Help for a thicko please?

Dear defcon4
The people are the govt -- in any nation.

If we the people are more civil when we add address political issues among ourselves,
and quit bullying namecaling and tearing people down,
THAT sets the pace for leaders in govt to do the same thing.

To follow OUR lead, not dictate to us what our values or choices are!

Why not take a COLLABORATIVE civilized approach to resolving
political issues instead of bulldogging and bulldozing.

Don't you think that makes a difference?
You don't believe in the ripple effect, the idea that
what we accomplish locally affects the global collectively???
I rather not get entangled in your web of illusions.

What illusion is there? defcon4

Do you agree or not that if the people set the standard for govt,
then govt has to follow us, not dictate to us by keeping us divided and squabbling.

Don't you think the political stereotyping is more the illusion being sold to us
to keep us locked in fear and keep us voting for bullies to defend us against these trumped up "bogeymen"

How are THOSE not illusions?
Get real!

There are more voters than there are these politicians in the media playing us against each other. By the numbers alone, who has more power?

What illusion are we living under if 9 justices on the Supreme Court or
1 executive in Washington "dictates" what we believe and follow in life? really?

What happened to human equality? If people are really created equal
don't we all have equal say and influence if we would just USE that instead of
giving all our authority away to someone else to make decisions for us. Really???
Emily, the people's government is nothing but a brief glory of the past. Now, it is bastardized to a degree that putting the genie back into the bottle is almost impossible. Something horrendous has to happen to bring that about.

Hi defcon4 What do you think of this idea: of
having a public agreement that the political party platforms
constitute political BELIEFS. so these CREEDS should be managed
and funded SEPARATELY, to respect all creeds equally,
ie without discrimination, and not impose them by govt.

Would that be a big step to separate Parties from Govt?

Did you know that cereal boxes are made the size and shape they are so that men can hide behind them at the breakfast table?

Well, NYcarbineer I knew that Cracker Jack boxes were just an excuse to hide prizes.

I could start a separate thread on "hiding behind"
Political Party platforms that are masking beliefs as secular to ram them through govt.

Just tried discussing this health care issue with my mother and older brother
who don't get the political implications.

Fascinating to me where people don't see when they have beliefs that are "optional" to follow
and not a universal given!

Mindblowing how deep these beliefs go, where people cannot check their own biases
or see they are imposing on someone who has different beliefs and background, and that is equally free to follow.

Wow, just wow.

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