Here Comes the 2014 Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Progressives and the Justice Department are doing all they can to stop improvements in election integrity.

Well, I can read it now. All the liberals and progressives will instantly cry foul claiming there IS NO VOTER FRAUD! Or that it's the Righties who do it.

Or, they will cry that this comes from a less than believable source.

Anyone want to bet me on this? :rolleyes:

In the past few months, a former police chief in Pennsylvania pleaded guilty to voter fraud in a town-council election. That fraud had flipped the outcome of a primary election. Former Connecticut legislator Christina Ayala has been indicted on 19 charges of voter fraud, including voting in districts where she didn’t reside. (She hasn’t entered a plea.) A Mississippi grand jury indicted seven individuals for voter fraud in the 2013 Hattiesburg mayoral contest, which featured voting by ineligible felons and impersonation fraud. A woman in Polk County, Tenn., was indicted on a charge of vote-buying—a practice that the local district attorney said had too long “been accepted as part of life” there.

Read the rest of this informative article @

And Maryland, Illinois Voting Machines Rigged For Democrats @ Political Pistachio Maryland Illinois Voting Machines Rigged For Democrats
Voter ID would destroy the Democrat Party and render them totally ineffectual on a national level. They'd win 2, maybe 3 of our 57 states
Don't you Republicans find it shameful that you can no longer win unless you stop people from voting?

I don't want to stop people from voting. I want to stop dead people from voting. I want to stop foreign nationals from third world countries from voting.

A better question would be: Don't you democrats find it shameful that you have to rely on...

...illegal votes from dead people
...illegal votes from 3rd world citizens
...a pandering mainstream media nearly 100% in the pocket of your party
...abortion as an actual political platform
...the ILLUSION you portray of being "Champions of the downtrodden" (do you actually DO anything for them other than promise free shit?)

.... to win elections?
King, that was such delusional babbling, it most likely means you're too brainwashed to reach. Stalin, from the grave, seethes in envy, wishing he had as many Useful Idiots to manipulate as the modern GOP does. And also wishing he had media control as complete as the GOP.

Let's give an example of what you support, King.

50 000 Missing Georgia Voter-Registration Applications Nothing to See Here - The Daily Beast

In the state of Georgia, 50,000 voter registrations from heavily Democratic districts were turned in well before the election. And then ... vanished.

When pressed, the Georgia Secretary of State didn't deny that they'd been turned in. He just stated there was no legal deadline for processing voter registrations, hence waiting until after the election to process voter registrations was quite legal. Registrations from non-Democratic districts, of course, were processed quickly. All quite legal, the vote suppression.

And you kiss the asses of such people. When you stop kissing their asses, I'll start believing you're not trying to stop people from voting.
Voter ID laws enacted in all 50 states would've stopped 31 cases of voter fraud in the last 14 years. That's out of more then 1 billion ballots. This was shown in a study.
North Carolina campaign workers actively encourage voter fraud

So, I wonder which side of the political spectrum they represent?

And, here's Kay Hagan's “race baiting” radio ad:

Do you think Democrats are getting desperate?Man dead in overnight police shooting in downtown Calgary

Think Voter Fraud Is a Joke? Think Again @ Think Voter Fraud Is a Joke Think Again - Politics - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - provides some rather interesting information on all of the scams used to steal YOUR vote.

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