Hello from Massachusetts.

Another one?


I think this is four.
Welcome to USMB.
Wow, I remember the "Tax man" coming into the house to check Luxery items and grabbing the money for the state money pit. Those days at Hanscom Field are long gone.
Hale to old Massacusetts,
Land of the bean and cod.
Where the Lodges answer only to Cabots
And the Cabots answer only to God.

Welcome FREEthinkUS
It is nice to find an open forum.

Hey, Massachusetts-- have you guys woken from your deep deep coma out there??? Do you have anyone to run against Barney Frank in his re-election bid for congress?? Barney's the guy who was in charge of watching what Freddie and Fannie were doing and he dropped the ball on that one. The recent mortgage banking crisis is directly upon Barney's shoulders, we will all be paying for his incompetence for generations to come. Get him out of there and get some new blood in Nov 2010. Elect Scott Brown to the senate next week so he can slow the rest of this train wreck down.

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