Hello From the East Coast


Dec 15, 2012
Just a quick memo to introduce my self..... Karl is the name and I'm from the great State of N.C. I'm a hardcore Fiscal conservative....... Hope that won't offend anyone. Hope to have adult conversation on the issues that face our great country. :thanks:
If you don't offend someone here, you're not trying hard enough.


Its good to have goals too, but adult conversation on a message board?
Well I can always hope, right.... I'll just voice my opinions and leave it up to others to critique however they see fit. I stand firmly on my views but don't get offended that easy..... sounds like this might be fun......:)
I'm just lowering your expectations so I can exceed them. lol

Chat it up a bit, then you wil have access to all the board functions.

The board is a free fire zone, except for the Tavern and Coffee Shop.
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Just a quick memo to introduce my self..... Karl is the name and I'm from the great State of N.C. I'm a hardcore Fiscal conservative....... Hope that won't offend anyone. Hope to have adult conversation on the issues that face our great country. :thanks:
Welcome to USMB, midnightnc51. Hope you enjoy the boards.

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