Health Care = start over, completely over, individual pay as you go


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
First, start off by axing the health insurers right out of existence.

Second, people need to know that they have the duty to pay attention to their own health or suffer the consequences. As a taxpayer, why do I have to subsidize the 400 pound woman ordering another carmel Oreo frappe from McDonald's?

I don't.

The US is about SELF DETERMINATION, not "you are liable if others act irresponsibly."

Something is terribly wrong when the American people believe the only way to "solve health care" is by everyone paying $500 to visit a dope dealing doc who has no clue, doesn't care, and only cares about getting you hooked on some pill.

Native American Medicine Men at least care about the health of those who ask for advice.

We would be better off putting them in charge of health care than Chucky Schumer and the lawyer lobby.

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