will still vote for Obama's healthcare plan. Bayh did and is, preferring retirement to defeat. So their (the house members) retirement may not be a signal of the defeat of the plan. Take Blanche Lincoln. She is denouncing the party and O, which I take as a signal that she would like Arkansas voters to believe she is repentant of her vote. The house is different in that it may be that only they will vote again on the bill. If they vote to accept the Senate bill it could go to Obama for signature, with their unmet conditions planned to be worked out later.
There are still more REPUBLICANS leaving than Democrats; apparently even math that simple is beyond the grasp of the average rightwing brain around here.
That's their current for this pile of shit they call a Bill and then turn tail like the yellow cowards they are....this way they don't have to answer to the American people for their wilful neglect of the country they supposedly serve.
There are still more REPUBLICANS leaving than Democrats; apparently even math that simple is beyond the grasp of the average rightwing brain around here.

The Republicans retiring are in very safe seats. The dems retiring and leaving are not.

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