Her Church Was Her World. Then Her Daughter Asked To Talk.

Doesn't matter of the abusers are gay or straight. We need to stop it
Actually it kinda does matter. If most abusers are gay then we have a serious problem that is being ignored. Only 2 to 3 percent of a given population is gay. If say 50 or 60 percent of molestation's are by that 3 percent we have a easily fixed HUGE problem that due to politically correct behavior is being ignored.

Where do you get that most abusers are gay given the higher numer of abuse happens to girls?
Hey! Great Western Civilization scholar here... The Normans are an interesting bunch, with even a little stardom, so lets try to be historical. The Vikings became Latin, the Northman, the Nor-Man, from Normandy,

They lived there for 300 years before they had conquered England. As far as I know an emperor of the holy empire seddled them down in this area. Their job was to be a shield against other vikings.

I actually got that confirmed by a doctor in history at university! So in Fact, the Norman invasion ended up enforcing French, Latin.

French and France are words for the Frankonians = Germans. Charlesmagne was a German, a Franke. His empire was practically in identity with the founding nations of the European union: France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourgh. Charlesmagne prefered the Latin language, which he spoke fluently, although he was not able to read and write. And in France the Latin language was very popular too. Lots of descendants of the Romans lived there too. That's the mosts important root of the French language.

The Battle of Hastings famously the Anglo-Saxon King failed to enforce self-rule. Now were some problems, because a French Duke was also the English King, the Hundred Years War. A Thousand years of saying King of France, King of Ireland, and, King of England, as some fantasy power. I was making a few points, northeast names ending in -by like Norby in England mark Viking Cultural significance, but little but Anglo Saxon peoples are marked in DNA markers I think.

DNA is unimportant. Germans are for example descendants of the Celts, Germanics and Romans. Genetically the people in the middle of Italy are most similiar to Germans in average - what's astonishing for everyone, who hears this the first time. Germans are for sure not very famous to live the "ars vivendi". Germans in Italy are more known because of an exploding celtic fury - and not because of their stoicism. And one of the most important roots at all of nearly all European nations and the whole western world are the 4 million ancient Greek people. Their influence is titanic. That's why many Germans are philosophers. This has nothing to do with biology or genetics.This has to do with spirit.

I think Celtic Christianity, that's very well researched, the 400s saw Celtic Christianity, marked by monastic and hermit practices. I don't think Christianity was more or less endangered by Anglo Saxons or the Normans, I think the only real pagans in this whole island were Viking invaders the 800's Norwegians, Vikings, the sort that settled inn France did not elsewhere.

The Normans of France were Christians. The first what they did in England was to build Cathedrals.

In fact Anglo Saxons seem to already have been Roman Christian Monk worshippers by this time.

Right , I keep trying to convince people that Bonnie belongs to Scotland! Isn't that right. Look anywhere and everywhere and Scotsman today. Scotsmen aren't hiding from anybody.

Scotsmen have a wonderful form of humor - specially also about their own imperfections. What a luck that we Germans are perfect so we don't need any form of humor. If you are looking for Christian roots, then you should also not forget an European population, which had died out: The Goths. And also do not forget Constantinople and the orthodox churches of East Europe.

But let me say a word to the Goths. Never a book is able to be god. Not the bible, not the quran nor any other book. For the Goths the bible was so important, that they had produced the most worthful book all mankind ever had seen. The pages were of purple - the letters of silver and gold. The name of the book is "Wulfila bible".


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Are you getting somewhere, man? Not that I can even agree or confirm anything in your last post. It seems so off center to be like satire. How about this thread? Well you can see that the proud "Roman Tradition" that the Pope starts in, or that the peasants saw Chistianity as preserving Roman Civilization, and that all the Christians of education spoke Latin from Rome, and this strange linkage like that, and the lost knowledge as buildings crumbled without knowledge in the Dark Ages. We can see how people started this idea that Rome held any ideas about Christ in Roman Catholicism. You can also see how Scotland is One Place that has never had any connection to Roman Empire as a united of peoples. You might be interested, the Pope claimed Scotland as a Special Administrative region without a Bishop, he personally commanded.

Ya OK I misunderstood this OP. And like the Catholics, I don't trust the Evangelicals in America or now elsewhere. Well OK you really think America is 90% or whatever Christian, because everyone says Yes yes Praise God and gets in their tents going yes yes I'm converted, Again I'm converted, and the "personal conversion experience", that's all America's doing, and its not easily rational. Then we shove numbers on Vatican City, what if Vatican City was 50% Christian, oh!
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After reading the first page of replies, it is clear that the world is experiencing the Great Falling Away of the Church. The End Times are close. No doubt about it.
After reading the first page of replies, it is clear that the world is experiencing the Great Falling Away of the Church. The End Times are close. No doubt about it.
Your magical spells and incantations hold no weight here, shaman.

Are you getting somewhere, man? Not that I can even agree or confirm anything in your last post. It seems so off center to be like satire.


How about this thread? Well you can see that the proud "Roman Tradition" that the Pope starts in, or that the peasants saw Chistianity as preserving Roman Civilization, and that all the Christians of education spoke Latin from Rome, and this strange linkage like that, and the lost knowledge as buildings crumbled without knowledge in the Dark Ages.

One of the most strange expressions in the English speaking world is the expression "dark age" for the late antiquity and the middle ages.

We can see how people started this idea that Rome held any ideas about Christ in Roman Catholicism.

With the orthodox Christians in Constantinople ("Orient", East) and the Catholic Christians in Rome ("Occident", West) survived the Greek-Roman culture and civilisation. And not only this: Christians had found an unbelievable amount of new ways. In 2006 AD the Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Universalis decided by the way not any longer to be also the Patriarcha Occidentis, what was one of his titles since the year 451 AD.

You can also see how Scotland is One Place that has never had any connection to Roman Empire as a united of peoples.

Scotland never was a part of the Roman empire. But it is part of the celtic-germanic culture of Europe. The iro-scotish monks were very successful by doing their missionary work in Europe. Let me describe it in this way: Because they used idiotic methods and spoke free from idiot to idiot, without any fear to hurt any taboo, the idiots they spoke with finally understood what the idiots said, who spoke with them. In this way became all Germans idiots ... ah sorry: Christians.

You might be interested, the Pope claimed Scotland as a Special Administrative region without a Bishop, he personally commanded.


Ya OK I misunderstood this OP. And like the Catholics, I don't trust the Evangelicals in America or now elsewhere.

I trust in everyone who trusts in god. The problem are only liars and wrong doers. But the Christian religion is not an ideology. Everyone is able to ask "And this is now love what you are doing, 'Christian'?" and seldom you will find a Christian who becomes not a candle with a red head after such words, if this words have a good reason. But when someone will speak so with someone who knows nothing about Christ than perhaps this one will say only "no" and continue his wrong doing.

Well OK you really think America is 90% or whatever Christian,

Some people in the USA say for example the KKK is Christian, when they see their burning crosses. I say no one is a Christian who burns crosses and inflames hate.

because everyone says Yes yes Praise God and gets in their tents going yes yes I'm converted, Again I'm converted, and the "personal conversion experience", that's all America's doing, and its not easily rational. Then we shove numbers on Vatican City, what if Vatican City was 50% Christian, oh!

In general I am not very happy with convertits. Convertists are often a little extreme. But I am a fundamentalist and not an extremist.

Oh by the way - not to forget: Your history map is very strange. The Gauls and Celts are for example the same - and the Frankish empire is the "holy empire" after Charlesmagne who was crowned in 800. And in general has this video not only the problem to be often wrong - the problem is also that it likes to project a world without nations or with mixed nations into a nationalistic view to the world. For example had represented the USA, England and France in world war 1 nationalism and colonialism. Austria-Hungaria, Russia and the Osman empire represented multi-national political systems. Multi national systems are much more complex and much more hurtable - what doesn't mean nationalistic systems are more wise - what you can see very god in the slogan of President Donald Trump to try to make the USA lousy again,. ... ah sorry: "great again".

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After reading the first page of replies, it is clear that the world is experiencing the Great Falling Away of the Church. The End Times are close. No doubt about it.

The End Time is always close and will be always close. Nothing new. The question is: "What will happen now, when god asks you?" Are you ready to give a good answer?

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No Z. its not my favorite map video, either, to be so picky about political mapping... So when the English were claiming the throne in France during the Hundred Years War, switch colors, its an Avignon Empire? Whatever to that!

Christ is to 'bring peace to all the nations'. The nationalistic era and its institutions ,and its schoolings, of 1900 generally, even Hitler's flag is supposed to be his 'peace'. All European countries think only they hold onto something so true. One and then some other. Europe was closeminded or tribal or nativist when the truly Roman monks roamed to all these "political lines" which are just some man's land claims , feudalism and fiefdoms? Ridiculous. Today is the "Closed" society. 90% of Popes have been Italians, right?
The End Time is always close and will be always close.
See, this is when a freak saying this should be laughed out of the room. Which he would be, if he were not operating under the cloak of a major religion. It is embarrassing to see adults talk this way.
We should get back on the first post anyway. Why do parents think kids need to participate in their religion's camps and so forth?

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