health diet


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
what is the best health diet known,got any input?

edited for correct spelling.
what is the best health deit known,got any input?

That's an impossible question, there is no one answer, even a person's own dietary needs change with age. Anyone who says they know what's healthy without living in your skin is just trying to sell you something.
my ass needs to get out and exercise. I swim every day but not like I should.
For one I am going to be playing softball again this fall and I don't want to make a fool of myself.
my ass needs to get out and exercise. I swim every day but not like I should.
For one I am going to be playing softball again this fall and I don't want to make a fool of myself.

Now that's a good way to keep from getting heavier than you want to be, as long as (for everything) you don't over do it.
I don't think I could over due on swimming.
Softball I have in the passed, in high school along with basketball spending most of my summers at some sort of camp and during christmas vacation. Plus my HS softball coach was like a drill sgt.
I like the game much better now, I can enjoy it.
Since last December my weight has gone from 234 to 205. I used to eat whatever I wanted but a recent blood test showed high cholesterol plus I was getting what I called the "William Shatner" look.


I started eating more chicken, fish and beef and cut out nearly all snack foods. I have a cheat day once a week where I can eat anything I want which is usually pizza and ice cream.

Since I've changed my diet I've found I don't like the taste of hamburger anymore. Maybe it's the effect of eating cleaner I don't know but regular hamburger just grosses me out. I could never be vegetarian though.

I've been doing P90X as well as jogging 2 or 3 times a week. My weight platoued at 215 for about three months. No matter how I exercised or ate my weight stayed the same.

I finally had to go to a calorie deficit plan so now I eat 1800-2000 calories a day and that got my weight loss going again.

The real big key to weight loss for me was water intake. I drink 6 or 8 sixteen ounce bottles of water a day now. Plain water is boring so I put little packets of Crystal Light in them or just regular Splenda.
So for breakfast, here goes it:

***½ cup of Oatmeal, no butter/no sugar/no syrup. Just plain. (buy a tub of plain quaker oatmeal) (This is your grains/fiber, this lowers cholesterol and keeps digestive system working top notch).

***5 or 6 Almonds. (buy RAW almonds. ) (these also help heart health, and are food for your muscles).

***Small handful of Blueberries or Raspberries. I recommend buying the frozen bags because they’re way cheaper and fresh ones are WHOA expensive right now (these are strong anti-oxidants, which prevent cancer and disease. Blueberries also improve short-term memory loss).

***3 egg whites. (food for the muscles).

And Lunch:

***either a deli-meat, or a can of tuna. For deli-meat, have either all-natural turkey, polish Ham (tastes normal), or Lean roast beef. Don’t eat Tuna more than twice a week because of its’ Mercury content. (lean meat is great for lean-muscle building, as well as fish….also rich in heart-healthy oils.)

***either a hand full of baby-leaf spinach…..or a handful of broccoli (these are the best green veggies as far as being anti-oxidants (cancer/disease fighters) as well as good fiber, and good b-vitamins…..which help metabolism/energy)

***two egg whites (food for the muscles)

***small handful of blueberries or raspberries (Antioxidants)

And in between lunch and dinner:

***I recommend two slim jims (the short ones) (only two is a small amount of fat, you body needs this small amount to maintain metabolism properly)

***5 or 6 RAW almonds

***3 egg whites

And Dinner:

***A boneless/skinless chicken breast. (pure protein). To remain sane, I’ll enlighten you on some of the ways I cook mine to stay different because you should have chicken as the main course most nights of the week. This will be located in the “ideas” section at the bottom of the email….and will also help more with a market list.


***a lean piece of steak (trim the fat). (protein).


***a white fish (Tilapia or sea scallops). (protein, and heart-healthy oils)

***a green vegetable. Broccoli, Baby-Leaf spinach, Asparagus, and green-beans are pretty much the ones that I eat. (fiber, anti-oxidant, vitamin B)

***a cup of **decaffeinated** green tea (one of the best anti-oxidants for you. No sugar, no cream).

***a nice salad. I usually include lettuce, a small amount of tomatoes, cucumber, 2% parmesan grated cheese, and a fat-free Italian dressing, or balsamic vinegar, or red-wine vinegar mixed with a tea-spoon of oil.


Other snack ideas that are ok to have, but only in small portions (like, tiny):





Beef jerky

(scrambled eggs on the weekends for a good breakfast).

Tiny handful of bear-naked granola (all natural foods section).

Ketchup is ok

Mustard is ok

A-1 steak-sauce is ok

There’s some low-sugar barbecue sauces that are ok.

You should have a cup of fat-free milk a day.

Mushrooms and onions and scallions are ok.

Garlic is ok.

Stay light on the salt. Many of these snacks are high in sodium.

For the cheaters at heart: Take Sundays off, no biggy and it won’t hurt bad. Be ready; however, for Monday.

If you like butter on your steamed veggies, fear not. Country-crock is a pretty healthy alternative.


***you can cut it into bite-sized pieces, stir-fry it in a teeny bit of olive-oil, add garlic…..when it’s about done, throw a couple of slices of 2% cheese on top.

***you can bake it for 12 minutes, then add some fat-free pizza or spaghetti-sauce (jarred) to the baking dish, sprinkle 2% mozzarella on top, bake for ten more minutes.

***you can barbecue it on the grill, just make sure you use that sugar-free BBQ sauce and you’ll be straight.

***marinate and bake (the most bland way to eat it).

***cook it, cut it into strips, put it in the freezer for about 8 minutes, add it to your salad.
There is one really easy way to know what to eat. Taste everything, and I mean everything, edible. Once your body know what's what, it will trigger cravings for things you need out of that selection, that's how your body naturally tells you what you need. Eat slowly, don't rush it or you will over eat. Drink water with meals, at least a glass with the meal and nothing else (like wine or coffee) until after you have finished eating. You will settle into your own natural and healthy physique. Lastly, remain active but not overactive.
I got the skinniest when I was about 22, I drank cheap vodka, smoked a lot of pot, and only ate cliff bars and a bag of Tim's Cascades potato chips every day and maybe a dollar tv dinner from the grocery store once in awhile. I would go to my parents house on sundays to do laundry and I would eat all day and steal toilet paper.
I also worked outside doing manual labor during a hot summer and drank lots of water.
You can eat whatever you want if you follow a couple simple rules.

Eat only foods that have one ingredient on the label, in other words nothing processed.

Lay off the cereal grains. Before we as humans changed to a grain based diet, we were healthier.

With the exception of meat, if you can't eat it uncooked, don't eat it.

Eat 2-3 servings of lean protein a day, 3-5 servings of fresh fruit, 1-2 servings of nuts or seeds (not peanuts), and as many servings as you want of fresh greens and vegetables.

A serving is what can fit in the palm of your hand.

Get some exercise. You don't need to join a gym or buy any expensive equipment either. Walking at a brisk pace, push ups, pull ups, heavy calisthenics etc are tried and true ways of increasing strength stamina and flexibility. Hell my favorite exercise "equipment " is a pile of 40-100 lb rocks that I move from one side of my yard to the other a few times a week. I just added to my "gym" by cutting down a huge old maple tree that was too close to my house. Cutting, splitting and stacking all that wood will be great exercise.

So don't fall for the hype and the fads just keep it simple.
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You can eat whatever you want if you follow a couple simple rules.

Eat only foods that have one ingredient on the label, in other words nothing processed.

Lay off the cereal grains. Before we as humans changed to a grain based diet, we were healthier.

With the exception of meat, if you can't eat it uncooked, don't eat it.

Eat 2-3 servings of lean protein a day, 3-5 servings of fresh fruit, 1-2 servings of nuts or seeds (not peanuts), and as many servings as you want of fresh greens and vegetables.

A serving is what can fit in the palm of your hand.

Get some exercise. You don't need to join a gym or buy any expensive equipment either. Walking at a brisk pace, push ups, pull ups, heavy calisthenics etc are tried and true ways of increasing strength stamina and flexibility. Hell my favorite exercise "equipment " is a pile of 40-100 lb rocks that I move from one side of my yard to the other a few times a week. I just added to my "gym" by cutting down a huge old maple tree that was too close to my house. Cutting, splitting and stacking all that wood will be great exercise.

So don't fall for the hype and the fads just keep it simple.

This is very easy to follow and the best advice, imo.
A balanced diet is vital. A good blend of vitamins, dietary fiber, calcium and minerals in your daily diet is crucial. Fruits and vegetables are always better for you than foods high in fat. Some people prefer a vegetarian diet or a diet of organic products, and some people with genetically modified food. To select the correct menu for yourself, check the basics of healthy nutrition. You can also learn more about the nutritional information, or simply to refer to information about nutrition labeling of food products, to know that the food you eat. Being a smart consumer, look at the truth "health food", before jumping into the advertising trap.

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