Heavy Metal Presents: Gates.


Jul 14, 2009
Dear friend of Heavy Metal,

Happy New Year and welcome to 2011!!

We are delighted to announce today's launch of our very first digital comic, Heavy Metal Presents: Gates. The first five pages are available now, and a new page will be released each week. Plans call for the comic to run through the end of 2011, with a digital and printed format available for purchase shortly following the run of the first series.

Readers can also post in the site's forum to discuss the comic with others, download free content, watch videos about the franchise and listed to the stellar soundtrack produced specifically for the project.

Heavy Metal Presents: Gates centers on a specially-conceived young man, named Gates, living a wretched existence in an isolated negative utopian society, deep within the caverns of an industrial mountain complex. When he breaks free from his colony he is thrust onto a lush alien world filled with strange creatures, and ruled by Soloman a nightmarish, god-like overlord. With his organic plant based technology, Soloman captures the humans and is instantly obsessed with the extermination of mankind and all life on the world. With the help of a tribe of intelligent creatures, Gates must learn to use Soloman's organic technology to defeat him and take back a planet that is rightfully his. Gates is an epic tale of discovery and adventure addressing ideas of identity, society, politics, and philosophy, as well as modern concerns, including environmentalism, evolution, and the unintended consequences of scientific and technological experimentation.

Gates is conceived, written and illustrated by Hal Hefner whose art has been featured in games, websites, print, comic books and more for clients such as the Han Solo Adventures video game, Hero Games/Evil Hat Productions, Spacedog Entertainment, Breygent Marketing, Alderac Entertainment Group, Nifty Comics, Strange Horizons, Nova Eth Publishing and many more.

"Today's online debut of Gates will provide fans of Heavy Metal another way to enjoy the kind of high-quality sci-fi content they expect from us," said Kevin Eastman, owner and publisher. "The online format will allow anyone to read the comic whenever and wherever they want as well as be able to share and discuss it with others - all for free!"

Hal Hefner adds, "I am looking forward to sharing this new franchise with fans of Heavy Metal magazine, especially in an online format. It will be exciting to see the reaction to and anticipation of each page in real time. This is the first series in a universe deeply routed in sci-fi and will pack a lot of action, smart storytelling and some fun surprises - especially exciting to those familiar with Heavy Metal!!

Let us know what you think!

Don't forget that you can always catch up with Hal and Heavy Metal on Facebook

cheers and Happy New Year!

The Heavy Metal Crew

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