Healthcare repeal finally starting to be done right


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
Washington State
This is the first real healthcare repeal bill that is going to pass and hopefully starts the politicians down the right way of repealing this monstrosity.
Johanns bill to repeal healthcare law's 1099 provision reaches 60 co-sponsors - The Hill's On The Money

For now, this is a very small piece of the bill but it has a larger implication that I hope (but fear will not) show the republicans what they need to do when it comes to repealing the healthcare bill. It cannot be done in one pass and that was the largest problem that I had with the bill itself anyway. It should have been done piece mentally and the roll back needs to be done in the same manner. The simple fact is that there are many very popular and very good provisions in the bill like previous conditions. Attempting to roll the entire bill back is not popular and also not conducive to getting real reform in an industry that is in desperate need of it. The liberals are all blasting the republicans for attempting to repeal the bill with polls that show the idea as unpopular when, in fact, repeal is popular but the way the republicans are attempting to go about doing so is the real problem. People do not want to see useless bills brining us back to where we started. Instead of a repeal bill we need a REPLACEMENT bill or many small bills like this one that just repeal poorly written/bad portions of the bill.

The right will commit suicide if it insists on demanding repeal without ideas to put in the place of those bills. You can't defend a position like that and it gives the left a free stick with which to beat on the right with.
I agree.

The Reps to take this thing apart peicemeal.

They also need to put their ideas out there for reform at the same time. Let the people know what they are doing and how and why they are doing it.

Keep whats good and chuck the rest.

I don't think any of it will get through the Senate or OL'BO's veto pen but they need to make the effort and show the folks who's holding up the repeal.
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I agree.

The Reps to take this thing apart peicemeal.

They also need to put their ideas out there for reform at the same time. Let the people know what they are doing and how and why they are doing it.

Keep whats good and chuck the rest.

I don't think any of it will get through the Senate or OL'BO's veto pen but they need to make the effort and show the folks who's holding up the repeal.

They can and will get it though the senate/OB as long as the bills are small and to the point. That is the basis of what I am looking for. Small efficient bills are easy to sell because the merits are apparent for all to see. the main opposition to the original bill came about simply because the bill was so laden with crap. that was the number one indicator for me that something was wrong. Had OB put the original bill in small pieces that were open for all to see then the right could not have mounted any opposition at all without being slaughtered. That is what I am hoping the right will do now.

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