Hello Everyone


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
This looks like a cool place to post so let me introduce myself.

First off, I think Obama is the greatest President of all time and if you don't think so you're a racist.

I never disagree with Obama on anything and do not feel the need to question him. Those who do are obviously Fascists, xenophobes, homophobes, war mongers and racists.

Don't you people know the government is here to solve all of our problems? That should be a given.

Here are just a few things I believe:

  • Affirmative action is required to prevent racism. Giving preferential treatment to people based on the color of their skin is absolutely necessary, as long as they are not white.
  • Public Schools are the best way to educate students, unless you're the President and then you should be allowed to send your kids to private schools for their safety.
  • Health care is a basic human right and the government should provide it for all. Now that the health care bill has passed, it is our duty to read it so we can find out what's in it.
  • Profiling is wrong, period, and always results in discrimination against minorities. A 70-year old white woman should receive the same level of scrutiny as a Muslim male from the Middle East.
  • Blanket amnesty should be granted to all those who enter the US illegally because these people are just here for a better life and it's our duty to help them in any way we can, including the requirement that everyone learn Spanish.
  • Rich people are evil.
  • The US has a moral and legal obligation to support the United Nations.
  • I support any and all economic recovery packages. Every month that it wasn't passed, 500 million Americans lost their jobs.

I can't wait to get to know all of you good people!
This looks like a cool place to post so let me introduce myself.

First off, I think Obama is the greatest President of all time and if you don't think so you're a racist.

I never disagree with Obama on anything and do not feel the need to question him. Those who do are obviously Fascists, xenophobes, homophobes, war mongers and racists.

Don't you people know the government is here to solve all of our problems? That should be a given.

Here are just a few things I believe:

  • Affirmative action is required to prevent racism. Giving preferential treatment to people based on the color of their skin is absolutely necessary, as long as they are not white.
  • Public Schools are the best way to educate students, unless you're the President and then you should be allowed to send your kids to private schools for their safety.
  • Health care is a basic human right and the government should provide it for all. Now that the health care bill has passed, it is our duty to read it so we can find out what's in it.
  • Profiling is wrong, period, and always results in discrimination against minorities. A 70-year old white woman should receive the same level of scrutiny as a Muslim male from the Middle East.
  • Blanket amnesty should be granted to all those who enter the US illegally because these people are just here for a better life and it's our duty to help them in any way we can, including the requirement that everyone learn Spanish.
  • Rich people are evil.
  • The US has a moral and legal obligation to support the United Nations.
  • I support any and all economic recovery packages. Every month that it wasn't passed, 500 million Americans lost their jobs.

I can't wait to get to know all of you good people!

Get out of here you FOREIGNER!

Warning! Damage!
Here's a bit of a problem that somebody pointed out to me. Computer screens aren't actually designed to have things held up to them, so there's a possibility that things might go wrong while trying to measure a potato. Just in case, I've decided to put in these warnings. I've also included them in a disclaimer just in case something really bad happens.
I think there are two main things to be wary of:
Scratching or denting the screen. Be careful with the edge of your credit card, and your finger nails when holding it. Only measure relatively clean potatoes; big chunks of earth could be quite abrasive. If necessary, it would be possible to measure a potato wrapped in a clear plastic bag which would be less abrasive.
Damaging other computer components. Laptops are really common these days. Laptop keyboards are notorious for allowing bad stuff to enter between the keys and cause serious damage below (usually the processor is directly underneath the keyboard). While measuring a potato does not involve the worst laptop poison (hot sugary coffee) it's conceivable that earth or even water could find its way between the keys during the process.
So, you've been warned. Please be careful and enjoy a safe measuring experience.

building howbigismypotato: Warning! Damage!

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