Here is something to Find out


Feb 11, 2004
For those of us in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts we have to file a state return. A few years ago there was a movement to abolish the state income tax. Somehow it did not pass. I still have not figured that out. But what they did come up with is the "option" to pay a higher rate. Basically, as you finish up your return you choose between the two rates. I always chuckle a bit when it pops up on Turbo Tax. Anyway, I wonder if Senator "Raise The Taxes" Kerry choses the higher rate? Anybody know where to find that info?
Originally posted by Zhukov
What's the point of that? Who would choose to pay a higher rate? Am I missing something?

Kerry wants to raise taxes, or role back the tax cuts. So he believes we should be paying more. Specifically the wealthier americans, which of course he is one of. So if he believes this, I am curious as to if he pays more givin the option to do so.
I understand what you're saying Fletch. I don't know why there would be an option to pay higher taxes, but since there is, Does Sen. Kerry choose that option since he believes taxes should be higher. I've heard Dems. on another board complain about the tax cut, apparently they don't mind paying higher taxes, I just want to tell them if they don't like it, stop spending it and send it back. Goodness, don't take something away from people who NEED it, you know.
I would be curious to know which box Senator Kerry checks.
Originally posted by Fletch
Kerry wants to raise taxes, or role back the tax cuts. So he believes we should be paying more. Specifically the wealthier americans, which of course he is one of. So if he believes this, I am curious as to if he pays more givin the option to do so.

No, no, I understand that. I was just wondering what the logic behind having an option to begin with was. Is anyone really going to check the "I Want To Pay More Taxes" box?

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