HellGate: Hobgoblin/Gray-Goblin [Trump Tower Terrorism]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-consciousness vignette inspired by Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and is dedicated to President Trump.



GRAY GOBLIN: Trump Tower in United Nations Plaza is the Tower of Babel.
HOBGOBLIN: Capitalism creates monuments of ambition.
GRAY GOBLIN: The American Dream is for both poets and pirates.
HOBGOBLIN: Competitiveness is natural and vice is inevitable!
GRAY GOBLIN: There is a link between commerce and imagination.
HOBGOBLIN: People like to be fancy about marketing.
GRAY GOBLIN: The modern world is Wall Street and Vanity Fair.
HOBGOBLIN: People like Facebook, eBay, and other conveniences!
GRAY GOBLIN: Consumerism is a 'gratification-system.'
HOBGOBLIN: After 9/11, the world knew terrorism was real...
GRAY GOBLIN: Networking is stabilized by the Security Council.
HOBGOBLIN: America is the world's 'Big Brother.'
GRAY GOBLIN: The 'American Empire' must lead in all realms!
HOBGOBLIN: That's the opinion, but 'TrumpUSA' has many critics.
GRAY GOBLIN: The problem with modern media is the demand for gossip/scandal.
HOBGOBLIN: Perhaps there should be more movies about capitalism.
GRAY GOBLIN: I like Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.

After this heated discussion between the two underworld spectres, Gray Goblin (Gabriel Stacy) and Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley), intrigue regarding anti-capitalism terrorism continued. Gray Goblin and Hobgoblin agreed that capitalism was a competition-based system which catalyzed forms of piracy, but they also agreed that consumerism was a convenience-based system which crystallized forms of etiquette/customs. This strange 'connection' between lifestyle and pedagoguery marked the 'quality' of commerce in modern civilization, so anti-capitalism terrorism (e.g., 9/11) reflected a human failure to negotiate faction-unifying market treaties. Nevertheless, Gray Goblin and Hobgoblin continued to observe humanity and see if its traffic-based turbulence regarding Israel-Palestine would be resolved eventually through means of reinvention (and dialogue!). Everything depended on the idealism of commerce-minded U.S. President Donald Trump.

GRAY GOBLIN: The problem is that capitalism does not translate perfectly to democracy.
HOBGOBLIN: Yes, capitalism is competitive and leads to fascism-like power-realms.
GRAY GOBLIN: That's why the European Union tries to compete with America!
HOBGOBLIN: Systems of coordinated commercial competition can create peace.
GRAY GOBLIN: If Trump balances capitalism with global democracy, there is potential.
HOBGOBLIN: America getting fatter while critics aggrandize can make anarchy.
GRAY GOBLIN: The real 'HellGate' then is one of 'irreconcilable differences.'
HOBGOBLIN: Yes, capitalists will always be profit-minded.
GRAY GOBLIN: Pro-democracy idealists will always be network-minded.
HOBGOBLIN: The best way to deal with this HellGate is to negotiate by 'spheres.'
GRAY GOBLIN: Right --- 'spheres of influence' can create faction-based treaties.
HOBGOBLIN: Perhaps Trump Tower can be considered a 'traffic trophy.'
GRAY GOBLIN: The more we think of commerce as 'patchwork,' the better!
HOBGOBLIN: Is President Trump patient with 'patchwork-capitalism' or not?

Gray Goblin and Hobgoblin concluded that TrumpUSA had much potential as long as President Trump's advisors wisely-led their leader to make more coordination-based geopolitical decision-making. To avoid the HellGate, modern world leaders needed to avoid the 'temptations' of temporary peaks-and-valleys and seek long-term smooth 'hills' and 'eddies.' This was the way out of the hell of the irreconcilability of 'base-instincts' behind capitalism and behind democracy. As long as human beings considered commerce a form of etiquette, the easier it would be to avoid and transcend the problems/maladies of merciless piracy. Would the idealists prevail in this 'bloodsport-discussion' or not?


{Gray Goblin & Hobgoblin}


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