Here Comes Obamacare!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Obamacare fines loom for uninsured

Consumers face a Feb. 15, 2015, deadline to buy insurance, after which those without coverage could be hit with fines of $325 per adult or 2 percent of family income, whichever is higher.

Uninsured people facing fines Feb 15, 2015 – conveniently after the midterms mind you – and the insurance companies are licking their chops. At the same time, doctors and medical facilities are facing severe shortfalls in income.

Remember – you voted for Change and this is just a tiny part of what you're going to get.

Read more @ ObamaCare fines loom for uninsured TheHill
Obamacare fines loom for uninsured

Consumers face a Feb. 15, 2015, deadline to buy insurance, after which those without coverage could be hit with fines of $325 per adult or 2 percent of family income, whichever is higher.

Uninsured people facing fines Feb 15, 2015 – conveniently after the midterms mind you – and the insurance companies are licking their chops. At the same time, doctors and medical facilities are facing severe shortfalls in income.

Remember – you voted for Change and this is just a tiny part of what you're going to get.

Read more @ ObamaCare fines loom for uninsured TheHill

I'm wondering how those who say they couldn't afford healthcare will be able to afford the fine. Are those of us funding the subsidies for the ones that actually got it going to have to subsidize theh fines?
Individual mandate challenge rejected...

Supreme Court rejects ObamaCare challenge from doctors' group
1/12/15 The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a 2-year-old legal challenge to a central provision of ObamaCare from a conservative doctors group.
The case, which was led by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, sought to strike down the law’s individual mandate, which fines individuals who fail to purchase health insurance. The plaintiffs’ argument had been rejected twice before: first by a district court judge in 2012 and then by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in March 2014.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has aggressively fought the Affordable Care Act since its passage, staging rallies around the country and filing multiple legal challenges. The litigious group’s self-stated mission is to "fight socialized medicine and to fight the government takeover of medicine," according to its website.

The case, which was first filed in December 2012, can now be added to the graveyard of failed legal threats to ObamaCare. Still, the group claimed a victory last fall, when the Supreme Court announced it would take up a challenge to the law’s subsidies in King v. Burwell, for which the association had filed an amicus brief. That challenge could result in 9.6 million people losing their insurance, according to a report by a nonpartisan research firm last week.

Supreme Court rejects ObamaCare challenge from doctors group TheHill
Individual mandate challenge rejected...

Supreme Court rejects ObamaCare challenge from doctors' group
1/12/15 The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a 2-year-old legal challenge to a central provision of ObamaCare from a conservative doctors group.
The case, which was led by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, sought to strike down the law’s individual mandate, which fines individuals who fail to purchase health insurance. The plaintiffs’ argument had been rejected twice before: first by a district court judge in 2012 and then by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in March 2014.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has aggressively fought the Affordable Care Act since its passage, staging rallies around the country and filing multiple legal challenges. The litigious group’s self-stated mission is to "fight socialized medicine and to fight the government takeover of medicine," according to its website.

The case, which was first filed in December 2012, can now be added to the graveyard of failed legal threats to ObamaCare. Still, the group claimed a victory last fall, when the Supreme Court announced it would take up a challenge to the law’s subsidies in King v. Burwell, for which the association had filed an amicus brief. That challenge could result in 9.6 million people losing their insurance, according to a report by a nonpartisan research firm last week.

Supreme Court rejects ObamaCare challenge from doctors group TheHill

Curious as to who and what the The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is see:

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

and here:

Sharron Angle Rand Paul and Their Weird Conspiracy Theorist Doctor Friends Mother Jones

and here:

The Tea Party s Favorite Doctors Mother Jones

and here:

AAPS Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Individual mandate challenge rejected...

Supreme Court rejects ObamaCare challenge from doctors' group
1/12/15 The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a 2-year-old legal challenge to a central provision of ObamaCare from a conservative doctors group.
The case, which was led by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, sought to strike down the law’s individual mandate, which fines individuals who fail to purchase health insurance. The plaintiffs’ argument had been rejected twice before: first by a district court judge in 2012 and then by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in March 2014.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has aggressively fought the Affordable Care Act since its passage, staging rallies around the country and filing multiple legal challenges. The litigious group’s self-stated mission is to "fight socialized medicine and to fight the government takeover of medicine," according to its website.

The case, which was first filed in December 2012, can now be added to the graveyard of failed legal threats to ObamaCare. Still, the group claimed a victory last fall, when the Supreme Court announced it would take up a challenge to the law’s subsidies in King v. Burwell, for which the association had filed an amicus brief. That challenge could result in 9.6 million people losing their insurance, according to a report by a nonpartisan research firm last week.

Supreme Court rejects ObamaCare challenge from doctors group TheHill

Curious as to who and what the The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is see:

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

and here:

Sharron Angle Rand Paul and Their Weird Conspiracy Theorist Doctor Friends Mother Jones

and here:

The Tea Party s Favorite Doctors Mother Jones

and here:

AAPS Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
I wouldn't trust anything that comes from the Heritage Foundation. They have been cause in so many lies and they have to constantly scrub their website.
Individual mandate challenge rejected...

Supreme Court rejects ObamaCare challenge from doctors' group
1/12/15 The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a 2-year-old legal challenge to a central provision of ObamaCare from a conservative doctors group.
The case, which was led by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, sought to strike down the law’s individual mandate, which fines individuals who fail to purchase health insurance. The plaintiffs’ argument had been rejected twice before: first by a district court judge in 2012 and then by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in March 2014.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has aggressively fought the Affordable Care Act since its passage, staging rallies around the country and filing multiple legal challenges. The litigious group’s self-stated mission is to "fight socialized medicine and to fight the government takeover of medicine," according to its website.

The case, which was first filed in December 2012, can now be added to the graveyard of failed legal threats to ObamaCare. Still, the group claimed a victory last fall, when the Supreme Court announced it would take up a challenge to the law’s subsidies in King v. Burwell, for which the association had filed an amicus brief. That challenge could result in 9.6 million people losing their insurance, according to a report by a nonpartisan research firm last week.

Supreme Court rejects ObamaCare challenge from doctors group TheHill

Curious as to who and what the The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is see:

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

and here:

Sharron Angle Rand Paul and Their Weird Conspiracy Theorist Doctor Friends Mother Jones

and here:

The Tea Party s Favorite Doctors Mother Jones

and here:

AAPS Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
An article on the AAPS websitespeculated that Barack Obama may have won the presidency by hypnotizing voters, especially cohorts known to be susceptible to "neurolinguistic programming"—that is, according to the writer, young people, educated people, and possibly Jews.

From the AAPS

You're getting sleepy, sleeeeeepy................

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