Her Name is Crystal Gail Mangum


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
As the innocent Duke Lacrosse players and their families to to put back the pieces of their shattered lives, it's time for the liar who falsely accused them to get some attention. The NC AG is not going to prosecute her - so the only recourse is the condemnation of public opinion.

John Pohertz nails it.

HER name is Crystal Gail Man gum.

She is the woman who falsely accused three Duke University students of rape. Yesterday, the attorney general of North Carolina came forward and flatly declared the three young men "innocent of these charges."

That means their accuser is a liar.

Her name is Crystal Gail Mangum.

It is the policy of the news media not to publish the names of rape accusers on the grounds that they should not have to fear public shame for coming forward with word of a horrifying personal violation.

That is a noble policy. But it needs a codicil. The codicil is that if a rape accuser is revealed as a liar, her name should be spoken loudly and often - as loudly and often as the names of those whom she falsely accused have been over the past year.

Her name is Crystal Gail Mangum.

She must be denied anonymity because she makes a mockery of the very policy of granting anonymity to rape accusers. We do not publish their names so that they will not fear public exposure. But people who are tempted to do the monstrous thing Mangum did should fear public exposure.

They should be terrified of it.

They should have nightmares about it.

They should be given no encouragement whatsoever to believe they can launch a nuclear weapon at someone's reputation and escape unscathed.

Her name is Crystal Gail Mangum, and she should not escape the world's scorn because she is poor, or because she is black, or because her life circumstances led her to work as a "stripper."

Her name is Crystal Gail Mangum, and she does not deserve to lick the underside of the shoes of hardworking and honest people of color and modest means who somehow manage to get through life without attempting to destroy and defile the lives of others.

At his press conference yesterday, Attorney General Roy Cooper said something odd about the liar Crystal Gail Mangum. He said she would face no charges for her false accusation....

I read the piece earlier today and couldn't agree more. Phertz is spot on. These 3 guys deserve, at the very least, apologies from a great number of people.
She should be charged. But Almighty Al won't let it happen. Whites in America are now bossed around by a fat, ridiculous black huckster "reverend." Maybe it's whites who should be ashamed.
there was a rush to judgment, no doubt.

the woman could and should be sued in civil court by the young men, but I doubt her pockets are deep enough to warrant the effort.

on a related note, the three men are victims in this false accusation scenario, but they are far from choir boys.

At the end of the day, they are also rich pampered white boys who thought nothing of hiring black women to get naked and give them a chubbie....
At the end of the day, they are also rich pampered white boys who thought nothing of hiring black women to get naked and give them a chubbie....

What's wrong with looking at naked women?

Personally I enjoy, no, love looking at naked women.

Even black ones. Is that okay?

Am I, as a white male, allowed to admire the female form, even if she happens to be (gasp!) black?

there was a rush to judgment, no doubt.

the woman could and should be sued in civil court by the young men, but I doubt her pockets are deep enough to warrant the effort.

on a related note, the three men are victims in this false accusation scenario, but they are far from choir boys.

At the end of the day, they are also rich pampered white boys who thought nothing of hiring black women to get naked and give them a chubbie....

Give me a break, do you know that the specified black women when hiring strippers? And if they did, so what? That would mean they're not racists, right? Or did they force these girls to become strippers? And who of us at that age were choir boys? Is hiring strippers illegal? Because their families have money the deserved this?
Give me a break, do you know that the specified black women when hiring strippers? And if they did, so what? That would mean they're not racists, right? Or did they force these girls to become strippers? And who of us at that age were choir boys? Is hiring strippers illegal? Because their families have money the deserved this?

I never said they were racist...I never said it was illegal.... I said they were not choirboys.

give ME a break and debate the words that I use, not the ones you put in my mouth.
In the libtard's "mind" (and I use the term very loosely) one deserves to be kicked out of school, labeled a sexual predator and a bigot, and faced with 30 years in prison if one's skin is white and one comes from privilige.

Nothing like a little bit of DemoKKKrat class warfare :rolleyes:
I think she is a "Nappy ass ho!" I did not make her that, she did. She is Nappy for screwing 5, 6, 7 dudes in one day (b4 she got there), She is an ass for falsely accusing innocent folks of a crime and she damn sure is a ho. This should meet even Al's approval.
In the libtard's "mind" (and I use the term very loosely) one deserves to be kicked out of school, labeled a sexual predator and a bigot, and faced with 30 years in prison if one's skin is white and one comes from privilige.

Nothing like a little bit of DemoKKKrat class warfare :rolleyes:

I have never suggested that those boys should have any of that happen to them.

Why don't you try to use just a modicum of integrity?
there was a rush to judgment, no doubt.


the woman could and should be sued in civil court by the young men, but I doubt her pockets are deep enough to warrant the effort.

Acivil suit would be a waste of money. She should be brought up on criminal charges, though I would guess that she is, in some capacity, mentally ill. The families of these three kids should sue Nifong, the D.A.'s office, and the county.

on a related note, the three men are victims in this false accusation scenario, but they are far from choir boys.

So? what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Who of us was a choir boy at their age? While I have never been to a strip bar or hired a stripper, I was far from singing in the choir, this does not mean it is okay to falsely accuse me of a crime.

At the end of the day, they are also rich pampered white boys who thought nothing of hiring black women to get naked and give them a chubbie....

So being rich and pampered means...what? Any underprivileged person can accuse someone rich and pampered of a crime? How is this relevant? As for "hiring black women" to strip for them, again how is this relevant? Perhaps they find black women attractive? Perhaps they simply asked for two strippers and the agency sent two black women? While I find the idea of going to a strip bar or hiring strippers personally repugnant, it is not, to my knowledge illegal and certainly not result in being falsely accused of one of the more heinous offenses on the books.

There, I hope this better suits your sensibilities. ;) My first response was from my gut and not very well thought out. That, and I'm cooking while posting...can't burn the grub.
Then why else mention the color of their skin (not to mention that of the accuser) and the fact that they came from significant means?

Neither has any bearing on the only pertinent issues, which are (1) Crystal Gail Mangum is a liar and (2) a prosecutor attempted to smear three innocent men for political gain.

That is why I accuse you of waging class warfare, Sailor-Boi.
Then why else mention the color of their skin (not to mention that of the accuser) and the fact that they came from significant means?

Neither has any bearing on the only pertinent issues, which are (1) Crystal Gail Mangum is a liar and (2) a prosecutor attempted to smear three innocent men for political gain.

That is why I accuse you of waging class warfare, Sailor-Boi.

those are the LEGALLY pertinent issues, I agree wholeheartedly.

Unfortunately, the media tends to magnify other, less pertinent issues. I only mentioned them in passing...

and fyi...I find the moniker sailor-boi to be insulting and demeaning. I am sure you did not intend that and will undoubtedly refrain now that you know.
there was a rush to judgment, no doubt.

the woman could and should be sued in civil court by the young men, but I doubt her pockets are deep enough to warrant the effort.

on a related note, the three men are victims in this false accusation scenario, but they are far from choir boys.

At the end of the day, they are also rich pampered white boys who thought nothing of hiring black women to get naked and give them a chubbie....

I think they can skip her, go for Nifong, Duke, and the professors at Duke that signed the condemnation. Make it clear that Duke is not a university to donate to, from alumni.
Do the revs sharpton and jackson have to say I'm sorry 5000 times to these young men. I remember a year ago the uproar with these 2 idiot revs and the black panthers and all the media ass kissers wanting these boys heads on a platter. On to the 88 professors and Nifong they should all have to march around the city wearing signs that say IDIOT on them. And for Nifong he should be forced to go to prison for the length of time that these young men were facing. The ho should go strait to prison and stay there.
there was a rush to judgment, no doubt.

the woman could and should be sued in civil court by the young men, but I doubt her pockets are deep enough to warrant the effort.

on a related note, the three men are victims in this false accusation scenario, but they are far from choir boys.

At the end of the day, they are also rich pampered white boys who thought nothing of hiring black women to get naked and give them a chubbie....

Amen that is very true, not like sqeezing blood from a turnip! Nobody is gonna get anything from that girl! And how about those choir boys? Yeah pretty dumb to hire out a stripper in the first place as if they might have been thinking? Not likely! Hopefully these lads learned a valuable lesson about life and people!

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