Here are some FACTS repubs won't admit


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Bush's wars created ISIS

Republicans cut security funding to Benghazi embassy

Obama cut the deficit by 70%

We went from losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush to gaining 300,000 jobs per month on average under Obama.

Accept them.
Bush's wars created ISIS

Republicans cut security funding to Benghazi embassy

Obama cut the deficit by 70%

We went from losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush to gaining 300,000 jobs per month on average under Obama.

Accept them.

No I don't accept them. Nothing the republicans did had any bearing on the security decisions in Benghazi. Charlene Lamb, now former security specialist for the DOS, said security decisions were based on giving the appearance of normalcy and budgets had nothing to do with them. So your little factoid is meaningless.
Bush's wars created ISIS

Republicans cut security funding to Benghazi embassy

Obama cut the deficit by 70%

We went from losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush to gaining 300,000 jobs per month on average under Obama.

Accept them.

Still in denial that Obama declared the Iraq war over?
Bush's wars created ISIS

Republicans cut security funding to Benghazi embassy

Obama cut the deficit by 70%

We went from losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush to gaining 300,000 jobs per month on average under Obama.

Accept them.

No I don't accept them. Nothing the republicans did had any bearing on the security decisions in Benghazi. Charlene Lamb, now former security specialist for the DOS, said security decisions were based on giving the appearance of normalcy and budgets had nothing to do with them. So your little factoid is meaningless.
Oh right so that somehow means it was all Hillary's fault and not at all repubs' fault? Of course. You're a pon.
Bush's wars created ISIS

Republicans cut security funding to Benghazi embassy

Obama cut the deficit by 70%

We went from losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush to gaining 300,000 jobs per month on average under Obama.

Accept them.

Still in denial that Obama declared the Iraq war over?
Following the plan laid out by Booosh.
Bush's wars created ISIS

Republicans cut security funding to Benghazi embassy

Obama cut the deficit by 70%

We went from losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush to gaining 300,000 jobs per month on average under Obama.

Accept them.

Still in denial that Obama declared the Iraq war over?
Following the plan laid out by Booosh.
Obama could have changed it at anytime in case you didn't notice we invaded that country, they were are bitches
Bush's wars created ISIS

Republicans cut security funding to Benghazi embassy

Obama cut the deficit by 70%

We went from losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush to gaining 300,000 jobs per month on average under Obama.

Accept them.

1. Thank you for your OPINION piece. I will 'round file it' with the rest of them. Next time at least paste a fake link to try to give yourself an appearance of credibility.

2. ISIS: Here's a REAL fact, many links having been posted to prove it, that Libs refuse to acknowledge - Obama has financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and even handed over part of Iraq to ISIS. He committed treason when he dropped leaflets warning them an attack was coming when France and Russia was going to strike them in retaliation to ISIS' attack on France.

3. 'Cut Funding For Benghazi Security' is a f*cking SMOKE SCREEN:
- Obama found money to fund a study regarding homosexual Argentinian men in his Stimulus Bill but couldn't spend a dime to protect a US Ambassadors from the terrorists he allied himself with when taking the US to war without approval to do so to help Al Qaeida take over Libya?
- Every other country had pulled their people out due to the increasing violence, terrorist attacks, and threats. Are you telling me Obama and Hillary couldn't afford PLANE TICKETS to take our people out of harm's way?

Obama added almost $7 trillion in 4 years, set new US records for ,monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending while adding more debt than EVERY President from Washington to Clinton, AND is responsible for the 1st EVER US Credit Rating Down-Grade. F*CKING MAN UP, like Obama should, and have the man take some responsibility for his own actions and those of his party!
- Next thing you will be doing is repeating Obama's lie about how the Syrian Red Line was not HIS Red Line but was the 'World's Red Line'?! F*CKING GROW A PAIR!

'The economy is awesome, everyone has jobs, life is wonderful under Obama.'

This POS armed Mexican Drug Cartels ILLEGALLY, armed, financed, supported, protected, trained terrorists all around the globe. He targeted, spied upon, and punished American citizens he called his 'enemies'. He has broken laws, Violated the Constitution, is STILL violating court orders, has been found in Contempt of Court twice, has engaged in Human trafficking, has aided refugees and violent illegals before US citizens, has mocked US citizens for their concern for our national security and their safety...only to bring terrorists into this country and have them murder US citizens (Ca)...he has praised radical black terrorist groups who have called for the murder of all whites and cops, who has danced in the streets after the deaths of cops, has taunted cops after the assassination of their comrades, and who have declared they will overthrow this government if their candidate does not win....he has openly protected administration officials from legal punishment for their proven crimes.....

Yet you praise and honor this treasonous, award-winning lying, terrorist/Islamic Extremist aiding President as if he is some hero...because the color of his skin.

I don't give a damn about the color of his skin. I care about all of those PRVEN facts that YOU and other Liberals continue to 1st, loyalty to 1 man, 1 party, above loyalty to nation.

Good luck with that.

Will the last American out please bring the flag.....
Bush's wars created ISIS

Republicans cut security funding to Benghazi embassy

Obama cut the deficit by 70%

We went from losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush to gaining 300,000 jobs per month on average under Obama.

Accept them.

No I don't accept them. Nothing the republicans did had any bearing on the security decisions in Benghazi. Charlene Lamb, now former security specialist for the DOS, said security decisions were based on giving the appearance of normalcy and budgets had nothing to do with them. So your little factoid is meaningless.
Oh right so that somehow means it was all Hillary's fault and not at all repubs' fault? Of course. You're a pon.

And you're that dark, dank little corner that reality never seems to find its way to. It was the hildabitches DOS that declined Stevens hundreds of requests for additional security for appearances. She owns it and you need to learn to live with it.

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