Healthcare mandate of immigrants.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Will Obamacare mandate apply to legal and illegal aliens? If it doesn’t then it is not worth the paper it is written on and should be appealed. Illegal aliens that sue the healthcare system if contributing to the failure and cost. It is causing hospital to go bankrupt and draining state budgets. Cost medical care of illegal aliens passed on the those who are mandated to buy healthcare.
We have free healthcare and dental clinics and if you don’t camp our days before you are behind a large population of immigrants and never seen.
No one should be allowed to immigrate to this country unless they have to ability to acquire healthcare coverage and those who don’t have heal care should be rounded up and deported because they have nothing to contribute to this country. Gangs for instance don’t get healthcare. Why should there be a mandate for Americans and not for immigrants and illegal aliens?
Those states that have the highest number of people uninsured are the ones opposing Obamacare the loudest and receiving the most federal assistance for their uninsured.
Those who are bringing suits against Obamacare are not without healthcare coverage themselves.

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