Here comes the Cavalry!!!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
New Congress sets its eyes on oversight -

From todays DRUDGE Report..........lead story


New Congress sets its eyes on oversightBy the CNN Wire StaffJanuary 2, 2011 11:17 a.m. EST

Washington (CNN) -- The new Republican-majority House will vote on repealing or changing last year's health care overhaul before the State of the Union address, Rep. Fred Upton, incoming chairman of the energy and commerce committee, said on "Fox News Sunday."

Upton, a Michigan Republican, said that his party had 242 votes in favor of repeal, and that "there will be a significant number of Democrats who will join us."

if the House does manage to repeal the health care bill, such a move would likely meet strong obstacles in the Democrat-controlled Senate and White House.

And Thank God..........this is the most corrupt government in a generation dating back to Nixon. Turning America into Goofballistan inside 2 years.

But in 3 short days..............the Cavalry comes marching into DC............FTW!!!

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I'd like to see some people go to JAIL.

Call you Reps and DEMAND they get behind these investigations, or else.
It goes to the Senate and dies in committee.

And Obama would veto in a heartbeat if it somehow got through there.
It goes to the Senate and dies in committee.

And Obama would veto in a heartbeat if it somehow got through there.


The Reps only control the House.

Anything they try to do won't get past the Senate and Ol'BO's veto pen. They just don't have the numbers,

The only good thing as far as the Senate goes is that many Dems will be trying for re-election in 2012. I'm sure that will have an effect on how they vote.

After all. They gotta hang onto their cushy jobs doncha know?? You betcha.
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It goes to the Senate and dies in committee.

And Obama would veto in a heartbeat if it somehow got through there.


The Reps only control the House.

Anything they try to do won't get past the Senate and Ol'BO's veto pen. They just don't have the numbers,

The only good thing as far as the Senate goes is that many Dems will be trying for re-election in 2012. I'm sure that will have an effect on how they vote.

After all. They gotta hang onto their cushy jobs doncha know?? You betcha.

We know how House and Senate members will vote in heavy k00k districts..........but ahhh..............what about disctricts where the margin of victory will be decided by independents, most of whom hate Obamacare!!:lol:
Hey, I thought the repubs got swept into office by the teabaggers to cut spending and put peoople back to work.

I guess that will have to be put on the back-burner while they waste a lot of time and (our) money on a lot of meaningless investigations.

Well done, teabaggers!
I'd like to see some people go to JAIL.

Call you Reps and DEMAND they get behind these investigations, or else.


Dear fucking idiot, the last R congress held the fewest investigations of any congress
New Congress sets its eyes on oversight -

From todays DRUDGE Report..........lead story


New Congress sets its eyes on oversightBy the CNN Wire StaffJanuary 2, 2011 11:17 a.m. EST

Washington (CNN) -- The new Republican-majority House will vote on repealing or changing last year's health care overhaul before the State of the Union address, Rep. Fred Upton, incoming chairman of the energy and commerce committee, said on "Fox News Sunday."

Upton, a Michigan Republican, said that his party had 242 votes in favor of repeal, and that "there will be a significant number of Democrats who will join us."

if the House does manage to repeal the health care bill, such a move would likely meet strong obstacles in the Democrat-controlled Senate and White House.

And Thank God..........this is the most corrupt government in a generation dating back to Nixon. Turning America into Goofballistan inside 2 years.

But in 3 short days..............the Cavalry comes marching into DC............FTW!!!


Who is surprised that the Right would choose guys in sheets on horseback as their Saviours?

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